View Full Version : bi the way a documentary

Jun 1, 2010, 11:13 PM
I've been looking on the net to find a link to watch this documentary, and thought I should post it.

Enjoy! :bigrin:


Jun 1, 2010, 11:56 PM
Interesting documentary. And did ya notice how the ones with the mosy unenlightened outlook were from the Southern "Bubba" states? (Hey, I'm From the Bubba states, so I can freely make that comment. Deal wif it) lol

And most of the kids are right...This generation doesnt look at Bisexuality in the harsh light that we 'older' generations Had to put up with. Todays sexuality is freer, and more accepting. Good Vid. :}

Jun 2, 2010, 3:01 AM
It was an interesting documentary. I liked how it tried to show the issues from different viewpoints.


Jun 4, 2010, 12:36 PM
While I didn't always identify with the subjects of the documentary, and my...well call them biases, made me feel there was a pandering to a certain image, at least early on, I was very, very impressed with the range and CALIBER of expert opinions: Dan Savage (even though he's a anti-bi), Robin Ochs (even though she got 30 seconds of screen time), the Kinsey Institute, and a host of psychologists and biologists. In the end, even the subjects, the 5 bi identified people, represented a terrific range of "bisexual identity". I think this is a very well thought out and well presented documentary. :bipride:

Jun 4, 2010, 12:55 PM
Unfortunately, all that I got was a commercial for "apps"? it showed that a ten minute video should show but it didn't? Grey is what it showed...oh..lol I get it grey bisexuals grey zone?(kid'n)

Jun 5, 2010, 8:33 AM
can't watch it here down under, any other links to it?

Jun 5, 2010, 8:34 PM
Outside the USA we get a message that we can't see it due to copyright restrictions. If anybody figures out how to view it, please let us know.

Jun 6, 2010, 2:38 PM
Hey folks, that was outstanding, except, all that was really said is that Bi-sexuality does exist and that it is more prevalent than most folks think. Gosh I feel certain that most everybody here realizes that! I cannot help but think that just about everybody in this world has at least the potental to be BI. And that everybody has at least some degree of bisexuality in the back of their mind. It's that the majority either really think that it's "not really their thing" or live in the fear of "what would other people, their family think"? And because of this they decide to live their life as a straight - heterosexual person.

Now you may not agree with all that, but you got to agree that the human emotion(s) of love, hate, anger, sex, desire or lust for??? whatever? Sex is a really strong one and is with us every day. I mean you see people on the streets, at work ETC, and you will never see what is going on in the back in their mind, very few people really do say what they think anyway. EVERYBODY has to some degree, a dirty mind of some sort! :eek:

I must agree with Mountain Cat that the southern folks (eastern & western) can be pretty negative about same sex, sex. I guess that it seems that guys can be the loud-est about the subject. But that is only because that southern folks are a more bolder, or outspoken type, than the northern folks. And it is, in my opinion, also because of the "what would other folks, family think" mindset. I live in a southern red-neck town and I will occasionally go out in public wearing something pink, like shorts, shirt, ETC, and I do get the looks from others, especially guys. And they don't have that "I want some" look either!!! :tong: HA HA HA
My reason for such behavior? Are two, because I really like the color pink, and to just freak others out. ;)

Question here? In the video it defined a bisexual as a person that has had sex with both sexes concurrently, within a one year period! What if it has been more than one since they have sex with either same, or opposite sex? What does that make them? Strictly straight, gay, or un-sexual???

Just my :2cents: here. Your friend, :doggie: :bipride:

Jun 9, 2010, 10:27 AM
Actually doggisestyle, the video refuted limited definitions of bisexuality and traced the evolution of the term, beginning with its first use in botany to refer to plants, and ending with a definition that included emotional as well as physical attraction and was predicated on the potential for these, not the actual act.
These documentaries aren't really directed at "us", they are intended to be accessible to everyone and are meant to challenge biphobia and bi-invisibility in the greater population.