View Full Version : Finally!

Jul 10, 2010, 11:59 PM
After all this time, I finally got to meet Mama Cat (Cherokee Mountaincat).

You'll be happy to know that she didn't grope my butt, but she did bite my ear. Just a little. :eek: LOL

Happy to finally meet ya, sweetie... Arrrooooooo!

Jul 11, 2010, 1:11 AM
uhm, Momma C is right here, readin some book.

Jul 11, 2010, 1:40 AM
Awesome Coyote but did she toss ya a bone?

Jul 11, 2010, 2:32 AM
LMAO! Hey! I was a half-way good girl, ask anybuddy! lol. I couldnt grope his butt..I had customers around my booth.:bigrin: But he did get to see one of my girls hug me, and bury my face in boobies for a brief moment...:bigrin:
He got to see me tease, and flirt, and my friend and I both had him laughing hard a few times :} And I Did be mean and torture him with food talk..:tongue:
Loved meeting him, and like I told him...I'm really not all That scary. ;):cool
PS I didnt bite his ear because he Flinched! (No trust) LOL

Jul 11, 2010, 3:40 AM
...lucky dude!

Jul 11, 2010, 4:19 PM
HaHaHa. You spent time with Mama and some of her girls? Man, you must have been in 7th heaven. All of them are good friends, and great people. You lucky coyote you. Did she torture you with the apple-coggler thing she makes. omg.
And if she was being on her best behavior then she was 1. either sick, hurting badly, or 2. there were too many 'mundanes, ( non-lifestyle foks) around.
Either way we hope you had a great time. Once ya meet her you gotta love her.
Kit and Ki