
Open Marriages

  1. ExSailor
    My partner and I have an open relationship. This is the way our relationship works: I go out and have male lovers, and at times I have had sex with other women but it is not often. She will sometimes have a female lover since she's bisexual. We will have MMF 3 ways together as well. I have a male lover too who I've been with for awhile but we do not live together. He knows about all of this and both my partner and my lover know when I am having sex with other people besides them. Open relationships are not for everyone. We know people who tried them and it broke them apart or they decided that it was not for them and aside from trying 3 ways or having sex with other partners once or a few times they went back to being monogamous.
  2. sexual26
    Ok a little update here as some of you know I met a wonderful guy here from this site a few months back and every thing has been going great. I enjoy spending time with him when I can though its kind of hard with a family and little ones to plan around. Anyway things have been great my wife has actually went with me on a couple of meetings now and the first time she went was just amazing. It was very erotic to share and watch her suck on another guys member. Our second trip together didn't go quite as well due to my over excitement I made my wife feel q little uncomfortable but other than that we all had a good time and it turned out to be a nice experience. Just figured I'd post a quick update hope the rest of you are enjoying nice experiences as well.
  3. JP1986UM
    We opted for an open marriage arrangement but like most, its fluid. I can have a BF and I am looking for one now. But we're also looking for a bisexual couple to have sex with because she's interested in having a female lover as well. She's sort of adjusting to the possibility that most people are bisexual and she's always had female sexual fantasies. I encourage her, but not pushing. She'd have as much fun with another woman as I do with men. What's not to like? Anyway, I can have a BF if I want and she's cool with a once a week dating thing.
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