View Full Version : Etiquette or?

Mar 24, 2006, 8:49 AM
Just a thought, many of us just come here to chat, socialize, cut up, or whatever. Some come for sex chat, some both. Thanks to Drew there are rooms now for everybody. I find it annoying when someone I don't know PM's me repeatedly even after I have made it clear i'm either not "into it" whatever "it" may be or otherwise busy. On the other hand people I chat with regularly are always welcome to PM me anytime. Is it just me? Advice?
:male: :2cents: :2cents:

Mar 24, 2006, 8:53 AM
Its not just you. I hate coming into the chat room and getting PM's asking if I am horny or How I like to get screwed etc. I am not coming to this site for sex....I am coming because of the love, encouragement, and support I receive from everyone and because I hope to encourage and support other people.

Driver 8
Mar 24, 2006, 9:34 AM
I answer the unwanted PMs with "No thank you." Nine times out of ten that gets rid of them; for the persistent idiots, there's Ignore.

Mar 24, 2006, 10:49 AM
There's nothing more annoying than being ambushed with a pm the second I log into the chatroom. Like Driver, I also say No Thanks, but there are times when I request that the sender read my profile first. That usually does it. If they persist, they get Ignored.

meteast chick
Mar 24, 2006, 12:32 PM
Seems like we're all in agreement. It is most definately rude if the person unwantedly persists despite having been rejected. I suppose to some people that's playing hard-to-get? I think not. No thanks, then ignore.


Mar 24, 2006, 1:07 PM
The PM's can get annoying at times, that is not why i come here. My main reasons are to get other perspectives from within this sexual identity i seem to have driffted into over that last few decades. Well that and maybe find and hookup with other people in our local area that share similar views. PM's for sex are annoying, but then they are not always for sex either. Now and then there have been a few good conversations that are easier to deal with in a private mode.

Mar 24, 2006, 1:39 PM
I find it annoying when someone I don't know PM's me repeatedly even after I have made it clear i'm either not "into it" whatever "it" may be or otherwise busy. On the other hand people I chat with regularly are always welcome to PM me anytime. Is it just me? Advice?
:male: :2cents: :2cents:

Thanks Tx for starting this thread. I'm glad to read that I'm not the only man here to have this point of view. I do think it's impolite to pm somebody for sex that you don't know. Yes it's possible to say 'no thank you', or click ignore, or sth like that, but it would be nicer if it didn't happen at all.
My :2cents: , PeterH

Mar 25, 2006, 6:47 PM
All new members please read. Thanks
:2cents: :cool: