View Full Version : circumcism

Jul 30, 2010, 2:58 PM
I am curious about your feelings, likes/dislikes regarding cocks that are / are not circumcised?
Me? Was cut at birth but very loose and still have excess skin that covers most of the head when flacid. I am considering having a revision.

Jul 30, 2010, 3:21 PM
there are two origins of genetal mutilation, also known as circumcision, the RHP religions beleive it is a command from god to cut the forskins of their children

in africa they do this to females to make them "like virgins" forever

Its a disgusting act, i am proud to have an uncircumsized child, an didn't listen to all that theist bs

Jul 30, 2010, 3:34 PM
When I used to give a male lover, who was not circumcised, long, gentle hand-jobs, it made me wish I'd never been cut, too. I could slide his skin back and forth with much less effort and without painfully pulling it tight, as with a circumcised one. He was the only guy I've been with, who was not mutilated. Now, many people, of both genders, are grossed out by the sight of an uncut one.

Jul 30, 2010, 6:31 PM
Been there done that in another thread


Jul 30, 2010, 6:32 PM
1) Male circumcision is not the same as female circumcision.

2) There can be medical requirement for male circumcision and thus it may be carried out for other than fashion or religious fad.

Plenty has been written on this site and elswhere on the two topics.


Jul 30, 2010, 7:07 PM
when circumcision is done the infant passes out from the pain when their foreskin is cut and ripped off but who wouldn't?

You are so full of shit! I was right there when both of my sons were circumsized and neither of them passed out or screamed in pain. The oldest only cried when he was wiped down with the cleaning solution because it was cold. The second looked up like "Huh, what are we doing down there?"
I am sure there are some horror stories connected with it, but not all like you painted. :rolleyes:

Jul 30, 2010, 8:24 PM
You are funny and sad at the same time
I have 6 grandkids,all boys,all cut(by my daughter's wishes),no problems,no infections,no screaming,crying or anything else during the process or after
All of your posts lack any real creedence-your rotating names as you are banned is pretty sad-do you not have any kind of life?
Myself I prefer a cut clean cock
Conversley speaking though, my last lover of two years was a 65 y/o man with an 8" uncut cock that was a huge turn on-watching the head poke out as I massaged him and helped him get off
Thinks Cat got it right ;)

Jul 30, 2010, 9:55 PM
As I posted in the thread that LDD referenced... My ex husband is not circumcised, and we did not circumcise our son. They both live healthy wholesome lives. We refrained to doing it because it just seems unnecessary, and would have just been an added expense. Insurance generally does not cover it, because after all, it is elective surgery.

Jul 31, 2010, 7:31 AM
Some doctors and nurses do not even ask the parents if they do not want their child's genitals mutilated and just go ahead and do it to them and this is wrong.

Wrong, completely wrong. Any surgery of any person in the United States must be approved by family or the patient. There are papers to be signed which protect the surgeon unless there is gross malpractice and the papers state exact procedures and estimated time of surgery.

Jul 31, 2010, 9:23 AM
''and there was one boy who had his entire penis removed and he was then forced to live as a "girl" because of this and he later killed himself when he learned what happened to him.''

Wrong again! The gentleman in question (and I do believe he was Canadian), did not commit suicide, upon discovering that he was, in fact male (a twin), and that a circumcision had gone terribly wrong.

I've watched a couple of documentaries about the guy and it was a terrible thing which happened to him, terrible. His parents followed the advice of the medical profession and tried to raise him as a girl (hormones and more surgery, would follow, they were told). Raising him as a girl, did not work and in his teens, he did find out, that he was male and stopped wearing any female attire. I believe hormone therapy then started.

He had surgery to create a penis (a working one), and he did marry and was a step-father, though obviously could not father children, himself.

He did commit suicide, yes and obviously the physical, psychological, emotional, etc damage which had been suffered by the gentleman, caused him great problems and led to his great unhappiness. Imagine having a twin, of the same sex, who has lived the life, you should have lived. So, Yes, the bungled circumcision did lead to his state of mind, where he felt the need to end his life.

However, he did NOT kill himself, upon discovery of his true gender. It was many, many years later.

