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Jun 8, 2010, 3:45 PM
Firstly my heartfelt wishes to anyone on the gulf coast.

It's fine to talk the talk but does/is obama actually doing anything to help...sorry DO anything to clean up the Beach Polluter?

I'm an outsider, but is he just trying to curry favour from dis-illusioned voters?

I am Happy to swallow my words but action is needed, not promises


Jun 8, 2010, 8:11 PM
What is really surprising to me is that the network that has always supported "Drill, baby, drill" (Fox news) actually aired a piece that neither BP nor the government seems too inclined to aire it.

The video is on Youtube and is available here, as well.


Shame on the real news for not getting this story first.

Jun 9, 2010, 2:10 PM
hey falcon,

seems the CIA or other men in suits have pulled the video...probably in file next to obamas birth certificate.

Jun 9, 2010, 2:35 PM
Firstly my heartfelt wishes to anyone on the gulf coast.

It's fine to talk the talk but does/is obama actually doing anything to help...sorry DO anything to clean up the Beach Polluter?

I'm an outsider, but is he just trying to curry favour from dis-illusioned voters?

I am Happy to swallow my words but action is needed, not promises


I agree with you. IMO OBAMA is a fraud.

Jun 9, 2010, 2:51 PM
I usually am not one to voice my political views here, but here goes. Obama - Barry Satoro - is nothing more than a small time Chicago politician who made it into the White House by copying old style Chicago political tactics and jazzing them up using the internet. Remember in Chicago the dead vote often and they vote early! He won the election by giving the voters false promises and vague rhetoric.

What is happening with oil gusher in the Gulf Of Mexico is not just a disaster for the Gulf Coast, but a disaster for the entire world. This oil gusher will have widespread consequences for the entire world. I know the Gulf coast is hit the hardest, but the harm being done with eventually hit every coastal country in the world, not to mention the harm being done to all migratory sea life that passes near or through the Gulf Of Mexico.

Barry (Obama) is showing his complete lack of caring and leadership. The partying and golfing and constant campaigning reminds me of "Let Them Eat Cake".

If the American voters put him back in office for a second term they will be proving every politician right who think that the American Voter has a short term memory and are stupid.

Jun 9, 2010, 7:25 PM
I usually am not one to voice my political views here, but here goes. Obama - Barry Satoro - is nothing more than a small time Chicago politician who made it into the White House by copying old style Chicago political tactics and jazzing them up using the internet. Remember in Chicago the dead vote often and they vote early! He won the election by giving the voters false promises and vague rhetoric.

What is happening with oil gusher in the Gulf Of Mexico is not just a disaster for the Gulf Coast, but a disaster for the entire world. This oil gusher will have widespread consequences for the entire world. I know the Gulf coast is hit the hardest, but the harm being done with eventually hit every coastal country in the world, not to mention the harm being done to all migratory sea life that passes near or through the Gulf Of Mexico.

Barry (Obama) is showing his complete lack of caring and leadership. The partying and golfing and constant campaigning reminds me of "Let Them Eat Cake".

If the American voters put him back in office for a second term they will be proving every politician right who think that the American Voter has a short term memory and are stupid.

Dude, you are sounding like those birthers. Having a conspiracy theory does not mean that the theory is true.

Had Bush Jr. redux been elected, things would not be better (McCain was born in Panama, btw - public record).

The up side to McCain would have been that we could have prepared for this disaster simply because his was the core proponent of "Drill, Baby, Drill".

The down side is he would have been killed by the pressure of being president in the first year and that would mean that the right wing, kill the environment bitch, Sarah Palin would likely be the President by now and not do anything but cover up the disaster completely, like she did with her record as governor.

Fact is that big oil wins and the people lose because big oil has more politicians in their pockets than the people are willing to vote out of office at any one time.

Why do you think that no one has mentioned that the "attempt" to close the line only made things worse and widened the line allowing an increase of oil to flow into the gulf?

