View Full Version : Teacher fire for beating student.....

May 19, 2010, 3:47 PM
Sheri Lynn Davis is in a world of trouble and is now out of a job. Davis is the teacher, fired for beating student Isaiah Johnson in front of other students. The beating was caught on a cell phone camera and the video has made its way online. You can see the video below. Not only is Davis in trouble for the beating, and not only did she get fired, but it also turns out that she had a warrant out for her arrest. The beating occurred at Jamie’s House Charter School in Houston, Texas.

I couldnt copy the video to this, but I'm sure many of you have seen it already....This topic has been a "Hot Bed" going around the college I work at, and I just felt the need to vent, I guess.

Now I wasnt going to comment on this topic, but as an educator and mobility aide to disabled students, this bothered me immensely, and I couldn't get my mind off of it. I know all too well how some students can try a persons patiance levels, but this gal totally lost all control of herself. She snapped, she went over the line attacking a student and Aggressively went after him. I've had some students that I have Wanted to throttle a time or two, but didnt. I always keep my temper and composure at all times. You have to...you arent there to go ballistic on kids, you are there to Teach. You are there because the kids you teach have problems, and its your job to do what you are Suppose to do to get the job done. If she had had probs with this kid in the past, then she should have taken steps to correct the situation and not lose herself in the process.
I know there isnt alot of discipline in the schools anymore, (Not like when "I" was growing up!!) and Some of the kids can get away with murder, but a Teacher that strikes one of her students isnt worth her salt in the first place. Unless you are defending your very life, you should Never lay a hand on a student is anger. Especially ones that already Have mental and emotional problems. I am sorry that a fellow educator had to go out like that, but I'm not sorry that she put herself in that position in the first damn place.

She lost more than herself; she lost her job, and lost a chance at Ever working in the education field ever again. And that in itself is a loss.
Bothered Cat

May 19, 2010, 4:25 PM
I do not envy teachers...in my humble opinion it's the parents faults and if you spare the rod you face the consequences...that said moderation can also be applied to the discipline of children.

I wouldn't be a teacher of any age of pupil below 18...not for all the tea in china.

May 19, 2010, 4:48 PM
Absolutely no security services in uk schools....what would you do if attacked by child intent on harming you?

I agree she should not have lashed out....but was she provoked etc...do you have ALL the facts to try,execute and bury her before she goes in front of a jury?

May 19, 2010, 8:04 PM
Absolutely no security services in uk schools....what would you do if attacked by child intent on harming you?

I agree she should not have lashed out....but was she provoked etc...do you have ALL the facts to try,execute and bury her before she goes in front of a jury?


Provocation shouldnt (and I dont believe does) matter. She is the adult, and their teacher. She isnt justfied, unless she felt her life was in danger.

I wonder if teachers are taught ways of dealing with this conflict? I mean it seems like they should be, doesnt it?

She should have taken herself out of the situation as soon as possible and either called someone else or calmed herself to the point where she could deal rationally.

Saying this, you should know that teachers have my utmost respect. I dont think they get near enough credit for that job.


May 19, 2010, 8:14 PM
I also have to say, to do this is epically stupid. Especially in this day of cameras everywhere.


May 19, 2010, 8:44 PM
BBM, if you'll google it, you'll see the entire attack that another student caught on her phone. There is a full minute of this chick beating on this child, and other damn teachers stood by and let it happen. I'm glad that the other one resigned from Her position as well.
Its just plain horrible. Teachers and Tutors have their hands tied, so to speak. If the situation had been reversed, and the student had attacked, the person defending themselves would have went to jail for defending themselves against a minor.
This chick deserves all she has happen to her. :2cents:
Disgusted Cat

May 19, 2010, 9:09 PM
I am watching both the vids posted and I am just stunned. I see one of the comments says he did something to a special needs girl, I would love to see more of the entire story. I am sorry she let her temper get the better of her, she had no excuse for not using proper channels. As Cat said, teachers have a responsibility to protect students but at the same point again and again we see students attacking teachers all over the world. It's a very dangerous and underpaid position. Children are our future and it makes me worry for the future generations when I see things like this.

May 19, 2010, 9:14 PM
Supposedly the school has CCTV in those rooms , would be interesting to see what those show.

The mother of the child says he didnt hit the girl, but I dunno?

May 19, 2010, 9:18 PM
I don't either, Marie. But then I would expect the son to tell mom he didn't hit a girl. She sounded like she would have taught him better than that. I hope they do release the CCTV footage. Again, she should have went through proper channels but without knowing the history and everything, it's easy to sit in judgement from behind a computer screen. One person's life destroyed for sure, another person's altered perhaps forever. And we aren't even talking about the other students who witnessed this. Just a shame all around.

May 19, 2010, 9:25 PM
Just nosing around on the net and found that Miss Davis never had a teaching certificate. Apparently Texas law only requires certificates for bilingual and special needs teachers in charter schools. Makes me wonder how much training she had in handling children before being put in a position of being in charge of children.

May 19, 2010, 9:31 PM
Just nosing around on the net and found that Miss Davis never had a teaching certificate. Apparently Texas law only requires certificates for bilingual and special needs teachers in charter schools. Makes me wonder how much training she had in handling children before being put in a position of being in charge of children.

Me too. She obviously went "over the top" on this one.

But then I am from a generation were it wasnt unusual for a teacher to throw a chalk board eraser at you...

May 19, 2010, 9:43 PM
Yeah and they still had corporal punishment when I went to school. Makes me wonder how effective discipline is when you can't do a thing that makes a child pay attention. We weren't allowed to have cell phones at school, or mp3 players, of course back then it was "walkmans".

May 19, 2010, 9:45 PM
Yeah and they still had corporal punishment when I went to school. Makes me wonder how effective discipline is when you can't do a thing that makes a child pay attention. We weren't allowed to have cell phones at school, or mp3 players, of course back then it was "walkmans".

Right on, I remember those days all too well. Heck we werent even allowed to use calculators if I remember right.

Long Duck Dong
May 19, 2010, 9:56 PM
god, you two were lucky, we were still waiting for paper to be invented....:tong:

May 19, 2010, 9:57 PM
Lucky??? We had to pound out the papyrus to make usable notebooks.

May 19, 2010, 9:59 PM
ahh those were the days 20 miles walk to school, in 12' snow drifts, uphill both ways :tongue:

May 19, 2010, 10:01 PM
Oh don't remind me, Marie, and that was after getting up at dawn to do all the other things we had to do before we left the house.

May 19, 2010, 10:05 PM
I do not envy teachers...in my humble opinion it's the parents faults and if you spare the rod you face the consequences...that said moderation can also be applied to the discipline of children.

I wouldn't be a teacher of any age of pupil below 18...not for all the tea in china.

The way the laws are here anymore, parants can't correct the kids either. If thet do they go to jail, and kids go to a foster home with no correction for doing wrong there either.

May 20, 2010, 12:29 AM
I think one of the news reports said that the kid poked fun at one of the disabled students and Davis just went off. What botheres me was the posture she used when she had him backed into that corner, and the way she threw that desk aside....

I know when I went to school, many of us were segregated because of teaching/learning problems and...social status, but it wasnt unusual for a child to be spanked way back then. And I'm torn on this. A teacher or principal should never have had the right to spank a child...it should have been up to the parents at home to do. I believed and believe, in old fashioned discipline, and I still maintain that the lack of these values makes Some of the kids the ways they are today. But at no time should a teacher go ballistic like that.
I hope and pray that she isnt let teach again. Hey, just my opinion.

May 20, 2010, 12:39 AM
Cat, to be honest from knowing now that she didn't have a teaching certificate, I'm not sure she should ever have been teaching in the first place. So it might be good if she is blacklisted and never allowed in a school again.

May 20, 2010, 12:30 PM
Certification or not, the responsibility to maintain order in the class is the teacher's. Unfortunately, teachers no longer have that authority, thanks to excessively restrictive and ineffective child protection laws.
When I was a kid, teachers were allowed to do certain things to maintain discipline; most anything from sitting in the corner to a rap on the knuckles with a ruler (for those survivors of Catholic school).

Of course, the lack of that kind of authority by our overzealous enforcement of child abuse has brought this problem and no one is willing to fix it. We can thank fluffy bunny political correctness for much of that coming to law.

But the parents are to blame as well, for many of the same reasons. Had the parents of children been allowed to administer a spanking or two when needed, without fear of being called in to DCF for every little thing (not counting actual abuse), and the teachers been allowed to maintain proper discipline like they used to, in the lower grades, then problems like this would not happen and our society would be better off.

A child raised without discipline becomes the children that people suddenly have sympathy when they reap the consequences of their actions, like the teenager in this case.

I guarantee you that the kid in this case will be spending time in jail for some criminal act in the future.

I have no sympathy for the teacher in question (she should have known better than to do what she did), but I also have no sympathy for the kid in question either because the kid was also old enough to know better, just like the teacher and the kid still escalated the situation, knowing that the teacher would get all of the blame from our bleeding heart society.