View Full Version : The Perils of Revenge

Aug 30, 2010, 6:43 AM
Revenge is a dish best served cold….until it comes back rather chillily at you. I was told by a friend about a bit of revenge her brother and her cooked up after his ex dumped him during a holiday. She had planned it, no doubt about it, she even quit her job before going off on this trip where she “met” someone who she’d been secretly screwing for awhile.

Apparently she had left some nude photos on his laptop, a laptop she was the only person to use. She also left her email addy logged in. So one night they were drinking and decided to send out her nude pics to everyone on her email list and include her cell phone number with a “if you like what you see gimme a call” note.
Yeah it was hilarious to me at the time but it did bite them in the ass. Police showed tonight with a warrant for the laptop, apparently one of the people on the email list was a teenager, way under the age of consent anywhere in the world and the mother is not happy.

Don’t yet know what will happen as a result but wanted to post a reminder that if you are planning to fuck someone over don’t give them nude photos of yourself with your face in them. Do not leave your passwords saved on your computer let alone their computer.
And most especially be warned that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned but men can be pretty brutal too.

Aug 30, 2010, 8:26 AM
It isnt always served cold Darling, darling.. my best friend and her bf took some naughty pics of her in some very compromising poses.. some time after they broke up they were splattered all over the web by him.. she knew nothing of it till she came back from holiday, but got her revenge at a barbi both attended.. like a griddle of sparking hot sausages and fat over his head.. and a rather hard bang on the bonce with the griddle itself...

.. and my sister who threw a cup of hot coffee over a bf who did the dirty on her..

I am not into revenge particularly.. it creates much too much long term feeling which is almost impossible to patch up.. I'd rather just walk away from it and try and forget it ever happened... turn the other cheek the man is supposed to have said... I try and mostly succeed.. but I am human and am sometimes susceptible to a bit of getting my own back as much as the next person.. there are some compromising pics of me which my beloved sister holds.. she has often threatened to use them.. I have tried to get them back to destroy them.. but the cow is a clever clogs and so far no luck... but just as she has on me.. I have as much on her.. but we wouldnt use any of it... we are actually quite close, thank God..

Aug 30, 2010, 12:18 PM
While we are on this subject, I was driving home from work tonight when I passed an old 1950s vintage Jaguar. Cars to me are but a means to an end.. they get me and us from A to B and back.. it brought to mind an old boy friend and friend of my brother's who bought an old Jaguar which must have been of much the same vintage and spent 4 years doing it up. During this marathon labour of love he got married . For the entire 3 years of his marriage he spent more loving time on his old car than he ever did on his wife. She got so peed off at his neglect of her and love of his old car one day when he was at work she decided something had to be done.. so she got a hammer and a Stanley knife.. bashed and scraped every panel of his love, ripped the upholstery to shreds.. slashed the tyres and made sure there was no glass left in the windows.. and I think she bashed in his headlamps and tail lights..

Upon completion of this task of vandalism she threw her bag in her car and drove off back to her parents house and then the following morning to a new life in London.. there was much wailing and demands for vengeance on his part... but she was long gone. So indeed.. hell hath no fury like.....

Aug 30, 2010, 12:21 PM
When I worked for the Army, I knew a soldier who was rumored to have beat up his wife. He probably weighed 200 pounds...but, if she weighed more than 130, I'd be surprised.

Investigators were never able to prove abuse; she always claimed she'd had accidents and would not file charges.

He was sent to Panama for 6 months of temporary duty and while he was gone, his wife began taking Karate lessons. When he came home, within a week, he was back to pushing her around. The more he drank, the worse the abuse got. Finally, she had enough and proceeded to vent. I assume the years of abuse finally brought her ire to it's exploding point and she beat the hell out of him!

Soon after that, she filed for a divorce. In my view, he got exactly what he deserved and she was able to move on with her life.

Aug 30, 2010, 1:39 PM
Warning people: all of these acts are illegal. In recent years many states have adopted stricter laws on domestic violence and stalking, so you could be facing jail time.

Aug 31, 2010, 12:44 AM
Yes, revenge is my specialty. It must be served cold, and it must never be known where it comes from. I once ruined a guy's career for fucking me over at work. It took two years, and he never knew what hit him, but I stood by and watched the whole thing. Then I got his job and his corner office. Asshole. Served him right. Last I knew, his wife and kids left him and he had moved back in with his parents.