Sure, they are catching a lot, but they would be catching more of the spill and maybe even have it under control if they had not cut the line below the restriction that was slowing the flow down in the first place.

Everyone wants to blame the politicians, but the fact is that they only allowed the drilling, knowing that BP had a long history of ignoring safety protocols. They are not without blame, but the bulk of the blame is on BP.

It is BP that made the problem.

It is BP that failed to follow safety protocols.

It is BP that failed to insure that their contractors followed safety protocols.

But it is our own citizens, in our failure to adapt to greener fuel systems and power sources, that caused this disaster to happen. We failed to decrease our dependency on oil.

So when you want to blame people for this disaster, consider those facts.

Had we not desperately wanted cheaper oil, and our foolish belief that big oil would give us a price break once our oil was less expensive, then our government would not have begun deep water drilling in the first place.

Had the Politicians taken a look at BP's safety record and allowed a contractor that had a good safety record, we may not have had the spill either.

But, like good little corporate serfs, the whole nation is doing as they are told. Point the finger of blame before fixing the problem.

While this is currently only an American problem, it will, eventually affect the entire world. Not just in oil increases, but environmentally, as well.

How about we stop being the serfs that do as we are told and stand up to actually fix the problem, then hold accountable every corporate crony, oil exec, politician that had a hand in this problem.

We have gotten lazy. It is easy to fix blame. We don't have to even fix the blame on the right people, which makes it even easier.

It is easy to fix blame, but that does not fix the problem.

Fixing the problem requires effort that many are not capable of (technical or other related expertise) and even more are unwilling to make. But fix the problem, we must.
Before worrying about fixing blame.
Don't worry. The folks that are to blame are not going anywhere because they think themselves untouchable. If we do this right, then they will get their comeupence.

But our first priority must be to fix the problem. We need to do that; we must do it before it has gotten so bad that nothing can be done to fix it.

Wanna fix blame? Go ahead, but it isn't fixing the problem. And the problem is our first and foremost priority to fix.

Jun 9, 2010, 7:57 PM
As an adendum to my last post, this disaster was completely unavoidable one candidate, that didn't win, promised more offshore drilling, while the other changed his mind about it.

So this disaster was looming anyway, thanks to political pressure from big oil.

People should not presume that ANY politician will keep their promise as regards the actual best interests of the people that they are supposed to serve.

In other words, they think that we the people work for them, not the other way around.

We MUST REMIND THEM of who they work for.

Some wise words on that subject.

"When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the people, you have liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams

Jun 10, 2010, 3:57 AM
To FalconAngel -

I was only trying to make the point that the country needs leadership from the Whitehouse, not someone who is looking to fix blame. Why did our government take nearly three weeks to give permission to build barriers,three out of the six requested by the state of Louisiana, to keep the oil out of the wetlands...and the approval came down from Washington after the oil reached the wetlands!

I did not bring up McCain or Palin. My concern is not what may have been, but what is presented to us and the current circumstances.

While people are talking about the immediate problem of the coastal areas of the Gulf Of Mexico, I have not heard from any 'experts' about what will happen further down the road. This is a devasting castrophe to the planet and all life on her. Once this oil finds its way into the Gulf Stream it is going to hit many more underwater species as well as many other coastal areas across the globe. Plus how will the hurricanes interact with the oil? Very often here in Ohio we get the remnants of those hurricanes. Will the rain coming down contain oil?

By the way in Europe the oil companies are required by law to have redundant systems to significantly reduce the risk of what we are seeing in the Gulf Of Mexico. Another way our national government (forget political parties) has failed us.

And then it came out in the news today that there is another oil rig in the Gulf Of Mexico that is leaking oil! OMFG, when will we as humans ever lear?

I only expect leadership from the Whitehouse...leadership we are not getting. If the good of the people are a priority give the states to tools they need, like permission to build the barriers off the Louisiana coast overnight, not in three weeks.

You are right that people should be furious about the mess in the Gulf.

