View Full Version : When massages turn sexual.....!!!

Aug 31, 2010, 9:06 AM
I ask this, cause i've had 2 massages in my life that have turned out to be quite embarrasing. One was by a lady, and one was by a man a few years later. My first time was when i was about 21 and the lady was gorgous!!! i was laying on my stomach and her hands were beautiful and i was relaxed but aroused. When i had my erection, she asked me to roll over and i thought "Oh no, not now..." , so i did and she nearly died of fright!!! she said i had to leave, cause she felt uncomfy.

the one with the guy was a bit dfferent, cause i think the guy was gay or bi, but it was same routine. i was aroused and as i rolled over, i was rock hard. he just looked at me and said "it happens sometimes"....he continued on though, he actually lifted my underpants down my bum more but never took them right off....

there was another time, but it was at home in my bedrom. a male freind came over one day who was going through bisexuality and wanted to massage me, so he got me on my bed, on my stomach, rubbed me all over, he slipped off my undies then made me roll over, then he kissed me and prceeded down my neck and then gave me oral sex!!! that was my best massage.

Aug 31, 2010, 2:51 PM
V ernyyl qba'g haqrefgnaq lbhe cbfg, fb jvyy bayl ercyl jvgu guvf pbzzrag.

Aug 31, 2010, 7:08 PM
I ask this, cause i've had 2 massages in my life that have turned out to be quite embarrasing. One was by a lady, and one was by a man a few years later. My first time was when i was about 21 and the lady was gorgous!!! i was laying on my stomach and her hands were beautiful and i was relaxed but aroused. When i had my erection, she asked me to roll over and i thought "Oh no, not now..." , so i did and she nearly died of fright!!! she said i had to leave, cause she felt uncomfy.

the one with the guy was a bit dfferent, cause i think the guy was gay or bi, but it was same routine. i was aroused and as i rolled over, i was rock hard. he just looked at me and said "it happens sometimes"....he continued on though, he actually lifted my underpants down my bum more but never took them right off....

there was another time, but it was at home in my bedrom. a male freind came over one day who was going through bisexuality and wanted to massage me, so he got me on my bed, on my stomach, rubbed me all over, he slipped off my undies then made me roll over, then he kissed me and prceeded down my neck and then gave me oral sex!!! that was my best massage.

your first massage experience is my worst fear. someone who brings you to the point of arousal, but then take absolutely no responsibility!!

Aug 31, 2010, 7:57 PM
oooo yummie....:bigrin:

Aug 31, 2010, 9:01 PM
My experience was the other way around. My maseusse was a 20 something male RMT. He got the incense and the candles going while I got udressed and laid on the table. As soon as he laid his hads on me he started to stutter. Right away I sensed her was nervous. Not long after I knew he was nervous by his sizable boner dangling just inches from my face. Man, it too every ounce of thrength I had to not molest him right there, yet I knew he wouldn't mind as he purposfully let his crotch linger close to my face. With every touch he got more excited and his shorts were tenting with a growing wet spot and he wasn't hiding it.

But I didn't. I just kept answering his questions and fantasized what I wanted to do to him. Mmmm, mmmm, good!!!

Aug 31, 2010, 10:14 PM
Wanna try that again in English, Ben? lol
Mean Ole Cat

Aug 31, 2010, 10:31 PM
My first massage experience was at school, one of the other students of my class asked me to massage her shoulders. She was one of the two sexiest girls in the class and the boys liked to have her around, but the other girls were jealous of her for that and tended to treat her badly. I just wanted to fuck her... Of course I did not say no to the shoulder massage and she was a very sexy girl and I got hot as hell, but I tried to hide that as well as I could so it was a very intense experience, both sexy and frightful. Other people from my class were around, and she was one of those straight girls who even think gay guys are disgusting etc. I had been mobbed at class until a few months before this happened, so it was really important and tricky for me not to get clocked as queer at that moment. It was both heaven and hell. I had to massage her in a way that she did not get a clue and had to take care not to be spotted as being turned on.