Aug 31, 2010, 2:35 AM
Warning people: all of these acts are illegal. In recent years many states have adopted stricter laws on domestic violence and stalking, so you could be facing jail time.

Turning the other cheek is illegal??? O noooooo.......:eek:


Aug 31, 2010, 4:20 AM
I got a guy kicked out of his girlfriend's apartment for making me an unwitting party to cheating.The apartment was Student housing and he wasn't a student, so . . . yeah.

You may be scared of redheads, but ONE redhead is scared of me. ;)


Aug 31, 2010, 4:53 AM
A Christian outlook of enduring endless suffering to reach God's eternal kingodom of Heaven is THE right way in life.

Take the story of Father Ignacious in the Monastary on a Balkan mountain. The Bishop visited one day as Father I. was about to set off to the nearest town to sell the produce of the monastary in this money orientated world.

He returned a couple of days later looking bedraggled and very much the worse for wear. His Bishop was very concerned and asked what had happened. Father I. told of falling amongst thieves as he made his way to the Town. They beat him, scared the mules and scattered the produce on the ground.

"What did you do my son?" enquired the Bishop.

"On each slap or blow I turned the other cheek in silence you emminence. Eventually they tired of their fun. I blessed them. The mules returned by the good will of God. I salvaged the produce and continued on to the Town"

"Spared by your suffering and the good will of God. Miraculous". But as you were in Town, did no one tend your body and clean your clothes?" asked the Bishop in concern for the laity of the town.

"They did you emminence with tenderness. There was much sympathy. Our goods were sold. The baskets of food were replaced with baskets of money."

"That's wonderful. God does provide. But what has since happened?" asked the Bishop. "Did you fall down the mountain from a stumble in the dark?"

"No. On the way back I encountered the same scoundrels. Once again I turned the other cheek with each heavy blow as they set about me. They took the money from the baskets and laughed in a most evil manner. God gave the mules courage and they did not run away"

"These are truly bad headed individuals" said the BIshop in deep sorrow.

As he opened the baskets to show his Bishop. Quietly, Father I. said
"Yes your emminence. Truly bad headed individuals. That is why I relieved them of their heavy burdens and they found God through that suffering".

Aug 31, 2010, 5:02 AM
I was outed as a lesbian (I'm no lesbian btw) by a girl who saw me in a club 60 miles from home necking with another girl. It was the most unpleasant time of my life and caused me and my parents no end of problems. I was shunned and even spat at in the street by people I had known most of my life.

Imagine my surprise and delight when the paragon of such virtue as the girl who outed me climbed on a late night bus with a guy who was not her fiance and imagine the pleasure I got taking the picture with my phone of her eating his face off. And imagine the pleasure I got from sending the Email to her boy friends parents.

I know it wasn't a nice thing to do and can't justify it, but such was the contempt I felt for her it wasn't as if I cared. What she was doing on that bus wasn't very nice either.

Aug 31, 2010, 9:41 AM
Sam me luffly... I luffya dearly, and wont go on about the ole cliche bout 2 wrongs.. but here u were very wrong... I said I don't like vengeance and I don't.. it just brings far too much misery to the world. Just look around you and you will see what I mean.. it wasnt for u to prejudge and clipe on her for what she was doing any more than she had the right to prejudge and clipe on you. I'm not going to condemn you out of hand for it, because I am not a perfect angel when it comes to getting my own back either.. but that tends to happen invariably within a very short time after the initial event when my blood is still boiling.. cold revenge is a harsh act and we should always try and not brood and think of just how we get our own back however much pain we go through because of it.. because it does often have consequences which sometimes we see, but many are consequences we just cannot.. and these consequences often rebound worse on ourselves...

I do go along with the Christian doctrine that forgiveness is divine... unfortunately far too few people adhere to that, even those who consider themselves Christian.. I understand it.. but I will never condone it..

Aug 31, 2010, 1:36 PM
.......I do go along with the Christian doctrine that forgiveness is divine... unfortunately far too few people adhere to that, even those who consider themselves Christian.. I understand it.. but I will never condone it.......

As Father Ignacious revealed, it has its limits - read the last line carefully.