His brother's circumcision surgery went ahead without any problem, but, unfortunately the second twin suffered a terrible disfigurement and loss of genitalia. It was a bungled procedure. The sort of thing which can happen during any surgery, even if it shouldn't. It is a great tragedy, that this occurred and I remember seeing him interviewed. He was a very troubled man and no wonder.

And, No, I can't remember his name and I haven't googled, to look for it. I am answering your post, because I have only just read it and felt the need to comment.

Jul 31, 2010, 9:38 AM
''and there was one boy who had his entire penis removed and he was then forced to live as a "girl" because of this and he later killed himself when he learned what happened to him.''

Wrong again! The gentleman in question (and I do believe he was Canadian), did not commit suicide, upon discovering that he was, in fact male (a twin), and that a circumcision had gone terribly wrong.

I've watched a couple of documentaries about the guy and it was a terrible thing which happened to him, terrible. His parents followed the advice of the medical profession and tried to raise him as a girl (hormones and more surgery, would follow, they were told). Raising him as a girl, did not work and in his teens, he did find out, that he was male and stopped wearing any female attire. I believe hormone therapy then started.

He had surgery to create a penis (a working one), and he did marry and was a step-father, though obviously could not father children, himself.

He did commit suicide, yes and obviously the physical, psychological, emotional, etc damage which had been suffered by the gentleman, caused him great problems and led to his great unhappiness. Imagine having a twin, of the same sex, who has lived the life, you should have lived. So, Yes, the bungled circumcision did lead to his state of mind, where he felt the need to end his life.

However, he did NOT kill himself, upon discovery of his true gender. It was many, many years later.

His brother's circumcision surgery went ahead without any problem, but, unfortunately the second twin suffered a terrible disfigurement and loss of genitalia. It was a bungled procedure. The sort of thing which can happen during any surgery, even if it shouldn't. It is a great tragedy, that this occurred and I remember seeing him interviewed. He was a very troubled man and no wonder.

And, No, I can't remember his name and I haven't googled, to look for it. I am answering your post, because I have only just read it and felt the need to comment.

His name was David Reimer (article about him (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer), about his suicide (http://www.slate.com/id/2101678)), the Dr who performed the operation on him did so while intoxicated. His penis was not "disfigured" it was electro cauterized off.

His case does tend to prove that existence of a penis does not make one a male. It also proves that Gender isn’t a social construct.

But that's a whole other story.

I believe in letting the people involved make the decision to alter their body. It is their body, as parents and adult caregivers, we merely hold it in trust for them. I feel the same about infant piercings and tattoos, too.

Altering someone’s body without consent is wrong.

However, talking about circumcision here is a very old debate, and not one I am going to engage in.

Jul 31, 2010, 9:42 AM
The gentleman in question whose circumcision went wrong and who was then raised as a girl was David Reimer.

His awkward past may have played a role in his decision to commit suicide, but his twin brother had also died two years ago, and David had just divorced and lost his job.

Back to circumcision: here in Germany, it is not usual to circumcise people. You only do it if there is a phimosis problem which cannot get solved otherwise. Plus Muslims get circumcised at age 6 or 7 (we have 3 million Muslims here), and the few Jews we have at the age of 10 days. We don't dare to address this topic too much here in Germany basically in order not to annoy the Jews here again after the 3rd Reich sh*t, or to mingle into Muslim religious affairs. At least, the Muslim kids are old enough to know a bit what happens to them and they make a big party about it and the kids are at the center of attention for a day and get lots of presents, so maybe the experience in itself is less traumatic for them. None of my Muslim friends ever complained about the ceremony or of being circumcised, but that may have several reasons.

An ex of mine was partially circumcised as a kid due to phimosis, it was okay for him to have a partially circumcised penis but the hospital experience was somewhat traumatic for him. And a friend of mine only hit on and dated Muslim guys as she was only into circumcised penises and wanted to be sure she'd get one (the only solution here in Germany if you want to be sure not to get guys with foreskins). This led to many funny situations as she was also a very dominant, radical feminist. :bigrin:

I'm not quite sure what to think about male circumcision, but am rather against it than for it. However, it cannot be well compared to female genital mutilation as it corresponds only to its absolutely mildest form ("light" version of sunna FGM where only the clitoral hood is removed).

