View Full Version : Google Trounces the iPhone

Jul 13, 2010, 1:51 PM
Google Trounces the iPhone

By: Dennis Kneale , The Daily Beast


Google’s new Droid X won’t be released for two weeks, but Dennis Kneale, who snagged a preview, reports that more than just a better smartphone, it’s the key to ending Apple’s dominance.

Apple’s revered iPhone 4 had a bigger opening weekend than even the biggest film of all time. Avatar grossed $242 million worldwide its first weekend; the iPhone sold 1.7 million units and likely grossed more than $400 million.

Yet Apple’s legions of devotees should brace their hipster selves for an inevitable fall from grace. In addition to the iPhone 4, I’ve also been playing with Verizon and Motorola’s new Droid X, which won’t be released until July 15, and I have a bold prediction: One year from now, the iPhone will lose its perch as the world’s most important mobile platform, toppled by Android, the “open,” all-comers-welcome design from Apple’s avowed enemy, Google.

Both are digital dreams, but the Droid X (the X is for "extreme," though it also will resonate with fans of porn. Brand bonus!) does some cool things iPhone can’t.

The Rest Of The Story (http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-06-29/googles-new-droid-x-blows-away-the-iphone/)



Jul 13, 2010, 4:50 PM
cartoon in our local newspaper today: "If you buy an iphone, don't forget the duct tape" :bigrin:

Jul 13, 2010, 5:28 PM
cartoon in our local newspaper today: "If you buy an iphone, don't forget the duct tape" :bigrin:

Muah-ha-ha... but Apple doesn't want people to know their latest piece of iJunk is not up to the fanboy hype, though--------------> Link Goodness (http://www.pcworld.com/article/200983/apple_forum_police_erase_consumer_reports_threads. html?tk=hp_blg).


Jul 13, 2010, 5:38 PM
here it is:


omg LOL

Jul 13, 2010, 5:48 PM
here it is:


omg LOL

So they were right. Duct tape DOES fix everything...from iPhones to cars to sex toys...I can't believe Apple has the gall to market their bumper for $30.

Someone get me a dildo and fuck this shit. :p


Jul 13, 2010, 7:14 PM
I have never understood the player hating that Apple receives for it's products? I was a long time PC person, switched to Mac and never looked back. I have the second generation iPhone and love it. Here in LA does everything I could ask for except allow me to access the net with my computer. That is an ATT thing not an apple thing however. Time will tell if the android platform ever lives up to the promise, but I couldn't care less if I was twins. I guess everyone loves to hate the leader???

Oh and as for the antenna issue I don't know anyone who carry's their iphone without a cover anyway. So big whooped de do.

But please explain why anyone should care? If you like the android, get one. If you like the Iphone get one. Personally I love the way that apple products integrate with each other and how things tend to just work. But really just my preference.

Jul 13, 2010, 7:35 PM
Oh but with an iPhone 3GS you can now tether to you computer with iOS 4 and changing your data plan with AT&T.

Jul 13, 2010, 7:44 PM
I tried to be an Apple Fanboy, I really have. . .but I can't. I just can't.

If you're not an AT&T customer, you have to jailbreak the damn thing and then they won't guarantee it if you break your $300 paperweight. And apple may break it themselves in a way that duct tape can't fix.

And...does the iPhone have free apps and a anyone-can-be-a-developer program the way the Android Market does?


Jul 13, 2010, 8:33 PM
I tried to be an Apple Fanboy, I really have. . .but I can't. I just can't.

If you're not an AT&T customer, you have to jailbreak the damn thing and then they won't guarantee it if you break your $300 paperweight. And apple may break it themselves in a way that duct tape can't fix.

And...does the iPhone have free apps and a anyone-can-be-a-developer program the way the Android Market does?


Actually yes. I have a phone full of free great apps and I am registered developer myself. I did not pay a dime to register and have yet to develop a damn thing. Just did it on a whim one day. Sure can't argue anything on the ATT issue. It sucks to be stuck with only ATT as a legitimate carrier! The closed system has its drawbacks for sure. But it is also why apple products are so much more secure and smoothly integrated. ;)

Jul 13, 2010, 9:03 PM
Step up to the EVO peeps! lol


Jul 25, 2010, 2:23 AM
The Android phone is for Porn, BTW. :p (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IraQfhlMwi4) Some more background from Young Turks. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3ZiLXa_8HM)


Sep 21, 2010, 5:10 AM
Nice post.

Sep 21, 2010, 1:20 PM
A few months back I was on a neighbor's boat and the conversation had gotten to smart phones-the wife had dropped her really expensive IPhone in the drink and even hired a diver to try to find it-not that it would work but to satisfy her insurance company--she said she paid like a grand for it!!!

Of course they didn't find the thing!!!

Even though she likes IPhones--her hubby likes Blackberrys and he had some vid on his phone--it was an animated vid of pigs drawn to look like people and it was of a woman pig customer coming into a store seeking a new IPhone--the salesman piggy told her that that latest IPhone model was on serious backorder and then went on a big spiel about how fracked up they really are-but the female customer went on anyway that she needed that IPhone ------NOW!!

Then the salesman went into a profanity laden, but very funny, harangue at how stupid she is for wanting an IPhone since they really are not so great----it was funny.

I wished I could share it--but I didn't know where the vid comes from and how to search for it---I hope someone here knows of it and can share it with us--it is so damn funny!!!

I will try to find it myself and hopefully can do so.

FOUND IT-they were not pigs but bears:


Sep 21, 2010, 3:51 PM
None of the iPhones cost a grand to buy unless you are getting it without the contract and still, they don't get that expensive. Even the new iPhone 4 isn't that costly. Anyway, AT&T are pains in the ass when it comes to getting insurance to do ANYTHING about the iPhone, and it's been a point of contention between Apple and AT&T. Apple's solution is to get you on the Applecare program which isn't monthly but an upfront extended Uber warranty but doesn't cover theft, and AT&T won't cover that without a fight.

Perhaps when AT&T stops twisting Apple's arm for more exclusive time and it goes national we'll see an improvement in how they treat customers. I for one, have been unhappy with their pay plans for ages and the way they treat me is near criminal. Apple, on the other hand, bends over backwards into pretzel shapes to make me happy so it kind of is hard to stay mad.

Sep 21, 2010, 8:01 PM
I have the Evo. Even the Apple fanboys at work lust after it. The iPhone isn't ever going away, but it will never catch up to the Android phones. It just isn't possible.

iOS is already the least secure OS on the planet, despite Stevie locking it down so tight that the users are limited by corporate policy even when their hardware is up to snuff...and given the development cycle at Apple that may never happen again. The latest iPhone certainly wasn't. Even putting aside the well-publicized hardware issues, the features it bragged about were already available on a much faster, larger, infinitely more customizable phone a month before they launched.

Folks that like their iPhones shouldn't have to defend themselves for their choices, but when reading factual stuff about Android's increasing superiority, market share, popularity, etc. it might be best to not pretend that it is jealousy or Apple hating. Some Blackberry users really enjoy the platform, but even they can see that even the latest version of RIM lags far behind even a $100 Android phone.

Loyal iPhone users should probably adopt a similar attitude. iPad users as well, even the early Android pads do more than the Apple version. In less than a year the hardware will blow away the iPad in the same way that the OS already does.

I didn't even mention that I do not suffer from the tyranny that is AT&T, I can swap out batteries anytime I want (very handy when traveling), and I can swap out SD cards just as easily. I pay much less for those privileges too.

To each his own, I don't understand iPeople, and apparently they don't understand non-iPeople. But can't we all just get along? Don't get mad just because some of us get along way faster, cheaper and any way we choose. :)

Sep 21, 2010, 10:44 PM
for hard core work purposes you still can't beat the blackberry, shit just rocks the house down.