View Full Version : The Rhythm of Lust

Mar 28, 2006, 8:31 PM
I tend to be quite cyclic regarding my lust cycle. I was wondering if anyone else has observed this too. I will get to the point, like I am now, where I feel a lust from every bit of me. I would explor sex in any way with some exceptions of course when I get like this. I have the motivation to follow through with my fantasies of sucking off another man to completion and not spilling a drop, especially erotic is the desire to join with a couple. I will do what I can to make this a reality but more often than not in a few days I will succumb to an evening of slow masterbation experiencing two or three orgasms over the course of an evening.

This will satisfy the desires for a month or six weeks. When I was a lot younger the recover period would be measured in hours. During this down time the desire to visit the sites takes second place to the mundane activities like work. My corrospondances have this gap too and I feel bad if someone has written me and it's a couple of weeks before I write back.

I guess the question that goes hand in hand is when a reply is a long time coming do you generally understand or should I be more blaghtent and say something like, sorry it's been a while, I spend a weekend wanking a while ago and I'm just not getting back into the heated desire, I wish i could make someone cum right this second phase?

BTW anyone near MD germantown drop me a line, then just lie back wile I bathe you in sexual attention and pampering...

whew... :tongue:

Mar 28, 2006, 10:13 PM
Sex / lust drives I think differ for all for of us. I do tend to see cycles as well although mine seem to run differently. During the day it’s being channeled into the demands of day to day activities with maybe only an occasional thought towards anything sexual. I come home and after a few hours rest then my cycle seems to kick in where it becomes more sexual in nature. It seems to fluctuate throughout the night becoming strongest between the hours of 2am until about 6am. If I release, then my energy is down for most of the next day. It doesn’t seem to affect my desire, just my stamina. My recovery time does take longer but not in terms of several days usually a day or two at the most. I believe there’s a connection between mind and body and how it connects to sexual drive. For some perhaps, it starts with the body, which eventually connects to the mind and thus the cycle begins, with others it starts with the mind and moves to the body and begins there. I seem to fall into the latter and if my mind becomes stimulated no matter how long it’s been since my last release my body will react.
I think the level of honesty that you reflect in your post would seem to be sufficient to explain to anyone interested why the delays in your writing or returning mail seem to be only connected to your level of your sex / lust drive if, this were your only motivation in doing so. It would be up to the other person as to, whether they would choose to accept these conditions or not. Best of luck in your quest :)

Ambi :)

Mar 29, 2006, 5:01 AM
With my bipolar tendencies (more lability than uncontrolled moodswings) my "rhthym" is mostly irregular. I charted my orgasmic frequency during a period of weight loss, and it rose dramatically while I was enjoying chicken ceasar salads and other fine fare.

To chart your frequency, put a Notepad icon on your Windows desktop with the text:


at the start of the file. Every time you click on it to open your file, it'll log the time you opened it with date and time in your chosed system format. Open the file once each time you have your chosen sexual event. After, say, 3 months, paste to your favorite spreadsheet, compute intervals, and chart.

What fun!