View Full Version : share your bi resources

Jul 29, 2010, 12:25 AM
Here is a really a good place for us. We can say and discuss whatever we want. But as a bi, I wanna know where you all find your bi encounter or bi date on other place. Of course, I mean on internet. Just share your bi dating experience on the bi site you like,

I'm on http://www.seekbi.com these days. It's not bad and do has lots of bi members. But maybe I'm not lucky enough and I do not find the one I'm interested in yet.

Here you go....

Jul 29, 2010, 1:28 AM
Wow, you have a bi dating site? That's awesome, we don't have this in Germany. I should start one, it would make me a millionaire :bigrin:.
I find my male bi dates out at www.gays.de, but that's a German page. A few of the gay dating sites are frequented more by bi men than by gay guys, I don't know why. Unfortunately, many of the bi guys are married and their wife does not know what they're doing. There should probably be gay dating pages frequented a lot by bi people in your country as well if a guy is enough for you or you have the chance that he looks for a guy for himself + a girl (I don't know what exactly you are looking for).

You might check out www.gayromeo.com, lots of bi guys as well and it's a very well organized site (yeah, Germans are great at organizing). It's more about sex dates but not only, and fine if you're looking for a guy. Maybe they have enough English speaking members now to be worth it for you. Or chase the German ones if the accent doesn't bother you and you plan a trip to Germany, many of them speak English and the Oktoberfest will be soon anyway. Click on the weird and ugly second flag left at the top and you get the English version.

Jul 29, 2010, 7:54 AM
Used to use www.gaydar.co.uk a lot in the past. It was there that I actually met my current long term partner; we've been going out for just over 2 years now. I have also made a lot of friends on there before in the past. I have but a token profile on there these days though.

I currently use www.thingbox.com, which is an lgbt forum type site, through which I have made many new friends, and a few male dates. It is still mostly gay men, and still mostly London gay men, but it is still a comparatively young site, and it was started by a couple of gay London men. It does have a growing base in Brighton members though, and also in Ireland and other cities both in and outside the UK. I am steadily introducing more more active members, including females, who identify as bi.

I also use www.okcupid.com. Not actually met anyone in person from that site, but it has been, to me at least, very bi AND poly friendly. Through it have spoken to some lovely interesting people, and in turn introduced them to sites such as thingbox.

Jul 29, 2010, 5:59 PM
So far, I've found http://OKCupid.com to be the best, but I also like http://polymatchmaker.com which is geared more to the poly crowd than anything else.

Other than those, Yahoo! groups seems like a good place to start, with the caveat that you really need to join a geographically local group (or start one yourself like I did) to find a group of members that are located near your (unless chat and virtual relationships are your bag).

Of course there's Craigslist, but that seems to be the domain of fake, flakes and cheaters... not my style.