Jul 31, 2010, 10:10 AM
I think that it might be interesting to know what percentage of men who were circumcised at birth are bothered by not being permitted to decide about being circumcised compared to adult men who have no concerns.

I'm cirumcised and tend not to give it a second thought. I'm a little curious about guys who are not circumcised but it doesn't haunt me that this was done to me as an infant. In fact, I'm quite ok with it.

This is really a socio political question and I am inclined to think that most other circumcised men like myself don't really care. We are probably mostly glad that it was done to us as a baby.

There is quite a bit of difference between male and female circumcision from what I've read.

Does anyone have stats on this or are people just arguing over an issue?

Jul 31, 2010, 2:37 PM
His name was David Reimer (article about him (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer), about his suicide (http://www.slate.com/id/2101678)), the Dr who performed the operation on him did so while intoxicated. His penis was not "disfigured" it was electro cauterized off.

His case does tend to prove that existence of a penis does not make one a male. It also proves that Gender isn’t a social construct.

But that's a whole other story.

I believe in letting the people involved make the decision to alter their body. It is their body, as parents and adult caregivers, we merely hold it in trust for them. I feel the same about infant piercings and tattoos, too.

Altering someone’s body without consent is wrong.

However, talking about circumcision here is a very old debate, and not one I am going to engage in.

Thank you Marie. I shall take a look at the links. I remember the name, now I see it. I knew what had happened regarding the way mr Reimer's penis was destroyed. A very tragic and also horrifying story. I answered the post in haste, as I had to go out.

I cannot disagree with anything else you say here.

Jul 31, 2010, 7:42 PM
Been there done that in another thread


thanks, this subject has been talked to death!

Aug 2, 2010, 8:50 PM
in a reply to a couple of heated posts up there they indeed do not feel pain, because in the majority of cases, including when i was cut (i was told how it was done not too long ago by my parents) they clamp the foreskin they wish to slice off untill all blood is lost and so is all feeling, to say the infant feels 100% nothing is false, it has been proven at times the baby can feel anything fomr great pressure to some pain, in some cases where the doctors where extremly incompetent, it was done poorly and hte kid was caused extreme pain during the mutilation.

AS for the "health reasons" for doing this you will find most of them have been scientifically disproven, having foreskin will not "cause infections" in fact you increase the chance of an infection at the time by cuasing and open wound that must heal. There is a story of a woman who had her child circumsized, and it did become infected, and was amputated, and they had to recunstruct his penis, no doubt it wont ever be normal.

Having foreskin does not increase the chances of stds, in fact it acts as a layer of protection BUT does not significantly decrease the chance of STDs either, so all you ucnut males DO NOT GO AROUND HAVING UNPROTECTED SEX SAYING "SEPHI TOLD ME I COULD!"

the only true two medical reason for a cutting of the male organ at birth or during his life would be A: malformation of the skin or organ or B: injury received from birth (or later in life) that caused extensive enough damadge to require surgery.

Aug 3, 2010, 10:48 AM
Is this the thread where people who haven't been circumcised get on a moral high ground and bitch about the act itself?

Ok, just checking.

Aug 3, 2010, 10:40 PM
nope, its people who think its morally wrong to mutilate a childs external parts for no good reasons except it may "look sexier" take a boxstand

i have nothing wrong with adults getting circumsized, yep it will probably hurt, but no pain no gain they say!
But in a world where some parents get called out for putting irrings, tatoos, and such forms of body art on their infants, how can we say cutting of a chunk of the penis is in any way a right or moral thing to do.

oh an d bty, as stated before (checks) yep, im not uncut

roy m cox
Aug 3, 2010, 11:31 PM
well i am cut and if i could had a say in it i would have but being a new born i think i just waaa'd a lot ,,

now having any sex with a guy that is uncut he better be clean and not have any weird smells or nasty things in it. i just wont have it,


Aug 4, 2010, 11:03 PM
well i am cut and if i could had a say in it i would have but being a new born i think i just waaa'd a lot ,,

now having any sex with a guy that is uncut he better be clean and not have any weird smells or nasty things in it. i just wont have it,


I definitely agree with that!!! My partner is not cut and to keep me happy he showers just before having sex with me. OH YES!! That definitely keeps me very happy!!! Otherwise, dead fish smell and taste is all I would get.