
Do You Know Relationships About Homosexual and Bisexual?

  1. hanalee
    Some couples do not fit into traditional models of marriage and family. A person who is attracted to members of the opposite sex is heterosexual, or “straight.” A person who is attracted to members of the same sex is homosexual, or “gay” (male) or “lesbian” (female). And a person who is attracted to members of both sexes is bisexual, or “bi.”

    Although the United States does not legally recognize same‐sex marriages or unions, homosexuals and bisexuals (like heterosexuals) enjoy a variety of relationships. They live together, alone, with family or friends, or have housemates. They also come from all walks of life, socioeconomic levels, and backgrounds. Making generalizations about homosexual or bisexual relationships—romantic, social, working, or otherwise—is difficult, as is making generalizations about heterosexual relationships.

    Sociologists estimate that between 40 and 60 percent of homosexuals maintain committed relationships. Gay and lesbian couples may stay together for as many years as heterosexual couples. Also like heterosexuals, they may or may not find satisfaction in such relationships.

    As you read,do you know which relationship belong to? How do you think that?
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