View Full Version : STD question

Apr 4, 2006, 1:13 PM
So, let's say we (wife and I) find another person/couple to 'fool' around with. If both parties go to their respective physicians and have the full battery of STD/HIV testing performed, what are the chances of contracting an STD/HIV ?

I have heard with the latest drugs used to combat HIV that the virus loads can be lowered to the point they are undetectable. Is this correct ?

And what about STD's ? Can a person be a carrier and test negative but still infect others ?

Yes, I know about using condoms and such.

Apr 4, 2006, 2:30 PM
i think it could all comes down to trust - and your relationships, i.e do you trust your "wife" so you dont need condoms? - is trust time related? i think so ...........

is a few months of condom use a small price to pay when building a long term relationship?


Apr 4, 2006, 6:49 PM
So far 3 good questions have been asked...with 2 good answers, Trust Condoms.

Driver 8
Apr 4, 2006, 10:02 PM
Condoms are important, but it's worth considering other STDs too. For instance, herpes can be spread by kissing and by eating pussy - and condoms are only so much help. (Yes, you can eat pussy through a barrier, but it's not what most people are thinking when they say "use condoms.") The only STD I ever got - and fortunately it was a treatable one - was from a woman; at the time I would have been careful about using condoms for intercourse at any time, and I'd fooled myself into thinking that was enough.

On the one hand, herpes (and other STDs) are much less serious than HIV; on the other, no one wants to get any STD if they can help it.

I can't give you the exact odds on catching an STD from someone who's tested negative. Keep in mind the possibility that your partners were clean when they got tested, but have gotten infected since - especially if they, too, have multiple partners.

For some STDs, there's a window period between when you get infected and when the tests first work. You might consider only reducing the amount of protection you use after a second test, and continue using condoms for intercourse regardless.

I know safe sex educators used to say "Practice only safe sex all the time, use a barrier for everything," but I'm not convinced that's realistic. Who wants to kiss through a barrier, for one thing?

I think you're doing the right thing by looking to reduce risk, no matter how you do it. Hope you can find some more specific questions about problems with the tests.

Driver 8
Apr 4, 2006, 10:06 PM
Whoops, forgot to add ...

Even if someone does have an STD, you might not necessarily rule them out just for being a carrier. (This is obviously a personal decision, and I'm not about to pressure anyone either way.) Although it's possible for people with herpes to infect others when they don't have visible lesions, there are responsible people with herpes, and they can learn the symptoms that mean they have an outbreak coming on, and avoid contact then.

For years I was in a relationship with someone who had herpes, and I never got infected for just this reason - yes, I knew there was still some risk, but I felt it was manageable. :2cents:

Apr 5, 2006, 6:34 AM
YES!!!!!!! It is possible to test neagative on, especially, the HIV test, but also certain other STD's.

For goodness sake....if you are just "fooling" around.......


Certain forms of STD are now multi-drug RESISTANT and you are facing a possible death sentence.

HIV can show up a negative result for up to three months after the infection.
Modern drugs are keeping people alive a lot longer but it is STILL going to get you in the end.


Rupe :)

Apr 5, 2006, 8:54 PM
Its not just death, think how expensive treatment is in the first place.Got good insurance? Gonna be able to afford the insurance if you are sick and cant work? Does your ins company cover the experimental drugs they use? I can list tons more!