I would be saying the same things no matter who is President as I DO NOT have loyalty to either political party as they have both failed us and continue to do so on a daily basis.

Jun 10, 2010, 3:40 PM
no matter how you spin it,obama is using BP as a way to stop his decrease in the popularity stakes. If it's true that Obama failed to act for 3 weeks,how can this be tollerated?

BP appears to be doing something,accidents happen but the main point is get it sorted,get it done quickly Then argue about costs etc not throw your teddies from the pram,waste time then sort it...obama is playing with lives not votes.

Jun 11, 2010, 3:26 AM
To FalconAngel -

I was only trying to make the point that the country needs leadership from the Whitehouse, not someone who is looking to fix blame. Why did our government take nearly three weeks to give permission to build barriers,three out of the six requested by the state of Louisiana, to keep the oil out of the wetlands...and the approval came down from Washington after the oil reached the wetlands!

I did not bring up McCain or Palin. My concern is not what may have been, but what is presented to us and the current circumstances.

While people are talking about the immediate problem of the coastal areas of the Gulf Of Mexico, I have not heard from any 'experts' about what will happen further down the road. This is a devasting castrophe to the planet and all life on her. Once this oil finds its way into the Gulf Stream it is going to hit many more underwater species as well as many other coastal areas across the globe. Plus how will the hurricanes interact with the oil? Very often here in Ohio we get the remnants of those hurricanes. Will the rain coming down contain oil?

By the way in Europe the oil companies are required by law to have redundant systems to significantly reduce the risk of what we are seeing in the Gulf Of Mexico. Another way our national government (forget political parties) has failed us.

And then it came out in the news today that there is another oil rig in the Gulf Of Mexico that is leaking oil! OMFG, when will we as humans ever lear?

I only expect leadership from the Whitehouse...leadership we are not getting. If the good of the people are a priority give the states to tools they need, like permission to build the barriers off the Louisiana coast overnight, not in three weeks.

You are right that people should be furious about the mess in the Gulf.

I would be saying the same things no matter who is President as I DO NOT have loyalty to either political party as they have both failed us and continue to do so on a daily basis.

My apologies, then.

We have not had real leadership in the white house since Johnson. His foreign policy sucked, but his domestic policy was good. Kennedy was the opposite.

Our problem is that we have gotten lazy since the 60's. We have voted for the lowest common denominator; the least objectionable, rather than the best qualified for the job.

We would have a lot less of a mess if we would just not let them try to keep pulling the wool over our eyes.

Jun 11, 2010, 3:26 AM
Even for GLBT rights in the United States Obama is all talk and promises but no real action or changes.

Obama stays quiet on Marriage Equality in every state that saw it as an issue on the ballot, drags and delays and possibly imperils a real repeal of DADT, and has his Justice Dept. actually DEFENDING DOMA. Not to mention next to no advocacy on ENDA. Kinda like Obama's so-called health care reform. It passed. But we didn't get a Public Option, and ALL of the LGBT provisions were REMOVED from the bill - BUT - we did get millions to fund Abstinence Only Sex Education. And now SOME federal workers will get some access. So much for the "fierce urgency of NOW"

Yep, that's some "CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN"

He does not have my vote again in the next election.

This is totally off topic to the original subject, however the health care bill has a provision that specifies it can not be overturned by an act of Congress at a later date...the damn thing is permanent unless the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional. I am all in favor of helping my neighbor, but this is ridiculous.

On another note not only were all the LGBT provisions removed from the bill, but a provision was added that requires a 1099 be issued, even for buying office supplies at the office supply store! Forget the $600 rule, this bill did away with that. These people in elected offices want to be able to track every penny a business spends. As a small business owner I object to this.

Going back to the Gulf Of Mexico, imagine how poisonious the rain will be from a hurricaine that picks up that poisoned water in the Gulf and spreads it over the land! Not only are the coastal areas permanently damaged, but this has the potentional to adversely affect people hundreds, if not thousands of miles, inland.

