View Full Version : Fetishes...cross gender the same?

Apr 2, 2006, 6:57 AM
I am male, and love women I also love feet toes and ass. cant get enough of the eye candy I even love the slight musk, (Not dirty). But when it comes to men, I seldom find that men take care of themselves well enough to appreciate these attributes. I have seen men with toes I would suck, or an ass I would love in my face.....(nice bubblebutt) but.. not often. any one else have these tendancies? I am so new to discussing this with people. I have NO AVENUES in th real world. Am I really wierd!!!!!!?

Long Duck Dong
Apr 2, 2006, 7:21 AM
define weird lol

you have simply expressed what you find attractive in people.... some people like eyes, some like body shape.... you like feet and toes lol

males generally as a rule, don't tend to be self image conscious like the ladies lol....well us males generally don't wear high heels either.....lol

but its a bit like the crossdresser.....normal society would put them in the * freako * section of mankind....but all the person is doing is exploring their own inner self and experiencing what makes themselves tick....tho society has a brillant habit of forgetting that once upon a time, that ladies were forbidden to wear male clothing ( pants and trousers ) so who is the crossdresser ?????

simply... *weird and freak* are gonna be used on you by the people who have distanced themselves most from your particular likes..... its a bit like a homophobic person is gonna be more vocal about a crossdresser than a bisexual person

you are unique, interesting and well... you are part of the massively diverse human race, lol enjoy it and never change cos the rest of the world says to... cos they would never change for you

Apr 2, 2006, 7:55 AM
Hello Opentoideas

i too am a person who likes to look at feet & toes as well
i have always had a facination with woman who keep their toes painted ever since i was a young child, so no, you are not weird
i am willing to bet there are more people out there who like the same things you do (and i bet they feel they are alone too)
Again, i blame this on society as well, i have a saying, that i try very hard to live by and it really goes against the whole "society" thing if you think about it but here it is


Good luck, and hope to hear from you soon
m.in.heels&hose :)

Apr 2, 2006, 11:40 AM
No, and No........Well No and maybe (with all due respect)

Apr 2, 2006, 4:37 PM
"males generally as a rule, don't tend to be self image conscious like the ladies lol....well us males generally don't wear high heels either.....lol"

I suppose that is true. Guys just dont dress as well or maintain themselves the same.(generally speaking)

On another note, I have seen some of these sites that cater to fetishes, but they are so extreme. Same goes for so many of the various posts for sex that I see on sites like "craigs list".