View Full Version : Bisexual Identity Quiz

Jun 30, 2010, 3:40 PM
Hopefully this hasn't been posted here before. I just ran into this 18 question quiz (http://www.mydailymoment.com/app/quiz/userquiz/takequiz/155?utm_source=DHTMLgoogle-bisexual&utm_medium=bisexual-general&utm_term=bisexual%20swingers&utm_content=quiz&utm_campaign=MULTI) that supposedly determines if you're bisexual. I ended up scoring as a bisexual.

Warning: It seems to be some kind of advertising site with a couple annoying ads that pop up during the quiz. They ask for your e-mail address at the end to e-mail you your test results, but they gave me mine a bit after finishing, without having to check my e-mail. Didn't see it in my inbox after the quiz, either, so don't know if these guys are spammers, or what.

Jun 30, 2010, 5:57 PM
Here is one on OKCupid

and here are my results :))


Jun 30, 2010, 9:35 PM
Marie, thanks for the link. They say that I am bi, but I thaught I was trisexual.. Afterall, I'll try almost anything once. ;)

You scored 100 Thoughts and 100 Actions!

The higher your score, the more likely that you are bisexual. If you scored in the middle then perhaps you are Bi-Curious and needing to settle some unanswered questions you've had for a long time. A rather low score would probably indicate that you are experimenting with sex and doing things to get attention and not really bisexual at all. A 0 rating indicates that you are purely hetrosexual and maybe even a bit homophobic.Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You scored 100% on Thoughts, higher than 88% of your peers.

You scored 100% on Actions, higher than 88% of your peers.

Jun 30, 2010, 10:18 PM
...these tests always seem gimicky to me, but what the hell it helps to kill time while waiting for my friend to pick me up;

i completed the first, but cut off while the wheel went round and round! obviously taking time to deliver cookies, spyware, whatever, glad i have the security to block that crap! o, and still no e-mail response! gee, what a surpise!

as to the second, i think i was on this site once before, as a result of one these tests! :rolleyes: anyway, came up with a 93/93, with the notation that i was higher than 78% of the other respondent; again, what a surprise!

thanks to you both for a little light hearted fun!:tongue:

Jul 1, 2010, 1:51 AM
I've got my own bisexuality test. First I had sex with a woman, then I had sex with a man.

The results are in, I passed!

Jul 1, 2010, 4:06 AM
Stupid questions. Who the hell needs a test to tell if they're bi? I sure don't.

Jul 2, 2010, 10:26 PM
we both luv men &women always have "DING" we have another winner

Jul 3, 2010, 1:24 AM

Lots of people come to this site looking for confirmation about whether or not they're Bi. A quiz is one indicator if they're honest with themselvesl. Personally I suggest this quiz: http://www.youthnetsouthampton.org.uk/breakout/kleingrid.php because it has the most depth and it isn't gimicky like some of the others out there.

Jul 3, 2010, 2:06 AM
As mentioned in an earlier post I have had sexual relationships with both women and men. I have always been turned on by both sexes. In fact in my 20's I had dated both women and men.

I have done the tests because they are fun. But they always come out with the result that I am bisexual (sometimes with predominently homosexual tendencies, depeneding on how they are structured).

I love both sexes and would not give that up. It is a part of who I am. :male::bipride::male::male:

Dec 25, 2014, 1:19 PM
Thank you for good communication.

Jan 8, 2015, 7:15 AM
Thank you for good communication.

Apr 22, 2015, 2:00 AM

Apr 26, 2015, 10:44 PM
…here’s what it said about me…You never say bi. Based on your answers, you're more than likely not bisexual. You know what you like, and that's all there is to it. You're one of those people who never had an experimental phase... not sober or drunk. You have no desire to see what's on the other side. You're perfectly happy in a relationship with the opposite sex. While you don't appear to be overly comfortable with the notion of same-sex relationships, it's important to remember that there's different strokes for different folks. In other words, even if you prefer not to engage in any same-sex activities, you shouldn't really judge others for their preferences. …as much as I like sucking dicks & fucking pussy…I’m afraid I don’t put much credibility in their poll…especially with all the information they kept asking for before they give me my results…

Apr 26, 2015, 11:37 PM
…here’s what it said about me…You never say bi. Based on your answers, you're more than likely not bisexual. You know what you like, and that's all there is to it. You're one of those people who never had an experimental phase... not sober or drunk. You have no desire to see what's on the other side. You're perfectly happy in a relationship with the opposite sex. While you don't appear to be overly comfortable with the notion of same-sex relationships, it's important to remember that there's different strokes for different folks. In other words, even if you prefer not to engage in any same-sex activities, you shouldn't really judge others for their preferences. …as much as I like sucking dicks & fucking pussy…I’m afraid I don’t put much credibility in their poll…especially with all the information they kept asking for before they give me my results…

i got the same answer........i'm not interested in nething deep/romantic with a guy but let me tell u i do have some desire to see what's on the other side or in this case i guess it would be the same side :)

Apr 27, 2015, 3:06 AM
i got the same answer........i'm not interested in nething deep/romantic with a guy but let me tell u i do have some desire to see what's on the other side or in this case i guess it would be the same side :)…I don’t figure the test is all it’s cracked up to be…because I still like to fuck women…& I definitely like to suck dicks…& if that doesn’t make me bi…I don’t know what does…

Apr 27, 2015, 8:44 AM
…I don’t figure the test is all it’s cracked up to be…because I still like to fuck women…& I definitely like to suck dicks…& if that doesn’t make me bi…I don’t know what does…
i've taken all kinds of tests just for fun.......i've gotten everything from totally str8 to totally gay, so we know how much we can trust the results lol