View Full Version : FAREWELL, dear friends.

Mar 30, 2006, 6:21 AM
Well my life took rather diabolical bad turn for the worse today.

I will be receiving NO help in finding accomodation. The documents that I need are held by my wife.
The letter from my GP is of no use as it only deals with my current mental state and not my past history - because I had to change GPs due to my old one retiring due to his ill health - the records I need are "in limbo" between his practice and the new one. This can take many months.

SO!! As of today I am homeless and facing the streets, and I am way too old for that prospect.

It would appear that my wife has won and this is the very final humiliation.

I am able to stay with my son until Sunday, I then intend to head off to the South Coast of England where I will have enough funds for a few days in a cheap hotel.

As a few of you already know, I have no interent connection at present and am having to resort to using public "Internet Cafes".

So, dear friends, although I may be around for a few more hours in the coming days, this is "farewell".

Ron, London, England.

Mar 30, 2006, 6:32 AM
Hi Rupe,Iam so sorry to hear of the latest events in your life.We will miss you in the chat room. Hopefully things will turn around for you. Remember you still have our support here no matter what happens,,,Love,,,Charles,,,Tex...

Mar 30, 2006, 8:25 AM
I sure hope you can work something else out Rupe.

One question - your current GP doesn't have a copy of your old records, not any part of them? I'm sure you've already asked, but it was just a thought. Any hospitals where you had treatment?

Sending hugs your way,

proud daughter
Mar 30, 2006, 8:36 AM
i am so sorry...
and so worried.
please contact me when you get this, or my emails. my phone is on all day.

have you asked mum for the documents you need? you never know...

where on the south coast? keep me informed. keep all of us informed everyone cares and is worried about you.

love always
sarah x

Mar 30, 2006, 10:00 AM
Rupert, I cannot believe the roller coaster you have been on and hope this ride ends soon. I worry how much more of this you can take. You are writing this all down to someday become a book aren't you?
We are here for you and have you in our prayers. Please keep us informed as best as you can.

Mar 30, 2006, 11:21 AM
This is yet another ugly turn for you. I hope you can weather this latest change. I am worried for you, as many of us here surely are. I hope you will continue to seek assistance and not give up hope. With love,

Mar 30, 2006, 12:06 PM
(((((((((((((rupe))))))))))))))))) will be thinking of you

Mar 30, 2006, 12:24 PM
((((((((((((((((((Rupert)))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))

I'm very worried about you. I don't like what's going on and it just seems like it's never going to end for you. Please don't stay away from here. We love you and are very concerned for you. :(

Please take care and know your in my thoughts and prayers.

hugs and kisses
Mrs.F :)

Mar 30, 2006, 3:50 PM
stick with it

Mar 30, 2006, 4:00 PM
(((((((((((((((((( Rupe )))))))))))))))))))))

This is not farewell I hope. I hope it is only a see you later. You will find a way to get through this like you have gotten through the other bad turns. I will miss you and your posts while you are away so I hope to see you back again as soon as you are able. Check in when you can please even if it is just a hi from an internet cafe. Just hang in there Rupe. Love ya mate.

Love, Peace and Support to you,

Mrs. Taz
Mar 30, 2006, 4:07 PM
I will be very sorry and very sad to see you go ruper, pls dont leave us. :( I want you to know we will always be here for you whenever you need us. I wish you were able to get to kansas, taz and I would make sure you have a roof over your head and food in your stomic until you can get on your feet again. I hope you will atleast continue to stay in touch with me on yahoo sweetie. I love you. you may not realize it but in just the short time you and I have been on this site talking to eachother I have grown to love you very much and cant bare to not see you online somewhere so we can chat. please keep in contact some how so I can know how things are going for you and how your doing so I can let the others know.

big hugs n kisses to you,

Liz (kitten)

Mar 30, 2006, 4:16 PM
Rupe?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

I love you!

Mar 30, 2006, 4:40 PM
RUPERT! !!!!

