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Thread: LGBT???

  1. #1


    So in these categories women fit into 2 of them for the most part.. men in 3.. men make up almost 2/3 of transgender.. going from male to female.. wemen lead in bi and it is pretty much split with lesbians and gays.. so dose this mean that we men are way more confused about our sexually than wemen?? We seem to need more categories to fit into!! What do you think??

  2. #2

    Re: LGBT???

    Really it should just be GB. Lesbian is the same thing as gay, so it's a redundancy, and Transgender has nothing to do with sexual orientation at all. Although if you want to take it the extra mile, just call it SBGA -- straight, bisexual, gay, asexual. That pretty much covers all the sexual orientations that actually make the cut by definition. All the rest of the alphabet soup is redundancy or some variety of gender dysphoria.

  3. #3

    Re: LGBT???

    How about just “S”, as in sexual? Sounds about right to me....

  4. #4

    Re: LGBT???

    A Math Teacher told me, a Vertical Line can be divided Infinitely. When you've finished your Division into Sexuality, guess what, Your answer is still about Sexuality, plain pure and simple.

  5. #5

    Re: LGBT???

    yes there's sexual orientation & there's gender identity. kinda frustrates me too that they are put togather because they are different things. but on the other hand it kinda makes sense to me too. they both deal with sexualty something alot of people are still in this day & age still uptight about. so from a social political viewpoint it also makes sense to identify what those people are so uptight about & work togather for fairness for everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, or race or religion too for that matter!
    i actually like sbga how it pretty much covers all sexualities it's brilliant! shouldn't be a big deal which u identify with the most. live & let live dammit!
    Quote Originally Posted by cbb83 View Post
    Really it should just be GB. Lesbian is the same thing as gay, so it's a redundancy, and Transgender has nothing to do with sexual orientation at all. Although if you want to take it the extra mile, just call it SBGA -- straight, bisexual, gay, asexual. That pretty much covers all the sexual orientations that actually make the cut by definition. All the rest of the alphabet soup is redundancy or some variety of gender dysphoria.
    Last edited by sysper; Jan 23, 2019 at 8:05 PM.




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