It was normal there that girls gave one another a shoulder massage - why ever, sometimes it seemed quite suspicious for me, sometimes it was really just medical as the shoulders were tense and/or for emotional bonding. I never offered a massage on my own or asked for one to not raise suspicions, and I think I was the only "girl" in the class to not do so - a very good and suspicious observer might have got a clue out of that, but my classmates were not that aware and had to deal with their own things.

My first massage experience which got really sexual was with my first boyfriend, who made an apprenticeship as a metalworker and often had a messed-up back cause of it (and his back was also sexy as hell). He knew how to do medical massages and taught me this. Sometimes me massaging him ended up with sex, sometimes not, this depended on our mood. Yumm. And he also made me medical massages, very good if you have a backache and sexy at the same time, sometimes they were sexual as well. Even now, when someone wants an erotic back massage from me, I tend to do a medical one instead. For me, both are the same and I still don't know how to do a purely erotic massage. And purely erotic back massages don't work for me, medical ones turn me on much more. I like it more "rough" anyway.

Oh those teenage years... difficult phase, but nice to remember.

Off topic: if your back is tense and you don't have a partner at hand, rub the tense part of your back against the corner of a door post for a couple of minutes. It's an old secretaries' trick and it works wonders (though it's not sexy at all unless you're into door posts). Even better after a hot shower. And do it a couple of times a day.

Aug 31, 2010, 11:19 PM
Massages are inherently sensual, the release of tightened muscles and those knots just going is very much like an orgasm so it's no surprise that people respond to it as if it's sexual stimuli even if it's for therapeutic reasons.

That being said there is nothing that says so much than when you massage your partner to relieve his pain and expect nothing in return. The ultimate giving of yourself and for a partner with chronic back pain the best kind of gift.

Sep 1, 2010, 12:10 AM
Ok..I know that this thread is about when massages turn sexual but there are sensual massages and then there are professional theraputic massages. I think that we need to remind ourselves and be careful about the line. I'm going to speak for my therapist. She is a professional and I've been going to her for years due to nuero muscular injuries. When you come in for each appointment, she records the most recent data or first data as to what is going on with your body. She determines the position that you should start with and asks you to disrobe. She leaves the room. Any RMT that doesn't is not professional imo. For my first appointment, I kept my briefs on after asking her. She told me that she was working on my lower back near my butt. She said that it was my choice. Second appointment, I told her that we had our first date and I was comfortable to be naked under the sheet. They do their best not to expose your complete butt crack or genitals even if they are working in that area. ..yep I often get my butt cheek massaged lately and I'm so use to her that there is nothing to get a boner over. We just gab on about mostly her life...lol

Anyway, she told me a story about her first year as a therapist. One of the husbands of her regular clients at that time asked for an appointment. He came in and there is an interview each time that you come in. He disrobed and waited for her. As she began to massage his back, he rolled over and threw open the sheet. He said that he had a muscle ache and touched his hard on. She stuttered(she was about 23 at the time). She told him that the appointment was over and that he should leave. She never told her client what her husband had tried.

I am just pointing out that do not think that all RMT are there for rub and tugs despite the fantasies. Most are professional and there should be absolutely no rub and tug. They would lose their license so stop fantasizing. She does very deep massage almost right down to the bones. I go to her because she has powerful hands and fingers. I have sweated from the massage and had tears come to my eyes. There is nothing f*ck'n sexual about my theraputic massages...lol Many of the RMT (registered Massage Therapists) have degrees in kinestheology as well as two or three years professional training as a therapist. Like other professionals they are certified and take up grading courses.

Sep 1, 2010, 2:44 AM
Wanna try that again in English, Ben? lol
Mean Ole Cat

"V ernyyl qba'g haqrefgnaq lbhe cbfg, fb jvyy bayl ercyl jvgu guvf pbzzrag."

The above is Rot13. Here it is in clear text.

I really don't understand your post, so will only reply with this comment.

What I didn't understand was the original poster saying "I ask this because ...", and I couldn't find a question. So, I wound up confused as to the intention of the post, ergo only a comment saying I didn't understand and the Rot13 to illustrate that.

Sep 1, 2010, 6:04 AM
"V ernyyl qba'g haqrefgnaq lbhe cbfg, fb jvyy bayl ercyl jvgu guvf pbzzrag."