Dammity ! THAT sucks ! I wish I lived in your area I'd take you in until you could get your feets back under you !!!

Yes internet cafe's as much and as often as ye can mate ! Keep us up to date on things ! I really hope things can turn around for you and SOON!

I'll put in a word or two with the Gods and Goddesses who've been so kind to me to give ye a hand as well.

Meanwhiles, chase away those depressive episodes and keep yourself as cheerful as you can. Theres always something good just around the next corner, but don't wait for it. pursue it with a determined insistence that you're entittled to a life better than you've been having of late.

Keep in touch mate WE LOVE YOU !


Mar 30, 2006, 5:00 PM
i let u beat me at backgammon - and you still sound fuckin miserable! whats a boy to do?


Mrs. Taz
Mar 30, 2006, 6:08 PM
macylyn, If you are upset and think something is going on between me and ruper then I wanna say I am sorry I didnt mean to imply anything. I was just letting him know how I feel about him as a person and as a friend. many of the people in chat seem to think I have upset you and if I did I wanna say I am sorry to you and to ruper for causing any trouble. I told them I thought it was best for me to leave for a while since it seems they are upset with me and think I may have upset yall. again if I have i am very sorry. :( :(

Mar 30, 2006, 6:20 PM

Damn, this is terrible. :( Rupe, I'm so sorry to hear this. Please take care. I'm definitely sending peaceful vibes your way.

Mar 30, 2006, 6:33 PM
To Ron, London, England...

I came to America in 1998 in search of my errant wife who ran off with an internet lover and one of my kids. I did not like that a whole lot and took off in search of her and my child. I had three kids in tow too at the time.

I found her, but ran out of money, had no way to get home, and was in the USA visaless... And, yes, me and my children did have to go to a homeless shelter! Was not any fun at all.

Life progressed. I graduated with highest honors from university, and have been named in the Who's Who of American College Students numerous times, as well as won many awards for scholastic achievement. I have two homes, a late model car and motorcycle and have just committed to the most perfect woman on the planet.

So why did I say all this? Just to let you know (small comfort I know) that the worm always turns... It will turn for you too...

I wish I could come get you, bring you home and make the world go away... PArt of my message is that I really do know how it feels to have everything go totally wrong, to be miserable, sad, and very depressed. I do not wish that on anyone - ever...

From me to you, Ron, I wish you all the best and hope that things turn up on the bright side for you. I know, given time, they inevitably will, but I know this sounds empty to you right now...

You are very loved by many Rupertbear! Just like your furry namesake...

Bless and keep you Ron... Newmexicanman (Tim)

Mar 30, 2006, 9:34 PM
Rupert, You are in my prayers.

Mar 30, 2006, 9:39 PM
Rupert...What can I say that hasn't already been said? Take good care of yourself until we meet again... :(

Mar 30, 2006, 11:35 PM
Kitten, by no means am I upset with you!! My gosh girl, if anyone at all can get through to Rupe at this time, then I am all for it. Not once did I even give it a thought that there was something going on with the two of you! Please don't think that!!!!! AND PLEASE do not leave the chat! I'm just so lost as to what to do right at the moment. I know that everyone knows how Rupe and I feel for each other, but it doesn't seem to help right at the moment. I just don't want to lose him!!!

I just feel as if my hands are tied, just like everyone does, and loving him the way I do, I feel especially bad because I can't get to him to help.

Rupe is a very special person Kitten, and everyone loves him! Him and I just happen to share something very special, as I'm sure he shares special things with other site members.

Please do not think that I feel you interferred. I'm just very worried about my Rupe!


Mar 31, 2006, 1:37 AM

This is not goodbye. Storms are always darkest before the end. Things will get better. You will find a way. You are in my thoughts and my prayers. Please take care of yourself as best you can. And know that there are people who love you and care about you.


Mar 31, 2006, 2:29 AM
HO DAM DAM IT NO IT IS NOT A GOOD BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rupe never say goodbuy say see you later. so see you later with much love and good luck im so so sorry rupe love boy

Mar 31, 2006, 4:49 AM
me love u Ron,
no matter how bad it gets, STAY WITH US,
and let us help in anyway we can
the future is bleak at the moment,
but life has a way of turning around,
everything is always changing, nothing remains the same.

Damn mate dont loose all the support, love, frienship, care, u have here from friends who love u
Ill kick ur ass......................
ur 1 of us hun, always will be
Anyway what would i do without my cyberdaddy :(
I love u very much my dear dear friend
and Im here, alwaya
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ron)))))))))) )))))))))))))))

Mar 31, 2006, 6:49 AM
Please don't say goodbye!!! You are so loved and supported here...and we need you to stick around and remain a part of our family!! I know things feel like total shit right now...I know you are feeling totally defeated...but don't give up...you have so many people in your corner trying to figure out ways to get you situated...so PLEASE...DON'T GIVE UP...DON'T LOSE THAT INCREDIBLE FAITH OF YOURS!!! You can get through this and you will!!


Mar 31, 2006, 11:27 AM
i let u beat me at backgammon - and you still sound fuckin miserable! whats a boy to do?


Yeah......whatever mate..........eight games that last one wasn't it?


Always a misery!!! lol!!

Migraine maybe didn't allow me enough time to collect my thoughts.

I'll be moving around and so will not have much opportunity to get onto site - this MAY, and it is only a may, be for a few months (blo*dy hope NOT though, lol!!!) .......so will only be PMing, maybe posting on the odd thread (especialy something like Huneypot's "seven words game") - not chat. Also, some interent cafes have blocks on any site with "sex" in it!!! lol!! So-called liberal Britain!! lmao!!!

Social housing in Europe and the renting sector are far larger than the States - some countries have ownership below 40% of all households - nor is there the stigma that goes with as great.
My wife has made no offer to supply the documents I need - but my son has founda very useful website and help telephone line ("Shelter") - so hopefully they will be able to advise me. The chap I spoke with on Friday was actually very nive, and sympathetic (trained as a Mental Health Social Worker) - so I was lucky. Have made appointment with GP - so, again, hopefully another letter will be forth coming.

I should have worded things so that all of you realised it for "FARWELL" from "CHAT" rather than the site as a whole .......grief!! What would I do without you all??

I will post up after this - Arana has made me chuckle as much as Tom

with love to you and yours

Rupe :)

Mar 31, 2006, 11:34 AM
You are writing this all down to someday become a book aren't you?
Please keep us informed as best as you can.

lmao!!!!!! ((((((((Arana))))))))))

NO!!!! I won't be putting it in a book!!!! lol!!!!! :)
It's all here on site for all who want to read!!

I will be PMing folk and posting up in the forum as, and when, I can.
Will not make it into chat after this week end however.

This may be for a lengthy period, possibly six months or more, although hopefully not.

You are all in my thoughts, dear friends.

With love to you and yours

Rupe :)

Mar 31, 2006, 2:51 PM
lmao!!!!!! ((((((((Arana))))))))))

NO!!!! I won't be putting it in a book!!!! lol!!!!! :)
It's all here on site for all who want to read!!

So I won't be seeing "Plight of the mad bi-sexual" anytime soon? Too bad. You could've been the next J.K. Rowling.

Mrs. Taz
Mar 31, 2006, 5:42 PM
I am soo glad I have not made you mad at me Macy.Thankyou Ron, for not leaving us totally. I dont know what I would do if I didnt have you in here to talk to. Hope to see you soon.

Love ya,

kitten ( Liz )

Mar 31, 2006, 11:26 PM
Rupe I am so very sorry for your circumstances. When I saw your post I gasped and cried "No!" I just met you and you were the first to embrace me at this site and make me feel so welcome. I am relieved to hear that you will still be around to post threads. You are in my thoughts and I pray that whatever powers may be will protect and guide you through these difficult times. I too wish that I could do more...so far away.
Much love to you!!!!! (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))