
Visitor Message Conversation Between Fluidity and papasmurph

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I just sent you an email!
  2. yes - I do. can't believe you still have it. I'd be glad to reconnect.
  3. Aw man, those were such good times on ShyBiGuys, weren't they? Glad to hear you're doing well. I have also been through some big changes but otherwise doing quite well. I an in a good space these days and feeling optimistic. Do you still have the same email address?
  4. I was just mentioning to a friend today how I miss the guys from the old forum days - we kind of lost out on a lot of good connections back then. How are you? Man, I've been through a lot these last few years but I am doing great, feeling good and things are going pretty well for me. How are things with you.
  5. Papa! So good to hear from you. I am well, how are you?
  6. hey, bud - I'd like to catch up with you. how are you doing?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
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