What I didn't understand was the original poster saying "I ask this because ...", and I couldn't find a question. So, I wound up confused as to the intention of the post, ergo only a comment saying I didn't understand and the Rot13 to illustrate that.

Right. I also noted that, and had serious doubts about the intention of the post. To post stuff that associates my trade with sleazy activities is something I put in the same category as hate speech disguised as innocent questions -- I am inclined to ignore it rather than honor it with a reply. But I see from the comments people are bringing forth that damage control is in order.

I have been a professional massage therapist for several years and have won superlative acclaim for my work. One reason why clients like my work better than other therapists they have used is that I am thorough; I do not ignore any muscles that need treatment. This includes intimate areas like the inner thighs, which are chronically tight in *most people* and as a result are subject to painful strains that do not heal quickly. Because people confuse massage and sex, therapists are inhibited from giving treatment clients need.

Massage is an incredibly intimate act, whether the client is nude or clothed. All manner of emotional stress and trauma are stored in the soft tissues of body and may be released in the course of treatment. Therapist and client may go into a rapport akin to that of hypnosis. In any modality involving oil, the client is nude or dressed minimally. To work the body thoroughly, the therapist may at times drape a client's limb over his leg or bring his face or -- yes, his crotch -- very close to the client's body. This intimacy is possible ONLY if therapist and client alike are completely clear of their intentions and strictly observe professional boundaries.

To make any kind of sexual advance on a client -- even so much as to inquire into their personal life -- during treatment is EXTREMELY unethical, not only for the obvious reason that the relationship is supposed to be professional and that the client has entrusted themself to the care of the therapist, but because during treatment the client must be assumed to be in an altered state of consciousness akin to a dream or hypnotic trance. To take advantage of someone in such a state is no different from drugging and date-raping.

Among the clients' feelings that may be stirred during treatment is sexual arousal. For many, this is a natural result of mental association; if one only experiences caring touch during sex, ones libido will be aroused by the touch of massage. Many people are sexually repressed or frustrated and may never experience the intense intimacy of massage even in their sex lives. Furthermore, there are different types and degrees of sexual arousal, and the physical is distinct from the emotional and mental. This is especially evident in men, whose bodies betray any degree of physical arousal, and who involuntarily become erect when dreaming. As stated above, the states of consciousness clients go into may be dream-like, and often clients do fall asleep. Any experienced massage therapist can tell you that a man's erection says absolutely nothing about what he wants from you, and a therapist who fails to understand this will likely fail to serve the client appropriately.

Part of the spiritual work of being a massage therapist is the focussing of ones intentions and proper attitude towards ones clients in the face of attraction to them. Just as the client may be in an altered state of consciousness and subject to misjudgements, so the therapist is in danger of counter-transference, a phenomenon long known to the psychiatric profession wherein the therapist projects his own desires onto the client. The therapist must remain mindful of this danger and be wary while he works of drifting into fantasy and inappropriate thoughts.

Sad to see that awareness of these issues is still so low, not only among the general public, but among so many masseurs and masseuses.

I am starting to think I need to post something about this on my web site.

Sep 1, 2010, 6:51 AM
your first massage experience is my worst fear. someone who brings you to the point of arousal, but then take absolutely no responsibility!!

lmfao... if you're gonna get me there, finish me off.

Sep 1, 2010, 11:06 PM
Long ago when I was str8 I had a friend who was also str8 and married. He was preparing for a marathon and while training he was so sore he couldn't walk. So having had some training in sports massage I offered to help. He laid down on his back and I proceeded to give him a deep thigh massage while we spoke with his wife who was sitting on the couch near us. Talking, massaging, talking, massaging and BAM out of nowhere his hips start to buck and I look down and he is in full blown orgasm. Came huge all inside his running shorts, he gets up and hurries out to the restroom and his wife and I are looking at each other like wtf just happened? He returned cleaned up embarrassed as all hell apologizing and generally freaking out. So we all had a good laugh. I had seen guys get erections during massage before not at all uncommon but this was crazy. I never touched his cock but did do a complete leg massage and he blew his load. Best massage I ever gave I think ;)

Sep 2, 2010, 2:03 AM
Now Tenni & NotLostJustWandering, let me clarify before an international incident ensues...