Russia has several oil wells go up on them, and all their efforts to contain them failed. Russia wound up using small tactical nukes to shut off the oil and/or natural gas flow. Russia offered assitance, and both our government and BP turned them down. Why turn down help from people who have experience in dealing with the kind of issues going on in the Gulf of Mexico!?

Thinking about the incompetance displayed by all parties involved and the lack of leadership by our goverment makes me furious. Congressman Bobby Jindall, whose Louisiana district is adversely affected by BP's gushing oil well is furious at both BP and the Whitehouse, rightly so! We all should be. Every citizen should be calling, writing letters, voicing their outrage! But as long as the national media can provide distractions the American people go about their lives as if nothing is wrong.

What is going on the Gulf of Mexico is going to adversely affect the enviornment worldwide! Shit they are still finding oil drifting around the ocean up by Alaska from the Exxon Valdez and that was 21 years ago when a drunken officer steared the ship into rocks! Ask any native to Prudoe Bay in Alaska and they will tell you the wildlife never returned to previous levels before the Exxon Valdez. But all is well! I don't care who you voted for, or why, we need to let our President know that continuing to sit back, make statements and fly around for phot ops is not acceptable. He needs to stop campaigning and demonstrate leadership. BP's oil rig is in USA waters (International Waters start after the 200 mile mark from the coast) and the USA needs to stop sitting back and letting a bunch of buffoons make things worse by allowing the gusher to continue, because they do not want to giveup an oil well. The goverment should be in there with experts, even if they are from Russia, coming up with a solution that works.

People need to understand this is a threat to the welfare of this great nationa and our national security! National security and the welfare of this country depend upon all aspects of our economy functioning at their best. The way I see it allowing the local economies of the Gulf Region as well as the entire coast of Florida and up the Atlantic seaboard to be threatened with crude oil coming up on their shore is a failure to perform the duties of the office of the President as outlined in the constitution.

Think about it. Even the so called experts decline to offer an answer when they are asked about how hurricaines will interact with the crude oil and poisoned waters of the Gulf, because this is a first for us. Now some of the experts are coming out and stating there is no guarantee a relief well will stop the flow of oil from the damaged BP well!

Please join me in letting our Representatives, Senators and President know they need to do everything in their power stop the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico. They need to set aside their differences and work together to solve this problem. Otherwise we to need to change our leaders when they are up for re-election. And they need to hear this from those who put them in office, because I believe they tend to forget they work for us.

Jun 11, 2010, 3:31 AM
no matter how you spin it,obama is using BP as a way to stop his decrease in the popularity stakes. If it's true that Obama failed to act for 3 weeks,how can this be tollerated?

BP appears to be doing something,accidents happen but the main point is get it sorted,get it done quickly Then argue about costs etc not throw your teddies from the pram,waste time then sort it...obama is playing with lives not votes.

As it turns out, when BP filed all of it's documentation for the drilling, it included in it's disaster teams, people that are no longer alive (died 2005) and organizations that no longer exist.

A reporter from the AP discovered that, btw.

Funny that not one of our regulatory people even bothered to check the facts on their documents.

Not to worry, though. There will be plenty of blame to spread around after the mess is all sorted out.

I'll be happy to take their jobs from them......and do them correctly.

Hey EPA!! Call me! :bigrin::bigrin:

Jun 11, 2010, 3:41 AM
My apologies, then.

We have not had real leadership in the white house since Johnson. His foreign policy sucked, but his domestic policy was good. Kennedy was the opposite.

Our problem is that we have gotten lazy since the 60's. We have voted for the lowest common denominator; the least objectionable, rather than the best qualified for the job.

We would have a lot less of a mess if we would just not let them try to keep pulling the wool over our eyes.

Thank you FalconAngel, apology accepted.

This whole Gulf mess infuriates me. I agree with you about the leadership of the past presidents you mentioned.

