
Welcome :)

  1. DuckiesDarling
    Feel free to discuss your different religious beliefs here without the bother of certain forum trolls telling us we are nuts cause everyone knows "ghosts" don't exist.
  2. Long Duck Dong
    Long Duck Dong
    I am a person that follows the olde ways..... the day starts at dusk and ends at dusk, similar to the old Celtic style, ... the goddess and gods of the old ways, are not the christian style immortal beings, they are those that share our lives and exist to help us, like elder advisors ( a blend of the native american indian and celtic ways ) and I am a follower and lover of the olde ways...... the time before marriage, where a person was valued for their skills, abilities and gifts as a person and part of a community.....

    yes I also follow some aspects of zen, buddhism, shinto and other beliefs...... but most of all.... I follow a singular path of * the truth is simply what we choose to believe... nature and the universe is a playground and area for us to learn, explore and make mistakes *

    I am open to many things that are paranormal, supernatural etc... cos there is so much that i can not explain in simple terms.... so rather than argue, I just enjoy them.....
  3. silberwolf1960
    I lean toward the Celtic, yet I try to encompass the Native American beliefs into my rituals. I came to the idea of doing that after doing some research for a paper in my Eng 99 class. I ordered and bought books on the subject and I did online searches to get background. It is very interesting and informative. It has influenced the way the wife and I are planting our garden ( corn, w/ beans and pumpkins together in one mound) and the way we look at nature and our world.
  4. *pan*
    merry meet, and hi, i am of the old ways, which i believe truth is paramount in my beliefs for a person is only as good as their word, i worship the sun, earth and respect all creatures as i consider them my brothers and sisters in existence. i am one with the elements for i am made of the elements, i believe everything has energy and spirit and am aware of this every second of my life. i am aware of the elementals, watchers, and gods. i have studied and am still studying all religions as they relate to people's behaviour today. i am a ordained minister and member of the order of bards, ovates and druids in england. i rarely do ritual for my life is a ritual in service of the gods, or do i ask the gods for very much for i believe they are served best by them that ask least. but they are always in my mind and heart. i am italian so very interested and study in the oldest witchcraft which is of 7,000 bce from italy and predates even the celtic and egyptian religions. the word celtic in ancient tounge meant wanderer. there are traces of italian witchcraft in the celtic religion and most other witchcraft all over europe. wow just stopped in to say hi and here i am writing a book lol sorry. may all your paths be filled with love and light >pan/|\
  5. 12voltman59
    I haven't really done too much along these lines for a number of years---at one time I was pretty well connected to others who were something along these lines--we once had a few shops that people had set up---there were many gatherings and such but it seemed that for whatever reason--people faded away, moved, got into fights with others or what have you so it seemed that the pagan/wiccan community we had --very much splintered up and I just faded away from it myself.

    I more or less got "into" other things like pursuing writing, journalism and photography, but my interest is still this way---and I actually feel more of a connection to expressing my spirituality in this fashion over Christianity--which I actually like some parts--but as many know--don't care for how that has been made part of the political realm to such a degree.

    I really do resonate very closely to the ways the native americans approach such things----when I had a time where I was exploring native american history, culture and spirituality--it all really was the way that I thought of things and approach life---I felt a strong affinity for that way.

    Another thing that did kick off my studying more about pagan and wiccan---I had always had a natural interest in it from a very young boy but wasn't allowed to really--but after going to Ireland for the first time 25 years or so now----and being of Irish descent----just being in Ireland made me feel a connection to something deeper---I certainly felt many things about Ireland and its culture resonating in me---I really need to get back over there again---the last time I went was back before 9/11.
  6. BiCDragon
    Merry Meet all...I follow the Dragon Magickal Mysteries... been practicing the Craft for going on 9 years.... Nice to meet everyone!
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