View Full Version : Work / Life / Death / Bowl of Rice

Jul 29, 2010, 5:17 AM
Void sits with a bowl of rice, chopsticks, he points in the general direction of a huge steamer full of rice in a gesture unmistakably meaning you may help yourself. "Take a bowl, wash it when done. Thought I'd touch base a tad."

First please do enjoy some Free Rice (http://www.freerice.com/) , the knight Bono is doing a hell of a job as is ONE. Every little bit helps.

Second ... (void puts on his hypno-toad goggles) "we all must eat apple products or products with apples in them." Void is working and as of today was told he'll have a job as long as he wants, at a major apple producing plant. So keep void working despite his complaints about not understanding Spanish. :-) Besides apples is good for ya.

One of the guys there already takes some of the extra out and to churches or directly to poor folks. These are folks that otherwise would not have fruits or veggies. Void brings home some of the extra, too. But he isn't greedy because this other bloke has more altruistic motive. Tonight this guy took out like two case boxes full of 4 oz sauce cups, I took out two six packs.

My job is really nice save for being extremely hot presently. I shoved around a floor cleaning machine tonight in three of six warehouses. Ended up soaking my t-shirt in sweat, front and back. But it's good for me, restores and maintains integrity, decency, honesty, humility, gratitude, compassion. I work from 5pm to 3am, usually do a 12 day work week, take two off. Sometimes we go to 4am, just depends. May even go 5-5.

It's a good rate of pay too. I'm making just a bit over $8 hrly, already with company stock as well. End of the month I'll get the benefit package. Had a chem burn, the company did not hesitate to pay for a doc, in fact genuinely concerned. I've still not missed a day. Tough old void, eats nails and poops barbed wire. <chuckle>

So do the free rice bit, please, even you don't eat apple products. I'll still have a job nonetheless. This company has lots of Old Money, keeps raking it in, and they don't mind paying for good work. Don't see them going out any time at all, solid as the brick barn they house their production units in. Barn was built like 400 yrs ago in parts and still no signs of ill repair. Cosmetic stuff only. Throw a coat of paint on it. But the rice is important, it's our one voice and love reaching those who need.

And the mental health for me presently is in stasis. I'm on stuff for anxiety/frustration and it helps keep the inner critics quieter. Ergo, less depression. Possibly could go free all together if I quit sugar but don't see that occurring any time soon. Same with cigs. Overall I'm doing a great deal better than 1 year ago. Not quit as filled with suicidal thoughts, still they come but go and go a lot quicker. As my doc is fond of putting it, I'm "coasting".

Wife is doing great! Says "hey." New dogs, three of them all well. Had a bad run on a bunch of kittens ... I still won't discuss that too much. But those remaining are all doing well. Mom is ever the ... something ... but it's okay. And no it didn't rhyme with witch.

Note for my man: _Pyramids_ is even more "hi larious" than _Interesting Times_ & much darker, such a delicious read. And you owe me one Firefly class ship. You can be captain, I just want to keep flying. Love you honey and thank you. :-) <KISS & HUG>

Void has now faded from sight, a clean and empty rice bowl is left only, a subtle marker he was even there. Off in the distance of the night, a glimmer, noise then natural silence.

Jul 29, 2010, 6:16 AM
Glad you seem to be doing well honey, take care of that leg. I do occasionally play a game of free rice, btw hit the "Change Subject" - there is a Spanish vocab version.

Talk slowly, the last time I used chopsticks it took me two hours to eat supper (flashbacks of Uma Thurman and Chia Hui Liu).

Keep up the good work - Love you

Jul 29, 2010, 6:44 AM
Hugs, Void. Glad you are doing better and thanks for the link. I've seen it a few times, it helps to build vocabularies at any rate as well as helping other people.

Jul 29, 2010, 7:28 AM
Ben, apples ? ... love 'em (Spartans are my alltime fave). Glad you are doing better, and congrats on the job.

elian :tong:

>hugs u two< you make me :bigrin:

signed: the original "apple-a-day" woman

Jul 29, 2010, 7:53 AM

Your posts are like reading poetry, a mystery, and philosophy, all at the same time!

Interesting stuff!

