View Full Version : Was Thomas Jefferson Bisexual?

Aug 25, 2010, 11:38 AM
I am an avid reader of history and political science. I own a direct marketing company that specilaizes in grassroots political advocacy programs. Recently, while attending a conference in Key West Florida, the key note speaker made reference to the fact of Thomas Jefferson's well known proclivity to having sex with female black slaves. While this is a well known and documented fact, the speaker went on to say that Jefferson was openly bisexual and had sex with many of his male slaves.

I have conducted my own research and have found nothing to support the later statement. Has anyone else ever heard of Thomas Jefferson being bisexual? If so, perhaps he should trade place with George Washington as the true " Father of Our Country.

Aug 25, 2010, 12:26 PM
First I've heard of it.

Aug 25, 2010, 2:08 PM
I am an avid reader of history and political science. I own a direct marketing company that specilaizes in grassroots political advocacy programs. Recently, while attending a conference in Key West Florida, the key note speaker made reference to the fact of Thomas Jefferson's well known proclivity to having sex with female black slaves. While this is a well known and documented fact, the speaker went on to say that Jefferson was openly bisexual and had sex with many of his male slaves.

I have conducted my own research and have found nothing to support the later statement. Has anyone else ever heard of Thomas Jefferson being bisexual? If so, perhaps he should trade place with George Washington as the true " Father of Our Country.

Nope. . .many historians do have a bias and say things in order to boost certain prejudices and beliefs.

Concider the case of Cleopatra VII Philoraptor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleopatra_VII), the last Pharaoh of Egypt. When I was in Middle School, she was depicted as Black. It wasn't till I was a Junior in High School when I was reminded that she was the great-(great?)-granddaughter of one of Alexander the Great's generals, and thereby mostly Greek.

But there are black people walking the earth who think she was black purely by the virtue of her having been born and raised in Egypt. Lord help you if you try to tell them otherwise.

People have tried to tag the "gay" or "bi" tag on plenty of people for whom the evidence simply is not strong enough. . .Abraham Lincoln.

Supposedly a historian (Kramer is his name, I believe) has a secret diary (which he has NOT RELEASED for general examination) proving this. That's it. He slept in the same bed as one guy...but he was a broke ass young man. EVERYONE did that in the 1830's/40's.

Sorry, T.J may have had jungle fever, but I don't think he was one of us.

James Dean, President Buchanan, Emperor Hadrian, Pym Fortuyn on the other hand...gay or bisexual.


Aug 25, 2010, 6:40 PM
..does it matter??

Aug 25, 2010, 7:13 PM
I don't think that there is any sort of evidence whatsoever to indicate that Thomas Jefferson was anything other than a heterosexual. Even if there was some slight chance he had predilictions towards also having sex with men--at this point in history----you do have to respond to such a suggestion with the response of "so what!"

Aug 25, 2010, 7:46 PM
I think that when a group such as bisexuals or gays revel in the rumour that some historical person or famous person is "one of them" is partially understandable. I guess that it makes them feel validated by association? If X is bisexual and was famous by doing good deeds maybe the mainstream will accept us easier...etc type of thoughts?

However, as darkeyes writes does it matter? Shouldn't we be aspiring to the status where someone's sexuality is a non issue or at least no more serious today than being left handed. There was a time where pointing out that someone famous was left handed was seen as a good thing by lefties. That was perhaps because lefties were not accepted. Today, most of that rejection of left handed ness seems to be history. One day may being bisexual, gay or whatever be a non issue...I hope.... That would matter.

Aug 26, 2010, 7:00 PM
..does it matter??

Only if theres pics or videos....oh wait...

Aug 27, 2010, 10:14 AM
don't care

Aug 27, 2010, 11:22 AM
Nope. . .many historians do have a bias and say things in order to boost certain prejudices and beliefs.

Sorry, T.J may have had jungle fever, but I don't think he was one of us.

James Dean, President Buchanan, Emperor Hadrian, Pym Fortuyn on the other hand...gay or bisexual.


Even that is debatable because Sally Hemings was so light-skinned that she was described by one of Jefferson's friends as being "damn near white."

Aug 27, 2010, 1:58 PM
Even that is debatable because Sally Hemings was so light-skinned that she was described by one of Jefferson's friends as being "damn near white."

You're right in a way. . . Hemings WAS TJ's wife's HALF SISTER, after all. In a state other than VA (or even in the present day) she may have even been classified as white anyhow. . . I had a classmate that was the same shade as myself, classified as white. Why? Her father was white.

But the general attitude in the South (at the time) was, "black blood is like the blood of Jesus. One drop makes ya whole, honey."

So while she may have looked white, her and TJ's offspring may have passed for white, and had a white father - - the fact that she was known to have black ancestry made her as black as the ace of spades.

Hence my casual/humorous use of the term jungle fever, and it means we're BOTH right. :p


Aug 27, 2010, 2:05 PM
Uhmmm, ok.....
Confused Cat

Aug 27, 2010, 7:02 PM
I've never read anything remotely suggesting this. I suppose one could speculate that since Jefferson lived in libertine Paris for awhile that he could have...done something or other. I'm surprised no one has suggested this about Franklin since in many ways his libido and views on privacy and personal rights could be interpreted to reflect a 'more inclusive' sexuality. As with Jefferson, however, I've never read anything about this with Franklin.

Aug 28, 2010, 12:18 AM
I find it funny we should have this conversation when just yesterday I bought a book called "Queers in history" by Kieth Stern. so far its very interesting, since even a few appointed saints were gay...no Bisexuals yet but I'm still looking. I had no idea susan B. Anthony was gay/bi though. interesting stuff.:bigrin:

Aug 28, 2010, 12:24 AM
He did wear wigs . . .