View Full Version : Porn indicative of Kinsey Rating?

Jul 16, 2010, 12:00 PM
I know the topic of porn has been brought up before, but I looked through the previous threads, and this question was never really discussed. I though it'd be interesting to hear people's views on this...

Do you think the type of porn you view is indicative of your Kinsey Rating?

I.e., if you consider your KR to be 4 or lower, do you prefer to look primarily at hetero porn, and, likewise, if you count yourself 3 or higher, do you tend to look at gay porn? Or, do you believe that there's no connection between the two?


Long Duck Dong
Jul 16, 2010, 12:05 PM
bloody good point lol.....

gay porn has never interested me, tho I once saw a good very emotional love making porn called black and white.......

bisexual porn is ok.... but I am more into kink type porn such as two ladies with feeldoes doing a male.... more than two males doing a female....

hetero porn....mmmm... its ok.... most of it is boring lol

I would say that yeah, for me bi porn matchs my kinsey rating.....which is 4..... but I love porn that is emotional, has passion, a story line, more than a fuck fest..... hence its rare that I watch porn..... and even then, I do not watch it for the sex, but the interest in what it would be like to be the person involved....

Jul 16, 2010, 12:25 PM
I don't know if it does or not, I'm a 1 and I don't really watch a lot of porn. I know Duck has sent a few clips of things he wants me to view. Mostly scenes where there is a lot of emotion, I am never affected by the gender of the participants but more by the way things are done.

As for other porn vids, I think I can only really remember one that sticks in my mind. I had found it hidden in the back of the video drawer when I was home sick from school.

I had felt better and nothing was on tv except soap operas so I was looking for a movie. The title was Crystal Balls and I had no idea it was a porn comedy. Basically some tarot card reader had an appointment coming in and told her butler to bring in the "drink" She'd already made it and he didn't know and was thirsty so he drank the glass of what appeared to be orange juice and made another glass for the client. Apparently there was some drug that could act as an aphrodesiac in the orange juice and more clients came in and had more drinks and it basically turned into an orgy. For a virgin at 15 it was quite an interesting experience.