View Full Version : Facial Hair

Jun 29, 2010, 10:58 PM
So. Who here likes their guys to have facial hair? My lady says she loves the feel of it when I'm having myself a snack between her legs. She tells me my beard is a real soft one anyhow, so maybe that helps. I know some of her friends complain and make their guys shave - but again, they've also said mine is very soft, so I guess I'm special. :P

Do you like it? Or is it a bother to you?

Jun 29, 2010, 11:23 PM
Hehehe, I was sent a pic once by my babe. He had the most delightful stubble and looked so sexy. I made him promise to have that the night I arrived at his place. Little did I know that is a normal state for him lol. So, hell yes, I love stubble but I am not a fan of full bears or goatees. But just the right amount of stubble makes for a delightful sensation as it scrapes against already aroused skin

Jun 30, 2010, 1:52 AM
Well, I can't stand facial hair, on myself or on another man. Actually, it's primarily just mustaches that bother me, anything else I can tolerate.

Jun 30, 2010, 2:58 AM
Facial stubble can be good .... especially for the cat which uses it to groom itself.

Jun 30, 2010, 5:57 AM
Beards.....I like men with beards. Stubble......stubble is nice too. George Clooney looks good with stubble. He has a great smile, too.

Jun 30, 2010, 7:37 AM
In the days wen me wos yunga 'n daft an took the occasional lesser mortal in2 me bed if they had the hint a stubble.. they wer given wot is known in football parlance as a body swerve.... 2 things has nev attracted me.. baldie men (slitely recedin or thinnin wos quite acceptable tho) an them wiv ne hair on ther face woteva (eyebrows an eyelashes apart)!!!!

Jun 30, 2010, 3:04 PM
".....2 things has nev attracted me.. baldie men (slitely recedin or thinnin wos quite acceptable tho) an them wiv ne hair on ther face woteva (eyebrows an eyelashes apart)!!!! ....."

Oof! Urgh! - A couple of solid body blows there. Our hero staggers of into the dark distance to recover, hoping en route that there is truth to the saying: 'you always hurt the one you love'


Jun 30, 2010, 3:21 PM
".....2 things has nev attracted me.. baldie men (slitely recedin or thinnin wos quite acceptable tho) an them wiv ne hair on ther face woteva (eyebrows an eyelashes apart)!!!! ....."

Oof! Urgh! - A couple of solid body blows there. Our hero staggers of into the dark distance to recover, hoping en route that there is truth to the saying: 'you always hurt the one you love'


Jus talkin bout gettin in me knickers Heph hun.. summa me best friends r baldie men an/or hav face hair...tee hee... me bruv is goin baldie yung an he also has this stupid dead mousie unda 'is nose... but luff 'im 2 bits.. me x hubbie has this wispy thing hangin from 'is chin an anotha dead mousie.. k.. won go ther.. since we r long since divorced.. but am still rite fond a the bugga.. :)

Jun 30, 2010, 3:34 PM
I think nearly all guys look better clean shaven, despite myself sporting a moustache. Thing is, where I live, it seems most guys wear beards of some sort. You just have to accept it if you're interested in guys and I don't mind well trimmed beards that much.

That said, some of the biggest turn offs to me are long beards, long, unkempt hair or over weight.

Jun 30, 2010, 3:37 PM
Not bald, but nearly, going for the Picard look.

Throw in a goatee, and also going for the Evil Kirk look.

Best of both captains, the line starts at my feet.

Jun 30, 2010, 10:53 PM
...one of the things that i like about a guy, tho' not into the beard/mustache look much; a 1-3 day stubble, now that is fine!!! ...most of my gf's/& my wife liked the stubble, or as one said, it's like a turn-on on top of a turn-on down in the sensitive areas!

Jul 1, 2010, 2:08 PM
I have a moustache. When I am making love to a woman I'll brush my Moustache over their nipples , and does that send them over the edge.

Also I'll leave just a bit of stubble on my chin, and rub that over their nipples..God does that make them cry and moan...oh !!!

Aug 25, 2010, 10:42 AM
As I mentioned earlier on, I think nearly all men look better clean shaven and, after probably 30 plus years of wearing a moustache, I shaved mine off last night.

Makes me look younger (wife said that right away) and I don't have to deal with constantly trimming it anymore. That assumes I don't grow it back.

The other main reason I wanted to shave it off is I assumed other guys like clean shaven men, too, so hopefully more guys will find me attractive and sexually appealing.

Aug 25, 2010, 6:38 PM
Hubby had a goatee when we got married, and up until January 2010 kept it. I loved it! I can go either way but stubble I hate! After he came out to me as a cross dresser he shaved it off. Along with most of the rest of his body hair. I find I like it better since he is now smooth faced, and elsewhere. When he gets stubbly I complain because it makes me face read and itches me down there.

Aug 25, 2010, 7:08 PM
Stubble - full beards even neatly trimmed, fine!

The ZZ Top style is a bit overboard for me though, and goatees actually spook me. Reminds me of Security bouncers.

Funny, i don't mind a whisper of facial hair on women, either; very, very sexy.

Aug 25, 2010, 7:41 PM
I think facial hair depends a lot on the person. It looks good on some, but not on others.

Most guys don't look good with a mustache, but Freddy Mercury without one is just a pain so there are exceptions. Whatever, I hate the idea of a guy with a moustache eating a half-cooked egg for breakfast.

I love stubbles, and they are very sexy on handsome guys. But not if they are too fresh. Well I have urticaria and therefore get a kind of allergic reaction from stubbles. But I also get itchy rushes from just resting my arms on table borders... And it's one of the reasons why I never got into some kinks, such as flogging etc. I "tested" it telling people I have urticaria and want to know what happens, you have a flogger, so let's find it out. And it looked very impressive on my arm - itchy rushes blowing up from one little shy testing attempt, no thanks, won't go into that kink any further as it doesn't work for me. Shit, one more occasion missed. Also tried it on my butt, same reaction. Got a rush and was itchy. Even most tissues on my body, I cannot get along with... I need cotton, point. I can't even take some labels.

Urticaria is not related to any special material, but makes you overreact to sensations on your skin in an allergic kind of way, or to heat or cold. So stubbles well I think they can be very sexy, but my body doesn't agree with me here. Worst imaginable thing for my urticaria. If I'm horny enough, I don't care about that problem at all, I find stubbles sexy as hell, but otherwise... big turn-off. The rush goes away in about half an hour, but I can really play tic-tac-toe on my body by just softly scretching my belly and waiting a minute until all blows up.

Otherwise, I love beards, if they are well taken care of. AND suit the person. AND are long enough not to cause me urticaria rashes. Then they can be very sexy. I love to "chew" on them while having sex.

Aug 25, 2010, 9:56 PM
After he came out to me as a cross dresser he shaved it off.

As somewhat of a crossdresser myself, I think CDs should be clean shaven, but each to their own.

Hey, I enjoy wearing women's undies. I'm also a submissive bottom. I figure that I should be clean shaven if I'm a bottom, although it's up to the individual.

That's a small part of the reason I shaved off the mustache.

Aug 26, 2010, 4:31 AM
Depends on the looks, looks good on some people on others it does not.