I live in a small town in northeast Ohio. When an animal needs help I am the one they come to. Mostly cats, but I have had strange dogs wonder up to me that were in need of tlc. Heck once I even had a little brown bat hanging on the side of my house with a broken wing, trying to avoid the kitten after him.

I am so saddened by what is going on, and it is absolutely heart breaking to see the apathy in this country. I truely believe if our founding fathers (and mothers) were alive today they would either flee the country in disbelief or take up arms. I do not think the founders of the USA would be impressed by what has become of our citizens and their Repulic.

When I am in the voting booth I have already researched the candidates and vote for who is best qualified. Sometimes the main quality of a canditate I am voting for is their beliefs and passion. I know it should be the deciding factor, but we need people in government from all walks of life, no matter party affiliation, who will stand up for what they believe in and are passionate about. It was those two qualities that were the driving force in our countries founding father and mothers. It is those two qualities we need to get back in our leaders. I pray our President reaches deep down and finds his passion and the courage to act responsibly for all of us in dealing with the Gulf of Mexico.

Jun 11, 2010, 11:33 PM
Thank you FalconAngel, apology accepted.

This whole Gulf mess infuriates me. I agree with you about the leadership of the past presidents you mentioned.

I live in a small town in northeast Ohio. When an animal needs help I am the one they come to. Mostly cats, but I have had strange dogs wonder up to me that were in need of tlc. Heck once I even had a little brown bat hanging on the side of my house with a broken wing, trying to avoid the kitten after him.

I am so saddened by what is going on, and it is absolutely heart breaking to see the apathy in this country. I truely believe if our founding fathers (and mothers) were alive today they would either flee the country in disbelief or take up arms. I do not think the founders of the USA would be impressed by what has become of our citizens and their Repulic.

When I am in the voting booth I have already researched the candidates and vote for who is best qualified. Sometimes the main quality of a canditate I am voting for is their beliefs and passion. I know it should be the deciding factor, but we need people in government from all walks of life, no matter party affiliation, who will stand up for what they believe in and are passionate about. It was those two qualities that were the driving force in our countries founding father and mothers. It is those two qualities we need to get back in our leaders. I pray our President reaches deep down and finds his passion and the courage to act responsibly for all of us in dealing with the Gulf of Mexico.

Sadly, in the gulf oil disaster, the experts are telling us that the only humane option for handling the animals caught in the oil is to euthanize them, since they mostly end up dieing from ingesting so much oil trying to clean themselves before rescue workers can get to them to clean them up. They learned that from the Exxon Valdez.

We are going to lose a few species and BP is still unrepentant about the damage being done.

As far as our president, his primary focus these days is continuing to bash divorced fathers and ignoring the facts, just like every President and politician for the past 30 years.

Jun 11, 2010, 11:54 PM
Sadly, in the gulf oil disaster, the experts are telling us that the only humane option for handling the animals caught in the oil is to euthanize them, since they mostly end up dieing from ingesting so much oil trying to clean themselves before rescue workers can get to them to clean them up. They learned that from the Exxon Valdez.

We are going to lose a few species and BP is still unrepentant about the damage being done.

As far as our president, his primary focus these days is continuing to bash divorced fathers and ignoring the facts, just like every President and politician for the past 30 years.

and now that the hurricane season is upon us, how is this going to effect the hurricanes? Nobody knows for sure. A major factor in determining Hurricanes is the water temperature. This oil spill changed not only the temperature but the texture of the Gulf. This might be a very very interesting Hurricane season.

I do believe that BP caused this mess and its up to them to fix it BUT how many attempts before someone steps in and does something? I hate that the US is sitting back and relying on BP to fix this where its obvious they have no idea on how to fix it. Countries from all over the world has offered their help but our govt has allowed their help.

The final SNL episode of this year had a segment (making a long story short) where the head of BP is taking advice from his 5 yr old daughter. Filling it with golf balls & other shit does sound like it came from a 5 yr old.