
What We're About . . .

  1. Jackinbud4u
    The easiest way to kill interest in a group is to leave its purpose poorly defined. It’s occurred to me that I may have done exactly that in starting this discussion. Although the group page introduction may attract attention it does little to clarify exactly what we hope to accomplish. Perhaps a good place to begin is by explaining what the group is NOT supposed to be about.

    • It’s not about camping tips, techniques, or other “how to” posts
    • It’s not about bogging down the server with pics of our RV’s, trailers, or favorite equipment
    • It’s not about posting travelogues or poetic descriptions of our favorite places to visit

    It’s not that these topics are uninteresting; there are plenty of websites and forums to find this type of information. They are also inconsistent with the theme and content of this website in general. So, what exactly should we be contributing to this group conversation? It’s really quite simple. We should be talking about things that campers who happen to enjoy the company of other bisexuals would talk about. That includes planning trips, rendezvous, and bi-related activities. Whether that means a quiet meeting with a couple of bisexual friends or a gathering of folks in the Great Outdoors for a circle jerk – well, that is up to you to decide. Trading experiences, showing off outfits, the possibilities are endless.
    The group will not broker, censor, or otherwise direct contributors to its discussions. It will provide input on out-of-the-way places to visit where bisexual expression can occur relatively unhindered. It should be a place where folks can post regional information about where, when, and what to experience.
    I hope that helps. I hope interest grows and we have a chance to make new friends and share experiences. Time will tell, as they say!
    Bi bi and good camping!

  2. sofun74sun
  3. 1strider
    Hey, thanks for starting this group. It's very timely for me and I hope it blooms as well. I have retired this year and rebuilt an Airstream for my full time home and retirement cabin. I will be on the road from NC to ID starting Nov1 and I'll be in this group often. See you by the camp fire under the stars.
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