
Is it me, or...

  1. playinmyholes
    Is it normal to be picky about the type, and color of the panties? Every (erotic) pair I've looked aren't appealing...yet I want to wear a pair. I picked up a cum stained pair that this HOT chic dropped on the floor after jacking off. The first chance I got, I put them on, and rubbed her cum on my balls, and asshole. The overall sensation, and thought was very exciting...and then I looked into a full size mirror. Whah whah whah whaaaaaaaah. Be a critic, not an asshole.
  2. Bisexual Explorer
    Bisexual Explorer
    I am picky about the type and color of panties preferring red, white, black, small (not thongs) with a little frill or bow. I shop at an adult store with a large selection and the helpful staff always finds just what I'm looking for.
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