Long Duck Dong
Jul 29, 2010, 8:27 AM
mmm jasmine flavoured rice with a hint of soy sauce ??? void you spoil us you know that ????

good to hear that things are going well...

lol yeah the old mental health is fun.... but you know what they say.... we are the sane ones... we know that we are faulty goods.... its the people that think they are normal, that are the delusional ones lol

yeah, the coasting is awesome..... my depression is permanent.. constantly in a depressive state..... but there are times that I kick into a drifting mode where I just coast along ... I smoke less and relax more..... and enjoy it while it lasts.... cos the depressive stages can last 6 months up to 2 years.....

lol nice serenity reference with the firefly :tong:

Jul 29, 2010, 2:19 PM
Sweet Void. Congrats on all you do, Honey, and please keep on coasting. One day you'll be sailing, and thats a great place to be.
Big big hugs to you, and what we talked about once before still stands. You know where I am if ya needs me. :}

Jul 30, 2010, 2:34 AM
Blue looks into the Void.
Blue's chin drops.
Blue looks at own paycheck with lots of extra digits.
Blue swoons in humility at Void's gratitude and altruism.
Returning from the 3rd person,
I am not worthy to wash your feet or your socks...

Jul 30, 2010, 2:53 PM
Blue looks into the Void.
Blue's chin drops.
Blue looks at own paycheck with lots of extra digits.
Blue swoons in humility at Void's gratitude and altruism.
Returning from the 3rd person,
I am not worthy to wash your feet or your socks...

Void takes off his sandals and puts them on his head, walks on barefooted.

"And they called thousand year eggs silly. Now, I'm hungry for blowfish suddenly. Thanks."


Your posts are like reading poetry, a mystery, and philosophy, all at the same time!

Interesting stuff!

I did write poetry for the longest spell. As to mystery, well, I think a person needs a pinch of good old fashioned privacy and modesty. so, I may add a little obscurity in places to that affect. Philosophy ... has it's uses. Don't get me wrong, genuine respect for it. But I was brought up as a spartan, if I can't put my hands on it to use it as a tool, forget it. Then again at times you stumble over self taught polymaths, what make everything tools. ;-)

Glad you find some boon of enjoyment in the reading.

"lol yeah the old mental health is fun.... but you know what they say.... we are the sane ones... we know that we are faulty goods.... its the people that think they are normal, that are the delusional ones lol

Right, like I tell my doc, "only the sane are dead." He concurs to a degree. we think people start losing their insanity when they encounter mortality. Some of us hit that and it effects us the opposite way, it makes us all the more insane.

yeah, the coasting is awesome..... my depression is permanent..

Likewise, I have diagnosed clinical chronic depression. i.e, It has lasted over two to five years. There are days I struggle just to open my eyes and wake. Unfortunately, a driving voice calls out, "you've work to do." And no it isn't an external voice, or some half-baked delusional one, but rather a voice from somewhere and nowhere, one that resonates to my core.

constantly in a depressive state..... but there are times that I kick into a drifting mode where I just coast along ... I smoke less and relax more..... and enjoy it while it lasts.... cos the depressive stages can last 6 months up to 2 years.....

Yeah, presently I'm smoking more. I'm drinking more coffee as well, and yeah it's creamed & sugared pretty well. Oh darn, starting to imitate Perl Buck here. Henceforth the word well shall mean platypus. Yay! You know? You really are well. :)

And yeah, I have rounds of all the days being the same and without colours.
At times I can get by with a reminder from Ozzy. "Go hard or go home!" then I recall the ever in/famous motto/creed of Cheshire England, "Never walk alone ... Always hang together!" Dad's family is from Cheshire, before England was called Englad, Pre-Hastings era, of course his mother is of The Marshall clan from Merry Ol Scottland. And I got Native American, German, pinch of Irish from Mom's side. Her family was horse thieves and gypsies. dad also some Rom in his background.

I'm a snafu baby.

lol nice serenity reference with the firefly

elian got me hooked on it.

Jul 31, 2010, 8:09 PM
then I recall the ever in/famous motto/creed of Cheshire England, "Never walk alone ... Always hang together!" Dad's family is from Cheshire"

I'm kinda partial to Cheshire Cats myself.. :)

..one of my best friends got me interested in Firefly, didn't think I would like it at first but it's actually pretty good - the pilot episode is a little long in the tooth. it's kinda like star trek - except it doesn't exist in a sterile universe. ..episodes are now on hulu.com

Aug 1, 2010, 5:36 AM
elian, see your instant messenger for a reply. Thank you, honey. :)

Aug 1, 2010, 6:17 AM
And yeah, I have rounds of all the days being the same and without colours.
At times I can get by with a reminder from Ozzy. "Go hard or go home!" then I recall the ever in/famous motto/creed of Cheshire England, "Never walk alone ... Always hang together!" Dad's family is from Cheshire, before England was called Englad, Pre-Hastings era, of course his mother is of The Marshall clan from Merry Ol Scottland. And I got Native American, German, pinch of Irish from Mom's side. Her family was horse thieves and gypsies. dad also some Rom in his background.


Marshall's huh? The Macaroni peeps.. am sure they must make summat else jus nev found it...:tong:

.. an horse thieves from Ireland?? Me surname is a border surname and they were some of the worst of the Scottish border reivers... for a few hundred years they raided and nicked anything they could.. mainly cattle, but horses, loot, women. rapin, lootin an pillagin an a lotta blackmail (a scottish border word in origin so name after the black cattle they used to nick by the thousand every year).. not nice peeps... like the reivers on both sides of the border they were a lil unprincipled.. they fought for whoever it was most advantageous to fight for.. Scotland one day, England next, and Scotland again the day after.. what bandits.. an they didnt get 'long 2 well with their immediate neighbours either.. especially Armstrongs.. but then the Armstrongs didn get along with anyone.. mind u.. in the borders in those days nobody got along with anyone..

Wiv my family history makes me wonder wy me wants every 1 2 get along, Voidie.. must b a superior mutation caused by eatin 2 much Marshall's macaroni an cheese wen me wos wee.. evry 2cd Friday there it was slopped on me plate.. an if me wos at me Granpa's for a hol.. every bloody Friday... nowadays if me goes ova me mum's on a Friday the word goes out... NO MACARONI!!!!! Wos fair scunnered a the stuff by time me wos 12.. an bein forced 2 eat it wos no fun me can tellya!! That all ended wen me dad noticed the dog gettin 2 fat cosa all the macaroni me wos sneakin 'er unda table.. amongst otha stuff me loathed... like liver an steak an kidney pie... tripe... hard boiled egg.. God life wos hard sumtimes... no wonda the ole reivers used 2 go out rapin an lootin an pillagin an blackmailin wen they used 2 hav that crap dished up 2 'em..:rolleyes:;)

Aug 1, 2010, 12:33 PM
"like liver an steak an kidney pie... tripe... hard boiled egg.. God life wos hard sumtimes... no wonda the ole reivers used 2 go out rapin an lootin an pillagin an blackmailin wen they used 2 hav that crap dished up 2 'em"


LSK Pie, tripe and hard boiled eggs ... those sound yummy. Tripe is a fish if I recall correctly? At least it wasn't haggis. I had that few times when visiting dad. I can eat it but ... well ... guess you have to acquire a taste for it.

"not nice peeps... like the reivers on both sides of the border they were a lil unprincipled.. they fought for whoever it was most advantageous to fight for.. Scotland one day, England next, and Scotland again the day after.. what bandits.. an they didnt get 'long 2 well with their immediate neighbours either.. especially Armstrongs.. but then the Armstrongs didn get along with anyone."

Seems about the same with my kin, although we appeared to remain in the background. People just had suspicions about those folk, the sort they didn't dare breathe aloud. Odd lot we two are to be so far from the oaks. Then again I was once pinched for doing some breaking and entering. Luckily the bull was a family friend. He took me home but made it clear the next time he caught me he'd tell my grandmother. That would have been a fate worse than any prison. Been pretty straight arrow since. Still not a saint mind, least I do try.

Presently, I'm working. That is part of a larger scale *ahem* plan *cough* brewing in which I buy a home here, retire and return home in Cheshire. I'll send me wife on Ireland, as she alleges her family sailed with Cap'n Kidd. Boy we are distraught crew of humanity's finest. She can go off an return gibbering Gaelic. I want to make a home & farm, relax, write. And I figure in twenty years time ought to suit for it.

Oh, wait we're all bottoms up in 2012. *sigh* Either that or some fool idiot gets the wrong idea and laces themselves with a dirty bomb, wipes out the world. *facepalm*

No, I'm not taking one of my pills damn it. I'm not having nasty thoughts. I will not bow to forcibly being at a lose to think today. This is a day off, want to enjoy a little.

Aug 1, 2010, 12:40 PM
Just a bit I find helpful. A song by Shinedown.

Carried Away lyrics (http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/shinedown/carried_away.html)

Tiger, tiger, burning bright (http://www.bartleby.com/101/489.html)

Think many here know of tigers inside.

Aug 1, 2010, 1:47 PM
LSK Pie, tripe and hard boiled eggs ... those sound yummy. Tripe is a fish if I recall correctly? At least it wasn't haggis. I had that few times when visiting dad. I can eat it but ... well ... guess you have to acquire a taste for it.

Tripe? A fish? God ya has led a sheltered life... me likes fish mostly.. tripe me luffly is the linin of a cows stomache.. an it looks 'orrible, smells disgustin' wile cookin', and tastes positively revoltin'.. Haggis is luffly..an compared 2 tripe is a dish of the Gods..

Steak Pie me can eat.. but not wen ther kidney ne wer near it.. yugh..

U been gone far 2 long.. think ya do need 2 get back 'ere asap.. if only jus 2 rediscover wotya cant eat an wots revoltin!!!

Now.. me is at a barbie.. no tripe ne wer near.. no liver.. no steak an Kidney pie.. ther is howeva cold hard boiled egg wiv the salad.. an the iff has turned me tummy.. an its been chuckin it down.. wtf is our summa? TF for the plonk... but cant hav 2 mucha that cos we hav kids wiv us.. think me will emigrate 2 a warmer clime an annoy sum nice peeps... 4 crappie summas in a row is 2 much for a worshipper of Sol 2 take..

Had nice flirtie wiv a girl me nev met before.. she thot me wos kiddin... till Kate stepped in an gave me gud tellin off for bein a rite lil tart...lil tart backed of pdq wen she realised..*giggles*.. o yea.. ther luffly strawb tarts 'ere an all... AN a gorge strawb gateau.. strawbs... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. have had me fill... jus hope me arse don grow 2 much as a result.. wy is it wenya guzzles it goes on ya bum?? sighhhhh.. life is hard indeed...

.. well.. time 2 go back an join the assorted pervs.. hav been told 1 more plonk an thats me lot... wot she dusn kno is me gonna sneak in a cognac 2 finish.. :bigrin:

Aug 1, 2010, 4:45 PM
One of my favorite bands sings a very interesting song using the lyrics of "Tiger Tiger" -


if you click the "Music and Video" they have some free streaming stuff. "Tiger Tiger" isn't up on their site anymore - but there are a handful of other songs.

They also sing a lot of traditional Irish songs, but those get rather thick in the brogue and hard for me to twist my ears around.

Aug 1, 2010, 5:13 PM
"Tripe? A fish? God ya has led a sheltered life... me likes fish mostly.. tripe me luffly is the linin of a cows stomache.. an it looks 'orrible, smells disgustin' wile cookin', and tastes positively revoltin'.. Haggis is luffly..an compared 2 tripe is a dish of the Gods.."

Uh hmmmm. Sounds yummy in that sort of way I'd like to try maybe once or twice just to say I've eaten it. You'd be surprised with me. Have eaten most things goats would vomit back up. All part of that lovely spartan military type warrior He-Man training rot. Got to love having an Uncle that went through 'Nam, granddad through WWII, and a friend that was 101st airborne.

"U been gone far 2 long.. think ya do need 2 get back 'ere asap.. if only jus 2 rediscover wotya cant eat an wots revoltin!!!"

Oi, I be wanting to be there asap. But for now, trying to hold fast a plan. Something of the wife saying "hey look I know you get depressed but man the fuck up already and work for it." So, if I must then I shall. Love my wife's brutal honesty.

Aug 1, 2010, 7:54 PM
"Tripe? A fish? God ya has led a sheltered life... me likes fish mostly.. tripe me luffly is the linin of a cows stomache.. an it looks 'orrible, smells disgustin' wile cookin', and tastes positively revoltin'.. Haggis is luffly..an compared 2 tripe is a dish of the Gods.."

Uh hmmmm. Sounds yummy in that sort of way I'd like to try maybe once or twice just to say I've eaten it. You'd be surprised with me. Have eaten most things goats would vomit back up. All part of that lovely spartan military type warrior He-Man training rot. Got to love having an Uncle that went through 'Nam, granddad through WWII, and a friend that was 101st airborne.

"U been gone far 2 long.. think ya do need 2 get back 'ere asap.. if only jus 2 rediscover wotya cant eat an wots revoltin!!!"

Oi, I be wanting to be there asap. But for now, trying to hold fast a plan. Something of the wife saying "hey look I know you get depressed but man the fuck up already and work for it." So, if I must then I shall. Love my wife's brutal honesty.

You could always go down to your local Mexican restraunt and order a nice steaming bowl of menudo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menudo_(soup))...

Aug 1, 2010, 9:40 PM
Groovy. Might do that.