

Trail of Discovery

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Well, over a year ago I wrote a 4 part blog on how it all began, well that is the past , I am definitely no longer at the beginning, am I at the end ?
Oh hell no, if anything this roller coaster is heading to the top of the hill and preparing for the high speed thrill and the loop de loop.

So, I took a few months away from all social media and spent more time learning me. Some may have noticed I deleted the more x-rated photos and placed ones that I feel have some sexy to them (as much as I can), without tapping into my inner whore, although she is fun.

They just were not who I am anymore. Yeah, I know, thats like the school slut saying I am not easy now, I have virtue, yeah right ! I think many that are like me, and play two different gender roles, go through the phase of showing everything God gave them, then kind of back away from it. Sort of a attention thing, but what do I know, I am a crossdresser, not a shrink

During the last couple of months, I went on 4 dates, been out in public numerous times, and even once did a stand up routine as Jazmin ( a open mic type of thing), strangely, I had guys I figured would be President of the homophobia club come up and tell me they enjoyed it and even did a few pictures with them, 2 of them even bought me a drink, said it was worth the laugh, especially the joke about dating and cars

What was nice, the dates I went on, the guys were not just trying to get their cock sucked and go home, we actually went to dinner, movies, the whole thing, although it was strange to dance with someone and feel their boner on your hip, now I know how all those poor girls in high school felt. Most of them seemed to be guys that wanted to go out, and have company and a companion who understood them more than genetic women usually do, and they could be open and free about their bi-side, although one, I tried to find the words to say dude, you are gay, you are so gay you are Marvin Gay and there aint no closet high enough. Poor guy seemed like he was trying so hard to hold on to some heterosexuality, I wish him the best.I did give him the number to a friend that is good with talking to people who are coming out

During this time, I learned we are no longer in 1982. Multiple times I was in stores and felt people looking and thought, oh shit, here it comes, but the guys, were all polite and respectful even using feminine pronouns, I mean almost 100% of the time. It was like the men were live and let live, and what ever is good with them, as long as it doesnt impact their lives.

now the women, damn, I didint know some of them could squint that hard, some serious evil looks, outside of clubs, I only talked to one female. She had a Trump 2020 bumper sticker and yelled to me, which caught me by surprise, she wanted to know where I bought my dress. So we spent a few minutes and logged onto my amazon account from my cell phone so I could send her a snapshot of it, she even said thank you and hugged me when she left.

The worst people to deal with were in the clubs, girls/guys like me, damn you wanna talk about some catty bitches, it was worse than a high school cheerleader locker room trying to one up each other. Outside of the current NFL, I had never seen so many prima donnas in one spot.

But I did find a chill relaxing club that wasn't all techno music, little bit older crowd. Been there like 5 times now and usually there is only two or three like me.

Now, let me tell you the benefits of wearing leather pants and a corset with 6 inch heels, your ass dont pay for drinks, its like a dream come true, if I had known this years ago, could have saved a ton of money. The negative, with only a few of us and 20 to 50 guys, you dance a lot, I mean a lot, you are wiped out at the end of the night. It's cool though, most of the guys just seemed to want to have fun and relax

So, am I gonna live my life as a girl, hell no, I still like playing with boobies and kissing a women between the thighs, and maybe sometimes borrowing her pantys, with permission of course

what it does mean, I am closer to coming to grips with who I am, I am much more comfortable and relaxed, and I don't worry what others think.

Unless someone says my dress makes my ass look fat, then we got issues

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  1. 19biman61's Avatar
    Good for you! I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself. You look great too!
  2. Jazminedress's Avatar
    [QUOTE=19biman61;bt10181]Good for you! I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself. You look great too![/QUOTE]

    Thank you, I only write this sillyness in hopes someone who is wondering about themselves may say, hold on, thats me too.............and realize they are not alone, its okay to be nervous, okay to question, and sometimes laugh at yourself

    Sadly, bisexuals get shit from both ends and have acceptance problems from the gay and straight community.

    I get that, plus the trans community gets pissed that I dont want to become a woman, I am happy with part time, for some reason, that really irritates them. I am male, my DNA and penis says so,I accept it.
  3. Neonaught's Avatar
    A friend of our's is a post op trans girl now (top surgery only) and is one of the most beautiful and courageous people I have ever know ( and I'm exmilitary). She works as an ICU nurse and had many years at the same job when she made the change. She simply told everyone at work that when she returned she would be a she. Got herself sorted out and returned to work a short time later and never st holding her head high! When we go out in public and people stare I feel for her but I am also proud to be seen in the company of such a gorgeous person. To thine OWN self be true!
  4. Jazminedress's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Neonaught;bt10193]A friend of our's is a post op trans girl now (top surgery only) and is one of the most beautiful and courageous people I have ever know ( and I'm exmilitary). She works as an ICU nurse and had many years at the same job when she made the change. She simply told everyone at work that when she returned she would be a she. Got herself sorted out and returned to work a short time later and never st holding her head high! When we go out in public and people stare I feel for her but I am also proud to be seen in the company of such a gorgeous person. To thine OWN self be true![/QUOTE]

    Good for her, she needs to do what the correct thing is for herself. For me, I am good where I am at, a foot in both worlds, and it works for the way I want to live my life.

    I am actually finding, outside of the community, most people dont care, they may take a second look. The guys I think its because they see the outfit first, then a second look to determine gender.

    Women, seem to check the outfit more. The toughest ones I deal with, are within the community. People who are trans that get mad I dont desire to switch, or people that are gay and dont believe bisexuality exists. Regular every day people, I have gotten the best treatment from, its weird.

    I do wish your friend all the best
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