View Full Version : Tryin' to Reason With Hurricane Season

Aug 31, 2010, 10:28 AM
Just like my name on here comes in part from a Jimmy Buffett song---the title of this post comes from one as well.

With the past few days having been the 5th anniversary of the landfall of one of the most destructive hurricanes in US history, Hurricane Katrina--I just wanted to take a moment to offer up a suggestion to anyone among us who lives in places that can fall victim to such a storm.

We are now coming into the height of the annual hurricane season and after not having but a few major storms come ashore in recent years--it now looks like this season may turn out to be a hard one.

It looks like Hurricane Earl is going to be skirting the east coast of the US in places that don't get hit all that often by such storms--like up around Cape Cod, Long Island and all the way up to places like the Maritime provences of Canada.

To Belle and anyone else who lives along the coast in places that might get hit---I say to you--if the authorities call for your area to be evacuated--I would urge you to follow that suggestion--surely go if they order a mandatory evac---you might lose your home but leaving could save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

To Belle (onewhocares)--I hope you have the Cape cottage all buttoned up and that they don't get too bad a blow out there to do much damage to the place.

Let us do hope that we don't get another storm any time soon at the magnitude of a Katrina--in recent days I watched one of those shows about big disasters that said that the New York City area is due for a hit by a major storm along the lines of Andrew and Katrina and WHEN it does happen--it will be a major catastrophe of epic proportions.

To have such a storm hit along the upper eastern seaboard right now with the rotten economy would be all that we would need!!

Earl does have a period it will be up to Cat 4 at worst and at least a Cat 3 storm, so that won't be good--hopefully it does what some models say in that it just glances the coast and mostly turns out to sea--but it could also make landfall somewhere up along Long Island or Capes Cod and Ann, Martha's Vineyard or Block Island, RI--places like that.

If you live up that way--do keep you with the forecasts via your favorite means. I am a Weather Channel fan for sure and with my boats---I like to listen to the NOAA weather broadcasts on marine VHF Radio.

Even if you live inland away from places subject to things like the storm surge--you could still get wind damage, so take in all the things in the yard that can blown around, be dangerous and do some damage--get them put up, do watch for the heavy rains so that you can be prepared for possible flooding--and if you feel reasonably safe--make up some Hurricane Punch or other favorite libation and sit back to ride the storm out.

So--for those of our online community who live in places you "have to reason with hurricane season"--be prepared for a possible rough one and may you and yours ride them out safely should they come and that you don't get too much damage from those beasties!!!

Aug 31, 2010, 11:00 AM
Thank 12V, this has been weighing on my mind heavily. Being on an island, there is only one flood and evac route and i am literally a 5 minutes away from an inlet and the ocean. One in each direction. There are probably about 10million people on long island, all will have to go through manhatton to evac and i don't want to be stuck on those bridges. So we will probably hunker down in the high school which is a shelter during such times. Get a couple of bags packed and at the ready, Homeowner's policy, car title, and valuables (mostly my children's keepsakes) and leave the rest to God.

Best wishes and hopes to all who might have to endure. One of many Hurricane scares to come. And to you Belle, I hope all is safe for you.

Aug 31, 2010, 11:13 AM
Volty my friend, I am just about one step a head of you. I am heading to the Cape tomorrow to bring everything into the basement for safe keeping. Our main home will also have all the outdoor furniture taken down and screens taken off. I have live through too many hurricanes, be they here or in Naples with hurricane Andrew, this is NO laughing matter in my eyes. I have always been of the opinion of better to be safe than sorry. THANK YOU for you concern dear man.


Aug 31, 2010, 2:06 PM
I've been worried bout this ever since I heard that the Hurrican has been update to the Cat4. You guys Please be careful, and take care of yourselves for us...hear?
My love and prayers go with you.
Your Cat