View Full Version : Porn & Identity

fred fencesitter
Jul 28, 2010, 5:49 PM
In "The Kids Are All Right," Annette Bening and Julianne Moore watch gay male porn while they have sex with each other. There does seem to be a fair number of lesbians who watch gay porn.

(1) Are there any queer women here like that?
(2) I've noticed myself that there are also a significant number of gay men who watch M-F porn, either because they find the men hot, or because they just find hetero sex hot, even if they may not want it for themselves. Anyone like that here? Know anyone like that?
(3) In the movie, Julianne Moore makes the common observation that most porn depicting F/F sex seems fake to actual lesbians, because its made with straight female performers for a straight male audience. Have any queer women here found any satisfying exceptions?