View Full Version : just splanin my dislexia

Aug 29, 2010, 12:33 AM
Im dislexic, upon another post i realize htats a too broad term so i thought i'd explain it further. I do not know the name of the type of dislexia i have.

I can read normal text fine, i read books allot, sometimes i go through many in a day

i ahve trouble reading numbers, mathematical dislexia, it reared its ugly head when i worked at walmart so many years ago and i'd read the total or the price or the change backwards 5.56 would turn, in my head, to 6.55 or worse yet 65.50

to add to that i both write and speak backwards. Youll notice that i mispell allot here, some of it is just plain typoes or ignorance to the spelling of a word, but the majority of it youll notice it is spelled correctly with the letters in the wrong place, that is part of my dislexia

for example, this was real, i did it, and ill leave it, two paragraphs back i wrote have as ahve, luckily the human brain can organize the letters itself and i bet there where many of you that didn't even notice that typo

lasty speaking backwards, i guess the best way to show an example of this, though it is much exaggerated, is Robin Hood Men In Tights, the sherrif of nottingham (not sure how to spell that lol) is a dislexic speaker. Ill do it allot and never catch it unless somone catches it for me, i get at least that from my mother (if she has the rest i don't know) because i catch her at it.

Instead of saying "my god that fog is thick" it comes out as "my fog that god is thick" or "my god that thick is fog" ect...

lol anyway,, yeah, i htink i posted this because i was mostly bored, bedtime!:bigrin:

Aug 29, 2010, 12:45 PM
Its called Discalcula, Sweetie. I know first hand, because I have it too. I can read 490 words a minute with a 97% comprehension, but cant do a simple page of math without great difficulty. Somehow numbers dont get from the paper, to my eyes, to my brain. (If that makes any sense)
I invert numbers, and have to re-read numbers all of the time. Its a pain in the ass, but we that have it, cope with it. :}

Aug 29, 2010, 4:43 PM
hey swettie,

Dont worry so much i also have dyslexia, with me its when i write i get letters mixed up in the wrong order, and i also have numbers issues and spacial awarness problems.

Aug 29, 2010, 5:23 PM
Sorry that your learning disability has impacted you in a negative way. Cat is correct. You need to accept it. Maybe, you have learned to explain the difficulty first before people become aware of it so that they don't put you down? You seem quite young to have slipped through the cracks of learning coping strategies..or maybe you did and it still makes you feel bad?

Everyone has some form of learning disability but some are bigger burdens to cope with. Best of fortune and remember that you are not the disability.