View Full Version : anal sex in the shower...is it any better?

Aug 21, 2010, 12:41 AM
I have'nt had sex of any sought for about 3 months. My last was with a cd/bisexual man who was 60 and i'm 38. With all my gay encounters, i'm still yet to go anal, even though its always been asked of me, whether its giving or receiving. It got much worse last sept. when i got anal sex while asleep, and its scared me eversince....thats the only time a penis has been near my bum.
.....of late I think my fear is beginning to end. I have desires for anal sex in the shower. With my last time I had oral sex in the shower and it was wonderful. Is anal sex in the shower more beautiful than in a bed? just curious....i'm getting the urge.

Aug 21, 2010, 1:40 AM
Not until you are used to it. Lube, lube and more lube is the key to anal. While doing it in the shower can be highly erotic and instant cleanup it's better to use a bed where you have more control.

Aug 21, 2010, 1:40 AM
I have never done anal sex in the shower. I cannot imagine that there would be anything particularly special about it unless you have some sort of shower fetish. I could well imagine a hot scene involving a shower and hot anal sex. Nothing wrong with that.

If you are considering anal sex, I'm not sure what is scaring you. Take your time. Make sure you and your partner are relaxed and don't rush anything.

Aug 21, 2010, 3:44 AM
Is anal sex in the shower more beautiful than in a bed? just curious....i'm getting the urge.

I've never had anal sex in the shower, but I would not recommend it for a beginner as you need to be relaxed and a standing position does not help there. You might try it once you're absolutely used to it.

Aug 21, 2010, 4:53 AM
I would have to say... I agree with just about everyone else here... Although I have not had my first experience yet, except a half-completed blow job by one of my friends when I was 12... Trust me, I'm itching at the balls to have my first full sexperience with another man. But I have had plenty of self toy experience...

The shower may give a good erotic background setting, that's all it is, is background ambience... The bed allows you to be more comfortable and gives you the flexibility to move around to make things even more comfortable... Remember in most cases with anal sex... Comfort is directly related to pleasure... This should be the first place to start... The shower, whether standing or laying on the floor of it, will not allow you to relax as much as the bed would...

If you feel the need to try it in the shower and you don't have any experience with anal sex of any kind, try this... Go out and get a toy dildo with a suction cup... Stick it to the wall of the shower and try it... This way you are gaining your own experience with regards to anal sex and you are satisfying your urge to try it in the shower. The best part of this scenario is that YOU are in control... If it doesn't feel good, then you can stop and not end up disappointing your SO. I always find with sex in general that the best and safest way to try things out that you are unsure of is to try them by yourself with toys... If it works, great!!! Advance to the live action stage... If not, either forget the idea altogether and there's no possible rejection issues to deal with from a bad session or go back to the drawing board and think about what you can do to get you to that goal...

For example, if sex with a toy in the shower doesn't work but your still determined to get there... Try it in the bed a few times in a comfortable relaxing position... Keep having self-sex in different positions until you are used to doing it in the standing position... THEN change the setting to the shower...

Although a toy doesn't replace the feeling of having a real person there, but it sure will give you an idea of what you like and what you don't...

Aug 21, 2010, 9:44 AM
i have only one thing to say..

SILICONE LUBE, water resistant :) long lasting :) :) Have fun!

Aug 21, 2010, 6:11 PM
Anal sex is good anytime and anywhere. As others have mentioned use lots of lube.

Aug 21, 2010, 8:33 PM
I still reckon no matter where you have anal sex......it's till a dirty great big pain in the arse!!! :eek:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Aug 21, 2010, 11:46 PM
anal sex is great just as long as you & your partner are both relaxed and very comfortable, it is something that your partner can not rush into right away. after all you are the one who is receiving anal so you are in compleate and total control.

just make sure that use lots and lots and lots of lube.also if you use a vibrator around the ring of the anal opening it will also help to relax you and open you up.
good luck and have fun.:bipride:

Aug 22, 2010, 12:24 PM
I love it no matter where I am! You might have problems staying lubed in the shower, just a thought!

Dec 29, 2012, 10:15 AM
I have a toy with a suction cup that I often use in the shower. I like it.For safty sake I would get used to using it outside of the shower first.I have had the real thing in the shower as well. The bed, chair, even the floor are all more enjoyable.

Dec 29, 2012, 11:17 AM
I had a lover, years ago, who was endowed with an enormous cock. (If I hadn't genuinely cared about him, I would have never begun the relationship...I am NOT a fan of large cocks!) He wanted to have anal sex with me, in the worst way.

I, however, have never been a fan of being on the anal receiving end...especially with a cock that big! I did find an alternative...that was letting him fuck me between the legs, in the shower. While soaped up, he'd put his cock between my legs, then I'd close them firmly. We did it both facing and from the back. That first attempt was successful and began our principle mode of operation! He reciprocated with a lovely BJ!

He said it felt almost the same and, in the following 7 years (in the shower with soap and in bed with lubes) continued to have many earth-shaking orgasms that way. I was very pleased too, because sucking him off dislocated my jaws, which would hurt for days afterwards! It may sound strange, but it worked well for us!

Dec 29, 2012, 12:00 PM
I don't do anal sex, but I imagine that doing it in the shower would be better so the poop can be washed away immediately.

Dec 29, 2012, 6:06 PM
I hav'n had Anal Sex in the Shower but it sounds like fun. lol Their are 2 very good books on the subject of Anal Sex. The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women by Tristan Taormino & The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men by Bill Brent. Both Books are by Cleis Press. Everything you need to know about Anal Sex is in these 2 Books Have fun & be Safe. Take Care Tom.

Dec 30, 2012, 12:34 PM
Hurts more the water kinda of feels dry and crazy as that sounds but its not as smooth feeling