View Full Version : 'Phone Home

May 22, 2010, 4:31 PM
OK. You have set off in a rocket ship, to journey to a distant planet (not necessarily of this Solar System), and when you get there, you find that the planet is not barren, or devoid of life. You need to explore. You need to communicate with the intelligent lifeforms, native to the planet. You need to 'phone home, too.

So what do you find on the planet. The terrain, the flora and fauna. The intelligent creatures encountered. Is the sky the same colour as Mother Earth, are there trees and flowers. Are the things which pass for trees and flowers, also possessing intelligent thought. What are the higher forms of intelligent life like.

Phone home. Allow your imagination to run riot. Just think how totally different, another planet would be. Phone home and let the folks know.

:bounce: :yikes2: :crosseye: :smilies15:wiggle2: :suave: :mohawk: :yikes2:

May 22, 2010, 5:25 PM
I stagger to my feet as I raise from the cold steel floor of the main room of my spaceship...I don´t know why I am alive. I don´t know what I am doing here. All that I know is that I need to get out of here. I don´t know if this planet has a breathable atmosphere,but I don´t want to test my chances. Just as I ponder this,I see the door of the main room. The one that leads to outside. It is open...not just open,it just looks that the impact of the emergency landing just tore it off its hinges. For a moment I pause in panic...but then I calm down, after realizing that, if this planet had an atmosphere different than mine, I would probably be dead, never having recovered conciousness like when I woke up. One part of my brain tells me that maybe I am dying and this is merely a dream, a dying vision that my mind is projecting to make me less afraid of passing through. Maybe heaven is at the other side of that door. Maybe heaven is outside...

I limp my way to the door. Whatever this planet is,if it´s real,then it has a gravity similar to ours as well. It is no great effort for me to walk over to the door and take a peek outside.

The sight just leaves me breathless...

Surrounding me there was a mass of trees,high as buildings back in New Madrid on Earth were. There were not much of those still home. Trees,I mean. By the time when I was born, around the start of the twenty-second century,most,if not all of them, had been wiped out in Europe and North America. Only those existing in the Amazon Rainforest and in the other continents existed. Strange birds chirped and circled the air, emiting strange sounds as they dissapeared into the strange and marvelous skilight.

May 22, 2010, 6:22 PM
How Deja-vu this all was. From the tales of my Fore-Fathers, to the books in my class room. I step all the way down the ruined ramp and looked around in sheer awe. I pause, close my eyes for a moment, saying a prayer to the Spirits for letting me live This long. Here I was on a planet I didnt know, but I was Alive, and thankful to be here..Wherever Here was...

I figure if I am to die, I do so with fresh alien air in my lungs. I have to do it; I have to touch the magnificent being in front of me. Its a Tree. Tall, stately, noble, and one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Not even the cloned replicas in the musuem could do these justice. How could humans have eradicated such a magnificent race, all in the name of society and progress? Sad.

With a tear in my eye, I strode to the fabulous giant and gently placed my hands on its rough bark-skin. I marvel at the touch of a giver of Oxygen, a giver of life. I steel myself and take in a huge breath of air. I hold it for a scant moment, reveling at the heady feeling the rich air gave me. On my world all of the air is filtured, not wild and fresh as this is. Under my fingertips is a miracle, a living being that gave other sentiant beings life-giving air. I stared in wonder as the wind gently blew through the tall branches over head. It was just as the legends of old said, "The whisper of the trees is magical, and only those with open hearts and minds can truely hear it. You can too, Chootsa, (Babygirl) if you listen with your heart, mind, and soul"

I silently wept, for Grandpa's Grampa was right. I Could hear it, and it was Beautiful. If I am to die on this unknown world, let it be Right here, under this Guardian Tree of Life.......