View Full Version : What do you think about this?

Mar 25, 2006, 8:05 PM
:( Dr. Joy Browne on Discovery Health Channel reportedly told a female caller who had been involved with men and had fallen for a woman that she had to choose whether she was straight or gay, that bisexuality is a crock, that the caller should see a therapist. The 4th-highest-rated radio talk show according to Talkers magazine also said that "saying that 'I'm bisexual' just means 'Do me!', That, 'I don't care who does me as long as somebody'."

To complain, write to Browne's website: http://www.drjoy.com/contact/index.html as well as Discovery Health Link at http://extweb.discovery.com/viewerrelations as well as call WOR. WOR's listener feedback phone line at 212-647-4500 or link to WOR's "contact us" page: http://www.worradionet.com/Contacts.htm. Also cc to bialogue@nyabn.org

Famed sex therapist Dr. Ruth said .... "Everyone is either straight or gay, there really is no such thing as being bisexual."

Read more about this here: http://www.binetusa.org/

Mar 25, 2006, 8:38 PM
joy browne is a conservative/right wing blahblahblah and whatever she says ought to ba seen in that light. as for Dr. Ruth...at her age she is probably speaking the "wisdom" (note quotation marks please) of her times. after all it is only recently that the notion of bisexuality began to be taken seriously....its funny really when you think of it...the biologists and anthropologists will talk about the bisexuality of our closest living relation the Bonobo or pygmy chimpaneze, who is the only animal other than humans that has sex without heat. They have orgies, masturbate, have straight, gay and bisex, do oral and anal etc. but they wont draw the corrollary with us humans.

Mar 25, 2006, 8:40 PM
Im my opinion that is a crock....there are MANY curious people out there, I find it difficult to believe a sentient person would even say that!!....

Mar 25, 2006, 8:47 PM
the statement is a sign of the times

Mar 25, 2006, 8:59 PM
500 years ago she would have been one of those who insisted that the world was flat..There appears to be no shortage of ignorance even in this day and age.

Ambi :)

Mar 25, 2006, 9:10 PM
well it reinforces my understanding that when all of the people that are closed minded go away or change their minds those of us who choose to be open minded won't have to help others out of closets because there will be no reason for anyone to hide.

Mar 25, 2006, 9:27 PM
Than what the hell are we????
:disgust: Let the evidence speak for itself. :bibounce: Ahhhhh, the poor ignorant masses. :crosseye:

Mar 25, 2006, 9:32 PM
I watched a tv documentary the other evening called the 'Falling Man.' It was exceptionally sad viewing because it dealt with an individual that fell or jumped from the twin towers during the devistation of 9/11. During the reporters investigation he was told by New York officials that 'no one jumped from the buildings.' My point is that some people just want to believe what they want to believe and no amount of evidence will tilt there personal view on things. It's just very sad.

Mar 26, 2006, 3:16 AM
Well, personally I don't think about it. I have better things to do than A) argue with those who don't believe in purple invisible unicorns, B) worry about non believers actually finding the secret garden of fire & ice, C) giving a rat's ass over what another thinks of me. Life is just too damn short and Lennon is correct.

Those who know seldom do say, and those who don't know continue to wail because they seek power. Perhaps, someone ought to explain power is a simple toy. The real joy is in letting someone else have the reigns, especially if you love.

Who needs television, anyway? Oh right, kneel, bow, pray and worship, sorry I forgot. Let me borrow from Twelve Monkeys, "Fuck the Bozos!" Also, "insanity is majority rule." My own adage, "only the sane are dead, because it takes insanity to live."

I know that I am as I am because it is my nature, beyond that lies no need to facilitate someone else's ignorance. "Excuse me, I've enough of my own." Unfortunately, it is not bliss.

Mar 26, 2006, 6:23 AM
i have come across alot of that as a bisexual man.i have even been told by gay people that theirs no such thing.one time long tome ago this person tried telling me the same basic thing that theirs no such thing as bisexual.well i told that person whom i will refer to in here as the troll.to go and tell me and my wifes boyfreind that.ha. :bipride: :bipride: :bipride:

Mar 26, 2006, 8:41 AM
For the life of me, I just don't understand why there needs to be a label for a person's sexuality. If labeled something, be it gay, black, bi, white, hetero. . .

My point is that for whatever puropse, it's just another forum to pick on people. It's, also, why I vote non-partisan. You are who you are, as I am who I am. Let's all drop the banners and flags and hoods and be a community. Who gives a shit over who's doing who.

I know in my heart that labels will no longer exist, yet not in my lifetime. That this will come to pass. Take the words of Dr. Martin Luther King "free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty. Free at last." :2cents:

Mar 26, 2006, 9:41 AM
Hi y'all, what do you expect from two women that were raised back in the time when homosexuality,little own bisexuality was not even acknowleged behavoir. They were raised to think that way. The gay people have had a long an difficult fight over the years. And im afraid we as bisexuals face an even longer and more difficult road ahead to the acceptance of our sexuality. And as one of the others said im afraid it will not happen in my lifetime,,,Love Charles,,,Tex....