Aug 31, 2010, 1:56 PM
As Father Ignacious revealed, it has its limits - read the last line carefully.


...all things have their limits Heph.. human flaw and failing see to that.. but what matters is that we try.. and God I try..:)

Aug 31, 2010, 2:43 PM
lol Good one Hep. :} And yes, the lady in question had her prank come back to bite her on the ass, and she didnt get to enjoy it..lol
Bad Cat

Sep 1, 2010, 5:32 AM
Sam me luffly... I luffya dearly, and wont go on about the ole cliche bout 2 wrongs.. but here u were very wrong... I said I don't like vengeance and I don't.. it just brings far too much misery to the world. Just look around you and you will see what I mean.. it wasnt for u to prejudge and clipe on her for what she was doing any more than she had the right to prejudge and clipe on you. I'm not going to condemn you out of hand for it, because I am not a perfect angel when it comes to getting my own back either.. but that tends to happen invariably within a very short time after the initial event when my blood is still boiling.. cold revenge is a harsh act and we should always try and not brood and think of just how we get our own back however much pain we go through because of it.. because it does often have consequences which sometimes we see, but many are consequences we just cannot.. and these consequences often rebound worse on ourselves...

I do go along with the Christian doctrine that forgiveness is divine... unfortunately far too few people adhere to that, even those who consider themselves Christian.. I understand it.. but I will never condone it..

You can be infuriating sometimes. We are not all perfect and we cant all be quite as perfect as you would like us to be. Was I proud of myself? No. Did I feel better afterwards? No. Did I settle her hash? Too fucking right I did, and I believe saved a nice boy from making the most terrible mistake. Sometimes people need a lesson in discretion and when to keep their faces shut. She didnt think about the consequences for her when she blabbed, only those for me. It was a vindictive act and now she knows you cant get away with vindictive acts without them having consequences.

Fran, sometimes a bit of revenge teaches a lesson to those that deserve it.

Sep 1, 2010, 7:03 AM
You're right, Sammie. Sometimes those who hurt others never understand what it's like, until they have been hurt, too!

Some never learn, but some do.

Sep 1, 2010, 7:05 AM

Sep 1, 2010, 8:33 AM
Me c's.. gang up on Fran day 2 day..:(

You may wish 2 see a world where it is dog eat dog and and eye for an eye.. but the winning dog soon moves on to another victim and once an eye is taken then it is the tooth and once the tooth is gone.. the viscious spiral of vengeance makes the world such a miserable place.. lives and friendships as well as whole communities have been ruined by it, wars begun and millions die.. you all may feel it is how to live your lives I'm afraid I just cannot bring myself to.. I know it is pie in the sky to most people.. but I happen to like pie in the sky or anywhere else.. and just as I dream of a world without peace, without poverty, without greed and many of the other evils which beset humankind.. I dream no less of a world without vengeance.. throughout history it has brought humanity great suffering and misery.. and more vengeance.. no thank you.. I prefer to be better than that if I can...

Sep 1, 2010, 8:50 AM
Sometimes the best revenge is rising above the pain that has been inflicted upon you and living your life as happily as you can...despite what others have dealt you. That puts you on a higher level....and makes you a stronger person with much higher values. Sorry...but I like pie in the sky too! Call me Pollyanna!

Sep 1, 2010, 9:10 AM
Me c's.. gang up on Fran day 2 day..:(

You may wish 2 see a world where it is dog eat dog and and eye for an eye.. but the winning dog soon moves on to another victim and once an eye is taken then it is the tooth and once the tooth is gone.. the viscious spiral of vengeance makes the world such a miserable place.. lives and friendships as well as whole communities have been ruined by it, wars begun and millions die.. you all may feel it is how to live your lives I'm afraid I just cannot bring myself to.. I know it is pie in the sky to most people.. but I happen to like pie in the sky or anywhere else.. and just as I dream of a world without peace, without poverty, without greed and many of the other evils which beset humankind.. I dream no less of a world without vengeance.. throughout history it has brought humanity great suffering and misery.. and more vengeance.. no thank you.. I prefer to be better than that if I can...

