
View Poll Results: Do you prefer men or women?

909. You may not vote on this poll
  • I prefer men.

    328 36.08%
  • I prefer women.

    581 63.92%
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Results 181 to 185 of 185
  1. #181

    Re: Are you more into men or women?

    I am more attracted to women especially in a relationship.

  2. #182

    Re: Are you more into men or women?

    Men at the moment. Although romantically I am way more attracted to women.... so a good looking trans would be great!

  3. #183

    Re: Are you more into men or women?

    At the moment, I'd have to cheat and say I like both equally. Though as many others say - I am not romantically attracted to men *though I have been getting into kissing men lately*.

    I really good looking Trans Man or CD with a nice cock would be stellar (that's my go to porn lately)

  4. #184

    Re: Are you more into men or women?

    Definately hetro romantic..bisexual...based on body count...urgent/short term stuff happens to be gay, long term sex is hetro...very few sctual bisexual parties.

  5. #185

    Re: Are you more into men or women?

    Men, and more men. I have been in long term relationships with both, and I do believe that I still prefer guys sexually and romantically over women. Sure I can admire the differences, but guys are just my thing.




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