View Full Version : Badly Stressed :(

Aug 6, 2010, 10:35 PM
I'm sorry guys if I've seemed a bit grumpy and a tad snappy in my advise lately...I dont mean to be. Its just that I've been under alot of stress lately and I'm afraid it's getting to me. Even before the Biker show, things havent been going well, and working so hard for my trip to Calif has been occupying most of my time and summer. I find out my grandson went into emergency surgery the day I set up at the Biker show, then he had been out of the hospital 4 days when his dog was hit and killed right in front of him. My youngest son wound up back in jail and I may not get to see him, and I havent in 8 years. Dont look like I am going to when I get there either. I had a hell of a time raising the money to get my ticket, but finally got that all straightened out.
And just when I think things are slowing down, I get an idiot who yanks me damn near off'n my feet, messes my back up, and restarts the bout of feminine problems back up. That problem had been stopped for 11 days now, and I was hoping it was over with. And I had to sit in a police station for damn near three hours today because the assholes For Got me! And misplaced the friggin paperwork that they called me down there to fill out! Idjets...
When the girls take me out for my belated Bday tomorrow night, I'm getting royally Plowed! lol
So forgive me if I have been curt, or short when speaking to you..I hadnt meant to be....:( I need to get drunk, and royally romped! And not necessarily in that order...lol
Hugzz to ya'll
Exhusted Cat

Aug 6, 2010, 11:27 PM
Its ok Cat , just remember we love you!

**huge hugs and kisses for Cat**

Aug 7, 2010, 12:05 AM
No problem Cat.. Take a deep breath and have a COCKtail or two.Oh ok who stops at 2?... Someone hand Cat a handle.....

and a belated :bday: to you

Aug 7, 2010, 1:11 AM

Just wanted to let you all know that our Mama/Cat was taken to the hospital a few minutes ago. Kiterina took her up to the hospital that she works at, maybe this time they'll do something about that bleeding situation of hers. I know I am going to get in deep shit for this, but as like her lifestyle family, I knew you all would want to know. She would'nt tell us that she was in pain until one of her "kids" called us and let us know, so Kit went straight over. Kit says she'll call me if they put Cat in, and if they do, I'll pass the information on to you.

I'll let you know as soon as I know something.

Aug 7, 2010, 1:18 AM
not to worry about being stressed, it's part of life; you know we love you, crazy cat;

just about to post the above when i read the new post, keep us posted and dear cat will have to put up with it! :cool:

Aug 7, 2010, 2:48 AM
Sorry that you're at the downward part of the roller coaster called life... Hope all goes well and that the feminine thing gets fixed in a jiffy. Feel better and hope you have a very Happy Birthday in spite of it all... :)

Aug 7, 2010, 3:52 AM
If she is up to it tomorrow night, the girls are going to hijack her for her belated Birfday celebration and God help me, but they have designated me as their 'Sober Drover"
7 to 10 sillyed up women, doing karaoke and consuming Jello Shots...Someone pray for me please...LOL


Aug 7, 2010, 4:04 AM
Wow. Good luck all round.

Aug 7, 2010, 4:25 AM
Wow major hugs for Cat.

Aug 7, 2010, 7:44 AM
Cat, get well, come back, we need you!

You are the one bit of insanity we need in a sane world! Did I get that backwards?