No, it's not pick on Fran day, hon. That's tomorrow :tong:

Sep 1, 2010, 9:35 AM
Me c's.. gang up on Fran day 2 day..:(

You may wish 2 see a world where it is dog eat dog and and eye for an eye.. but the winning dog soon moves on to another victim and once an eye is taken then it is the tooth and once the tooth is gone.. the viscious spiral of vengeance makes the world such a miserable place.. lives and friendships as well as whole communities have been ruined by it, wars begun and millions die.. you all may feel it is how to live your lives I'm afraid I just cannot bring myself to.. I know it is pie in the sky to most people.. but I happen to like pie in the sky or anywhere else.. and just as I dream of a world without peace, without poverty, without greed and many of the other evils which beset humankind.. I dream no less of a world without vengeance.. throughout history it has brought humanity great suffering and misery.. and more vengeance.. no thank you.. I prefer to be better than that if I can...

please note..me did NOT mean 2 say a world wivout peace.... feel a rite eedjit now... me meant conflict... God reely gonna havta stop bein so slap dash..:eek:

Sep 1, 2010, 9:36 AM
No, it's not pick on Fran day, hon. That's tomorrow :tong:

k..fine.. will jus stay in me bed an not botha 2 gerrup...:tong:;)

Sep 1, 2010, 9:38 AM
Sometimes the best revenge is rising above the pain that has been inflicted upon you and living your life as happily as you can...despite what others have dealt you. That puts you on a higher level....and makes you a stronger person with much higher values. Sorry...but I like pie in the sky too! Call me Pollyanna!

Pollymumsie:bigrin: ta Pol.. 1ce gain the greatest of minds in .com r in accord...:bigrin:

Sep 1, 2010, 10:22 AM

I saw this, ".. and just as I dream of a world without peace", and was fighting not to say anything, but you caught it, yourself.

Lawyers love stuff like this!

Sep 1, 2010, 10:23 AM
I so hear you there, I can't believe that i hope that everything doesn't get worst now because of a silly game. But you know what things happen for a reason so maybe this was suppost to teach them a lesson of some kind it is very funny thou and this will keep me very aware to make sure that i'm logging out and not sending stuff out that i really dont need to be doing. Well hope it goes well wishing themthe best Jen

Sep 1, 2010, 10:51 AM

I saw this, ".. and just as I dream of a world without peace", and was fighting not to say anything, but you caught it, yourself.

Lawyers love stuff like this!

I didn't u know.. catch it that is.. but 4 eagle eyed lil tarts did, includin' the 1 who has the temerity 2 argify with me.. came outa class switched on me fone an ther they wer.. p*** takin' txts::rolleyes:... plus a reminder that me fone bill is due in a cuppla days.. not 2 sure wich is the worst... :eek: Nowt worse thanya m8's catchin ya wiv ya knickers down by ya ankles, Realist...:(

