
What did your wife say when you first told her that you were bisexual?

  1. Neonaught
    In Oct we will have been married 28 years. I told her about 12 years ago. Her response was to get online and book me a visit by a gorgeous young rentboy and then she took the kids out for a few hours. It certainly helped that she was bi too! Now we often share a guy together (or girl).
  2. boyfox
    I came out to my wife as bisexual before we were married. At that time I didn't realize how much I prefer sex with men. She is still supportive and very encouraging of me meeting men alone for sex.
  3. lone-wolf
    I came out to my wife on out 10th aniverary and she has been very supportive. she has always allowed me to play with men when ever i can. lately she has been sugessting i find a reg. Boy friend.
  4. Lavalamps4me
    The first thing she said was *Wow I would like to see that!*...after she did see it she was sure she liked it. Now she calls it *Live Porn*
  5. xp243
    Married for almost 30 years to my wife and never cheated on her but lately I've been thinking a lot about guys and she found a post I posted on what I like to do with guys so I told her it's been hard on her she just thinks it's a phase I'm going through me I think it's middle age and just want to enjoy life. I asked her to do a 3way with a guy this way we could both suck cock but she won't go for it. I love her very much and I won't do anything to ruin it.
  6. bicuriousbc66
    When my wife of 28 years found out i was bi interested, that was the end of our marriage. Be careful guys....
  7. NakedInSeattle
    I told my wife before we were married. She said, "Interesting." We started with the swinging scene soon after but tired of couples due to the drama involved. So I said why don't we just find bi guys that we can share? It works out fine because I love seeing her fucked and she likes seeing me suck cock.
  8. Bottomhubby
    After 31 years of marriage I told my wife last year I am bisexual. She said ' well its about time' I looked at her and she said she had figured it out from finding her toys not being put back in the right place and the way I didn't fight when she asks me to eat her out after we have sex.
    She now helps me keep my body shaved she also put me in panties. She doesn't want to watch or even know when I play but that my change as she had me dildo to orgasm for her a few nights ago as she played with her pussy.
  9. dman8888
    Like bottomhubby, my wife was unsurprised when I told her I was interested in men as well as women. That was four years ago, when we'd been together for 28 years. She was and has been very accepting and supportive and immediately encouraged me to explore with men, though she didn't and doesn't want to participate or even know when I'm with someone (darn it). I am so thankful that she is so awesome, though I do hope she'll change her mind about participation, some day.
  10. JohnnyBisexual
    We were probably married for 36 or 37 years at the time. I told her that I was Bisexual. She was quite upset, even though she had serious Bi-curious feelings of her own in the past, when she was in her 20's and 30's. I brought that up and told her that she couldn't be serious, and recounted some of the Bi-curious thoughts that she had shared with me.
    She eventually calmed down. She was surprised to find out that I had blown 24 men at that time, although it's 39 now, something that she does not know.
    We were even going to Provincetown Mass once to both do a same sex experience, but she had chickened out. Another time, she even told me to go find another man to blow while we were in Provincetown. I tried, but came up empty. She even smelled my breath when I came back to see if I was lying!

    Anyway, today we were talking to a friend and my wife mentioned that she thought that everyone was on a spectrum and that there were very few actual "straight" people. I thought that she was hinting to our friend about my Bisexuality and her own previous Bi-curious feelings, so I asked her privately where she was on the spectrum. She said that in the past she definitely had Bi-curious feelings, but that she doesn't anymore. Then I asked her if she had a problem with me referring to myself as Bisexual and she said no. I told her that only a handful of people knew and then she freaked out saying "Other than me?" I said yes and mentioned a former co-worker who I just learned was a Lesbian. I said I told her. She was none too happy about that. I admitted that I am very free in telling strangers, but not people close to me. "Strangers?" Yup. I would like to be more open about my Bi-sexuality, but I don't want to embarrass her with friends or family. A very close male friend knows, but no other friends or family, even though we have Bisexual family members who are out.

    She went on to say that she has no problem with me saying that I am Bisexual to her, but she doesn't want me to act on it or tell her about it, if I do. I suppose it's my own fault. Once it was out in the open, I said "I love to suck cock!!" one too many times while we were making love. She is concerned that I will get into the Gay scene in Provincetown and that someday she will come home to find me in bed with a strange man. It's not going to happen. I am a 2 on the Kinsey scale. I do love to suck cock (especially black ones, but that's another story.), but I have zero romantic interest in men. It's strictly about their cocks.

    I would love it if she would come around to the point of watching me blow other men, but that isn't going to happen, so all I can do is dream about that.
  11. JohnnyBisexual
    UPDATE! I am up 41 men that I have blown!! Two more since my April 2018 response. She still doesn't want to know about it, so I have to share it with you guys instead.
  12. playful808
    She knew from the very start. No secrets.
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