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Aug 5, 2010, 7:27 PM
This is to make our Cat/Mama smile. It has been a bad day for her and I want to make her chuckle: The graphic of her hero Maxine probably will not come through, but please enjoy anyway.


The Importance of Walking

Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 85 years old
to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
home at $7000 per month. This is my reason. DWB

My grandpa started walking
five miles a day when he was 60.
Now he's 97 years old
and we don't know where he is.

I like long walks,
especially when they are taken
by people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking
is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

I have to walk early in the morning,
before my brain figures out what I'm doing..

I joined a health club last year,
spent about 400 bucks.
Haven't lost a pound.
Apparently you have to go there.

Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise',
I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

The advantage of exercising every day
is so when you die, they'll say,
'Well, she looks good doesn't she.'

If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
start with a small country.

I know I got a lot of exercise
the last few years,......
just getting over the hill.

We all get heavier as we get older,
because there's a lot more information in our heads.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Every time I start thinking too much
about how I look,
I just find a Happy Hour
and by the time I leave,
I look just fine.

You could run this over to your friends
But just e-mail it to them

If you don't forward
this to 1 of your friends within
the next 5 minutes your belly
button will unscrew and your
butt will fall off.

Really.... It's true

Aug 5, 2010, 8:18 PM
I'm here to tell you, there ain't nothing funny about getting old!

Aug 5, 2010, 8:21 PM
My Grampa, a very wise man, said the joy of getting old was his grandchildren, not simply for the love he could give or would receive, but also for the vengeance they would wreak on his children for all the bother, worry and many sleepless nights they gave him. He said it I think, only partly in jest.. and must have been very disappointed in me for I was, and am an angel and the apple of his and my father's eye.. as if I could ever bother, worry and keep my dad awake at night for anything I could have done..;)

Now my brother and sister.. now they are quite another story..:tong:

Aug 5, 2010, 8:42 PM
My Grampa, a very wise man, said the joy of getting old was his grandchildren, not simply for the love he could give or would receive, but also for the vengeance they would wreak on his children for all the bother, worry and many sleepless nights they gave him. He said it I think, only partly in jest.. and must have been very disappointed in me for I was, and am an angel and the apple of his and my father's eye.. as if I could ever bother, worry and keep my dad awake at night for anything I could have done..;)

Now my brother and sister.. now they are quite another story..:tong:

Just smiles atcha....................

Aug 6, 2010, 12:15 AM
I agree Realist, but Cat is the closest I have to a Mother, and I have to give her a hard time now nad then. But it is out of pure love. I know retrobution is going to be mine, but that's ok. I can out-run her..lol


Aug 6, 2010, 12:15 AM
I agree not fun to get old....but if you want to make Cat chuckle....I will tickle her silly.....Here Kitty Kitty.


Aug 6, 2010, 2:27 AM
*Fran looks at 2 day's ratha fetchin sexy lil outfit hangin on wardobe door..*

Nope..neva gettin old!!!:bigrin: May get olda.. can't help that..but am nev gettin old!!!!

*blows Cat a kissie*

Aug 6, 2010, 3:43 AM
*Preens in fronta mirror*

Uhuh.. don look 2 bad at all if me says so mesel... an if Shiv says so.. then it mus b... gud taste that girl...:bigrin:

..an no.. the tenner wosn bribery 4 ne 1 says!!!

Aug 6, 2010, 12:51 PM
Whoo hoo! Belle tickles and Fran kissies. Life is gooooooood..:}
Thank you ladies, and Ki too for your sweetness.

Aug 6, 2010, 7:21 PM
Hey love... You are the best... :paw::paw:

Aug 6, 2010, 10:09 PM
Ty Sweet Bear. I appreciate it greatly. Hasnt been a good couple of weeks and its been tough, but I'm gettin thru it.;)

Aug 9, 2010, 7:51 AM
..me dad has a ver particular view on agin' Cat.. 'e don mind cos it means every year the ole bugga has moren more toy trains up in attic on 'is layout... 'e spend's hours up ther goin "choo choo choo choo toot toot chuff chuff..."... an the conversations bout Stanier 8f's n Black 5's an streamlinin' an Nigel Gresley an Pacifics an Atlantics an digital layouts gainst electrical, wirin an points an signals an scale an toy train detail inaccuracies.. 'im an me bruv r at it all time.. 'e reckons it keeps 'im yung at heart.. makes us roll our eyes an go 2 sleep or even betta nip down cella an guzzle a nice bottle or 2 of 'is plonk... soft ole bugga even has toys wich 'e had renamed renumbad for me mum an us.. cheeky sod stuck a name board on a teensy weensy lil babba choochoo puffer wiv "Midge" on it an me birfday for a numba.. cudda shot 'im for that..

..if all me had wos toy trains keep me young reckon me wud b bout 95 by now... God... big boys an ther toys...

Aug 9, 2010, 8:20 AM
I knew a fellow who began building an airplane at 80. Every weld, every piece of metal, the suspension for the landing gear, controls, etc, etc were perfectly made. The workmanship was some of the finest I've ever seen.

I asked him, one time, why he waited so long to build such a complex project?

He said that he read that having something interesting and compelling to do would give a person goals to meet....and a more of a reason to live. That way he would not be sitting around groaning about his aches and pains, but focusing on things that he wanted to do. He was taking his time, as he felt the project would keep him alive as long as he was working on it.

He died at 85, however, with the plane half done. So, I guess his theory was not accurate. But, I know he enjoyed what he was doing and he was certainly good at it.

Maybe it's best that he didn't get it done, I don't know, but I admired him for his workmanship and drive.