Sep 1, 2010, 1:09 PM
I have a story to tell about revenge. My ex-wife and I were married for twelve years. We had what I considered a perfect or as near perfect a union as two could have. We went to school together, (met in class), got our degrees and began our careers. Somewhere along the line we began to drift. Funny it was about seven years into the relationship. Ask John and Yoko about that. I'm not sure what caused the lag in our passion. I know that both of us were responsible. We were feeling stressed because our chosen careers were not paying the bills. We had kids, she stayed at home and we could not afford to buy a house. She stayed at home as part of a pact we made while in school: Whomever got work first works and the other stays at home until the kids are old enough for both to be at work. As it turned out, she did get a chance to practice while I stayed at home for a year. We had finally gotten to a point where we cold afford a house about 10 years in. The kids all had their own room and we got the living room back. Life started looking good for me. Not so for her. For her the story was different. She was at home all day with no adult contact, just the kids. She also had no adult contact other than me for the most part. Scary thought. I recognized that she needed to have adult contact and that we needed to nurture our relationship. She would not have a baby sitter in so we could go out on a date because she felt that was bad and neglectful parenting. I thought, at the least it would be good for the kids too to have a break from us. Finally, I was able to convince her to spend $150 on a pottery course. I told her I'd miss that much worth of meals so she could go as she was having a terrible time justifying the cost. That gets her out of the house and to a place where she can engage with other adults and bring that richness back to the relationship. Can anyone predict where this is going?:rolleyes:
So off she went. She was excited and full of life for the first time in a long long time. I was pretty happy too. Home life was pleasent, the kids were happy and I was telling everyone I was the luckiest man in the world because I had a family and surprising to me, I found myself really enjoying being a family man.
Not long afterward, she started accusing me of sleeping around on her. The accusations would always follow her seeing me talking to a woman or when I happened to speak about a conversation I had with a female colleague. (This is someone I came out to as bisexual from the get go). She even accused me of sleeping with a woman I was acting opposite to after seeing me in rehearsal for a play. We were doing a short bit from Grease where I got down on my knees in front of this woman and she flitted her skirt in front of my face. I was at wits end as the woman in question did not particularly like me. Trying to understand her behaviour, I thought maybe the source was her ex of whom she detailed his indescretions and other vile acts. She was four years single after that disaster and told me she had trust issues.
Turns out the root cause of her accusations was her own guilt. She had met a man while potting and spent the next two years throwing clay ang tossing him. (I know, right now all of you are wondering just how naive someone can be).
One day while she was getting ready to go out, I asked her what the Clorets were for. She stumbled in her answer and suddenly we both knew that we both knew something was up. She chose that moment to come clean. She told me she was seeing someone else and I needed to go. If I didn't, she'd pack the kids and move while I was at work. I was suckered and did what I thought was the best thing and complied for the sake of the kids being in a nice home they were settled in and a nice school community they had established themselves in. The court sees that as abandoning the family and she became the de facto parent with full custody in a case where otherwise there is no reason to award custody to one or the other.
During the next three months or so, I cried myself to sleep every night. Every night. In the meantime we had contact and some of it was friendly. I wanted back in. I wanted my family back. During some visits and more often as time passed, I was called a "little faggot" and belittled by her, much like a vindictive high school student might do. Then the weirdest thing happened. She called me up crying and saying, "he dumped me." She bawled and I held the phone away from my face trying to bring to focus how I felt about this. I couldn't believe of all people that after being so cruel that she would choose to call me to look for support. Anyone but me at that point in our lives. I had options that night. There are many things I could have done. Did I feel like fring it all back at her and telling her to go stuff herself. Sure, some part of me wanted to. Instead, I did my best to talk reassuringly to her telling her she will get past this and that life will start to look fresh again. After all my own experience was teaching me that very thing.

Why did I choose not to lash out and burn her to the ground? I don't know but I do know that I feel better today about my reaction than I ever would if I chose to seek revenge. I am a stronger person now. I have a much keener sense of emapthy than ever before. I have moved on and I know I have kept my integrity intact. I have gained so much from the experience as shitty as it was. She told me years later that by doing what I did, I helped her to decide not to go through with suicide that she had planned. I know people talk about their own suicide for various reasons but maybe, just maybe she was telling the truth too.:flag2::rainbow:

Sep 1, 2010, 6:22 PM
BiCycler, you did the right thing.

For everyone else's benefit, be warned that acts of revenge that involve harassment, threats or damage to property can get you arrested. Many states have passed stalker laws with serious penalties.

Sep 1, 2010, 11:56 PM
True Jamie but my original post was about revenge gone wrong for a friend's brother. Yes he will probably be arrested we don't know what will happen. However, that was in New Zealand. The laws are a bit different there hell the max time for murder is 7 years in jail that should give you something to think about.

For others, my warning was just that. Take care who you trust with personal info. And if you are gonna fuck that person over, then by hell clean your tracks.

Sep 2, 2010, 5:44 AM
The laws are a bit different there hell the max time for murder is 7 years in jail that should give you something to think about.

Soz Darling Darling, I know this isnt strictly on thread but your comment rang a bell with me regarding a recent case involving the murder of a Scottish girl over there, so how does that maximum sentence equate with this?


It just seems so at odds with what you are saying...

Sep 2, 2010, 5:58 AM
Duck tells me they recently redid the laws on some things because of the low sentence.


his life is basically a minimum of 11 years. Yeah life.

Sep 2, 2010, 12:44 PM
I had assumed that it wasn't necessary to state that revenge involving acts of violence is illegal. However, even revenge stunts that don't involve obviously illegal acts can get you charged with stalking or harassment. Be careful what you do with the nude pics your ex left you, even if he or she ran off with your best friend.