In no way did my male masseuse or I do anything inappropriate. Nothing sexual occured there, but he was clearly aroused and so was I. When I flipped over I was sporting a ragong hardon too. All he said was not to wory about it, it frequently happens. But it was extremely sensual, maybe moreso cause nothing happened yet both of us were very excited. And yes, he is a RMT, in a very reputable sports medicine clinic, and yes he does have a degree in kinesiology.

But man, let me tell you, I barely made it home before I had the best jackin' session I had in months!!! :cool:

Now would it be wrong for me to request a prostate massage next time? :bigrin:

Sep 2, 2010, 9:11 AM
Prostitutes may use massage but the purpose of the massage is sexual. That is not a theraputic massage which has a purpose of improving the circulation of blood to injured and/or overworked muscles. What you are writing about should not be done by licensed Registered Massage Therapists.

What I have been told is that you should not have a theraputic massage if you have the beginnings of a cold or flu as the increased circulation tends to increase the chances of getting a worse case. You are to drink increased fluids immediately after a massage so that the circulation system can remove the toxins from your body. You should wait a few hours before engaging in any physical activity (ie sex or sports) so that the body may remove the toxins released from the massage.

There is nothing wrong with a sensual sexual massage but it just is not done by RMT or should be expected from a RMT. Rub and tugs for pay are prostitution.

I have heard of Tantric Massage that has a highly sexual aspect to it where the person has a purpose to induce orgasm after having taken the client to a highly meditative if not altered state of consciousness(not quite sure but that is something like I was told). One fellow that I knew who claimed to practice Tantric Massage for pay actually penetrated the client anally. He was naked and also became sexually aroused while he did this. I've only heard of gay men who actually give tantric massages for pay and they only give them to men. They are not RMT but I understand that at least one or two in Toronto actually teach how to give a Tantric Massage for pay. There must be others in other countries doing this. I had never heard of it though before or actually since. Since it involves sexual release as well as pay, I think that it might be considered a form of prostitution but the Tantic Massage person didn't see it that way (I don't think). I kinda saw the guy as a bit strange but.... Maybe, it is an underground thing? Has anyone else heard or experienced a Tantric massage?

Sep 2, 2010, 9:30 PM
lol My oldest daughter is a Physical Therapist in Washington D.C. and she's told me of how these things have occured to her, and her business partner. She heard a lady moaning in her partner's side of his office one day and figured the lady must be in some real pain. A minute later, the lady let out an ear shattering yell, and out came her partner all flushed and blushing. The lady had come in complaining of feet problems, and due to the course of Josh doing reflexology on her, the poor woman had a massive orgasm! lol
Poor Josh was embarrassed all to hell, but kept going, because it was his job to. (Massage, not cause her eyes to roll back in her head)
He remained at the front desk while my daughter tried valiently to Not laugh at the expression on his face. When the lady came out, she almost burst out laughing when she tipped Josh Handsomely and asked if she could come back next week.....lol:bigrin:

Sep 2, 2010, 9:45 PM
I had to lear Physiology to work in the VA hospital to get my humanities in college. I discovered that there are certain sensory points that can be rummed or massaged that Will accidently cause an erection and/or a flat out orgasm. I didnt know this, but it was fun finding out! lol
Had one poor guy that said he hadnt had a hard on in Years, and he sprouted a boner after one session in which we were taught how to massage the lower lumbars and the glut muscles. When the massage demo was over, he was told he could get up off the table and he grinned sheepishly and replied "I cant..."
When asked why he said a little shakily "Because I have a boner the size of Manhatten"
We kinda snickered and left the room to give him some privacy and dignity...LOL He was also quite embarrassed that he got hard from a male massuse massaging his ass..He had never had that happen before and wasnt too sure how to deal with it. lol
Still laughing Cat

Sep 2, 2010, 9:46 PM
I wouldn't want to ruin a good massage with sex.

Sep 23, 2010, 10:07 AM
I am starting to think I need to post something about this on my web site.

I did it.
I used what I posted here as a jumping-off point. Thanks for the inspiration.