Mar 26, 2006, 1:07 PM
:( Dr. Joy Browne on Discovery Health Channel reportedly told a female caller who had been involved with men and had fallen for a woman that she had to choose whether she was straight or gay, that bisexuality is a crock, that the caller should see a therapist. The 4th-highest-rated radio talk show according to Talkers magazine also said that "saying that 'I'm bisexual' just means 'Do me!', That, 'I don't care who does me as long as somebody'."

To complain, write to Browne's website: http://www.drjoy.com/contact/index.html as well as Discovery Health Link at http://extweb.discovery.com/viewerrelations as well as call WOR. WOR's listener feedback phone line at 212-647-4500 or link to WOR's "contact us" page: http://www.worradionet.com/Contacts.htm. Also cc to bialogue@nyabn.org

Famed sex therapist Dr. Ruth said .... "Everyone is either straight or gay, there really is no such thing as being bisexual."

Read more about this here: http://www.binetusa.org/

ignorance is everywhere....
personally writing to these people will never change their views. They are all the same as racists, sexists, etc. they exist in their own little world. I just don't pay attention to them..

Mar 26, 2006, 1:14 PM
this is deeply upsetting to me as a therapist and clinical psychologist-to-be. :disgust: thank you for alerting me to this, annakarina. i have sent the following message to Dr. Joy.

mimi :flag1:

- - -

Dr. Joy,

I am gravely disappointed in the response you gave to a radio caller who wanted advice about her attraction to a man and a woman. You told her that she had to decide whether she was "gay" or "straight" and basically invalidated the potential of her being bisexual. As a clinical psychology student 2 months away from my Ph.D., I am deeply disturbed by your unethical conduct and intolerant attitude. Whatever your own personal beliefs are about bisexuality (and you have made them quite transparent), you need to be helpful to the client. And if your own personal views are getting in the way of helping the client, then that's when you need to monitor your own countertransference, seek consultation, or refer them to someone else. I expect you to already know these things if you are indeed a licensed clinical psychologist.

I highly recommend that you refresh yourself on the APA guidelines for working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients: http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbc/guidelines.html.

Whether you like it or not, bisexuality exists and is not a sign of psychopathology.

Mimi Hoang, M.A.
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Candidate
California School of Professional Psychology at
Alliant International University, Los Angeles

meteast chick
Mar 26, 2006, 1:57 PM
Thank you for alerting us that this travesty has taken place. Prior to submitting my post, I did just as you suggested. I did not rant and rave, which will only serve to prove that we are unreasonable leftist whores. I believe I gave an intelligent, brief message explaining my displeasure, with a request that the matter be corrected. I'm sure this was an unlikely request, but I figure it certainly can't hurt any more than she's already done. I only wished that this caller was on this site, among friends and intelligent, level-headed, unbiased people.

luv and kisses,

Mar 26, 2006, 2:14 PM
Its hard to think of a woman like that as happy in her sex life. Vertualy no one is totally hetero or gay. So for all of us who like to explore everything, I just feel sad for her. She has closed her mind and experiences just so she can feel fomfortable herself. As Mame said, "life is a smorgisborg and most poor suckers are starving."

Mar 26, 2006, 2:29 PM
mimi and chick, thank you for such fine examples. my initial response was to either get really angry and be just that in an email, or just let it bloody go. you have inspired me and i will follow in your footsteps. i too use to agree at one time in my own coming out that labels were not necessary. however i have learned that as a community we should provide the ones who are still closeted healthy role models. if we choose not to self identify (i think this sounds more postitve than "label") than there will be a lot of lonely, confused and isolated family out there with no support. with bisexuality especially, there is no black and white. just a lot of grey. we are who we are and most of the time other people who don't understand try to understand based on themselves. thats just human nature. it is really about how a person chooses for themselves how to self identify. it's for no one else to say. :tong: :2cents: :bigrin:

Mar 26, 2006, 2:39 PM
America slides more and more back into the dark ages. It is very sad to see, that the 21 century is just a number for most people and ignorance and denial is stronger than years before.
Create your own little world and life in it, surround yourself wit true friends and discharge the rest.
If people talk nonsense, that is their choice, ignore or pitty them. They live in the gulag of their own mind and making.

Driver 8
Mar 26, 2006, 2:40 PM
Anoyne who's interested in bi activism might consider joining the BIACT-L (http://www.lsoft.com/scripts/wl.exe?SL1=BIACT-L&H=LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU) mailing list - among other things, they co-ordinate letter-writing campaigns as responses to anti-bi statements in the media.

Mar 26, 2006, 4:29 PM
oh i think"Dr.joy is interested in keeping the cash flow flowing and not falling to no. 5 where is Dr. crane when we need him!

Mar 26, 2006, 10:21 PM
500 years ago she would have been one of those who insisted that the world was flat..There appears to be no shortage of ignorance even in this day and age.

Ambi :)

...and it also seems the this "shortage of ignorance even in this day and age" is also coming at us at the speed of cyber-time"... :paw: :paw: