View Full Version : Locker Rooms.....

May 18, 2010, 11:13 PM
So what is the deal w/ locker rooms?

I try to put on imaginary blinders, but tend to fail...I mean it's a freaking penis buffet.

So what's the rule, look but don't stare?

Anyway I bring it up, cause I was in the shower today, (frosted glass dividers)
and I notice the guy in the next stall looks like he's jerking off while watching me.
As soon as I can confirm his erection, I see that I'm at full attention too, he touches his dick to the glass, as do I, then a little more posing and he shampoos up and leaves, I follow and get some very sly grins from him in the main changing area.
We smile at each other on the way out, and that's it.

Not having permission to actually hook up, my hands are fairly tied....until they get untied (I told my wife this story and she told me that I will surely be able to play someday, but she'll need time to get used to it, and she was very relieved to hear about how nervous the whole experience made me)

Anyway the point of the thread is to get some advice from the more experienced Bi's out there as to what usually happens in these situations, but also to solicit other sexy Gym and Locker Room stories from the rest of you.

Yay for Fitness!

May 19, 2010, 12:20 AM
as I've said in the past on here, I was always nervous about public bathrooms and communal showers, since I had no idea what the weird feeling i got when entering on at the time. we women are usually, lucky enough to get seperate shower stalls but not in my high school. fortunatly and unfortunatly all the girls at my school would rince off after swim class and shampoo thier hair...thats it...so yeah no steamy stories here but now its a fantasy.:2cents:

May 19, 2010, 2:53 AM
^ They used to make me nervous as hell. I skipped every single shower after my Jr. High gym classes.....(stinky nervous kid)

And I have to point out that I'm not all sex crazed and pervy, I like to think that I'm at least a little bit subtle.

I often wonder what percent of women enjoy the random glimpse of flesh in locker rooms, and how staggeringly un-often it ends up anywhere near the plot of a porno.

Seems that on the male end this is fairly common, but what do I know...other than the facts that dudes penis was dreamy, and if I'm getting the show and tell other people probably are too.

May 19, 2010, 6:05 AM
So what is the deal w/ locker rooms?

I try to put on imaginary blinders, but tend to fail...I mean it's a freaking penis buffet.

So what's the rule, look but don't stare?

Anyway I bring it up, cause I was in the shower today, (frosted glass dividers)
and I notice the guy in the next stall looks like he's jerking off while watching me.
As soon as I can confirm his erection, I see that I'm at full attention too, he touches his dick to the glass, as do I, then a little more posing and he shampoos up and leaves, I follow and get some very sly grins from him in the main changing area.
We smile at each other on the way out, and that's it.

Not having permission to actually hook up, my hands are fairly tied....until they get untied (I told my wife this story and she told me that I will surely be able to play someday, but she'll need time to get used to it, and she was very relieved to hear about how nervous the whole experience made me)

Anyway the point of the thread is to get some advice from the more experienced Bi's out there as to what usually happens in these situations, but also to solicit other sexy Gym and Locker Room stories from the rest of you.

Yay for Fitness!

My rule of thumb is that I glance but am always very discreet about what I'm looking at...I don't want it to appear that I'm too obvious but I do look at the other guys in the locker room.

May 19, 2010, 7:19 AM
Even before I found out I am Bi I would look. Now that I would like a locker room hookup I don't go to the gym. Oh well... :)

May 19, 2010, 3:54 PM
Locker room etiquitte:


May 19, 2010, 4:10 PM
The gym I belong to has a room with ten shower heads. No divders or curtins. Everything is wide open. I always look but don't stare. One night about a hour before the gym was to close. There was only me and 2 others. There was only one staff on and it was a women. One guy was working out the other was a women on the threadmill. I went in to the locker room after a work out got naked wraped a towel around me went into the sauna. After about 15 to 20 mins of the sauna went to my locker got another towel and a bar of soap went to the showers. The guy was in the shower, I hung up my towel turned the water on started soaping up. I looked over checked his cock out. He seen me looking and turned facing me. He was uncut big blueish head big hangers. He asked me if I like what I am looking at. I said sorry about that. He said don't worry about it, then stared at my tiny cock. He then grabbed his cock and started stroking it looking at mine. He then said close your mouth before u catch a fly. I didn't even relize My mouth was open. He moved closer to me, and asked if I play? I nodded yes. I said not here. I said lets go in the mens room. We went in to a stall I sat on the toilet and started sucking him. HHe shot in my mouth as I jerked off shooting my load on his feet. This happen in 1979.

May 19, 2010, 6:41 PM
I've noticed that there are just some guys in the change room that want you to check them out. They're usually the ones walking around naked while carrying a towel. . .

May 19, 2010, 6:48 PM
And why not? They work hard to get those bodies. I've complimented a few guys on their physiques at the gym, and they've always been polite and chatted back. And no, we didn't go running off to the showers either (well not all of them, anyway).

May 19, 2010, 6:59 PM
I wasn't implying it was a bad thing, lol. Just an observation on who is less likely to freak out if you sneak a peek.

May 20, 2010, 5:23 AM
So I get the no staring and best to not fuck in the building concept, and for the most part I do fairly well.....

So let me preface the following with this: The sauna and shower area that show up later in the story were remarkably empty during the good bits, and also this is the story of my first sexual experience w/ another man since I've been married, since I've been an adult, and my first time ever w/ a man where I knew what I was doing. Chide me if you will, cause I know my actions weren't overly prudent, but I don't care cause today was a damn good day.

I met up again w/ my new friend at the gym. When we were changing he made sure to spend a good amount of time naked,
(again he has a very nice penis, un-cut which I love, and he's in pretty good shape, but not nearly ripped) anyway, the conversation was totally normal locker room chat, I did spend more time looking at his penis that I normally would, but if you over heard us it wouldn't seem like we had showed each other our erections the other day. I found that quite calming, I was nervous that he'd say something pervy or be aggressive and freak me out, but he seemed like a normal dude.

We went about our workouts, I got in a mile in 11:30 on the elliptical, after a bit I saw him head to the locker room so I followed. I found him alone in the sauna. We talked for awhile about our jobs and finally our situations, he wears a wedding ring that I asked him about and he told me he had a partner, he asked about my ring and I told him about my wife. He mentioned that he was probably much more free to play than I was and I told him about the discussion my wife and I had about him, and how I wasn't allowed to touch, but talking and looking and some shower play w/ glass between us was given the green light. He talked for awhile about he and his partner will play together or how he could get permission to play alone, and how he'd had a really good time long ago with a M/F couple. I really wanted to hear more, but we were in a sauna and I was getting kinda dizzy so I mentioned that it'd be a good time to hit the showers.

Once we were in our own stalls and had our water running I cleaned the glass on my side as did he, then we gave each other a bit of a show while we soaped up. Didn't take long till we were rubbing our cocks up against the glass. We took turns jerking off and rubbing body parts against the glass, at one point I was rubbing my hand over his cock and balls and almost came, even with glass between us it was incredibly hot. While I had my ass up against it he was mock fingering me, then had his dick grinding against me, only the glass keeping his cock out of my ass. As much as I would have loved to really milk the experience I was a little rushed for time, so when I felt myself getting close I didn't hold back. I rinsed some of the soap off the glass so he could see better, then came on it and rubbed it around w/ my dick. He came shortly after, I wanted to catch his cum as it dripped down the glass, but that's not been green lit yet, so I let it drip down onto the tile, but damn did I want to catch it.

After that we both soaped and rinsed our sides of the glass and ourselves and went back to the main room to change. Unfortunately there was another guy in the main room and so ended our tryst, a few more peeks of his gorgeous foreskin and some more random workout talk and a "see you around" > "definitely"

Told my wife all about it when I got home, not so much detail w/ the shower scene, but made sure she got the outline, and so far she's really doing well with this. I'll end this long ass post with this: Sexy gym dude aside, coming out to my wife was probably the best thing I've done in a long long time.....and......still can't believe that I had a sexual experience w/ another man, really enjoying my noob-ness and looking forward to the future.

May 20, 2010, 9:42 AM
Dude, very, very hot!!! Keep it up!!

May 20, 2010, 2:09 PM
Thanks, looking forward to doing it again, really looking forward to the day that we can go hook up at his place w/ his partner, got a tangible hunger for that.