View Full Version : Twilight Fans!

Justin Chad Taylor
May 15, 2010, 10:43 PM
Please Ignore Thankyou!

May 15, 2010, 10:44 PM
Please, please don't make me puke.

May 16, 2010, 7:02 AM
Not being a television watcher, or someone who likes cinemas, I haven't had the misfortune to see, what I am told, are rather pathetic films, with bad acting. In fact, in my day to day life. I have not spoken to anyone, who has ever seen one of these Twilight things. Only someone from a rather mountainous area, who hated the film, but found Pattinson, ''sensual,'' but that was to annoy me and continue the illusion....what a fake.

Films about vampires, are seldom very good. Usually too much time is spent on gore and stange looks. A vampire film which is far more intellectual in it's approach, is much more fun and interesting, to watch.

I know that there are some people who like extreme and very violent horror films. Films that go beyond the worst cases of bad taste and violence. I have always thought that people who want to watch castrations and torture, must be more than a little warped......especially when they are rather old ladies, with not a lot going for them, but their hatred of everything around them. Everything that is good and kind and truthful and classy.

There.....I feel much better for having said that.

RIP NA.........I hope not!

May 16, 2010, 8:17 AM
Canticle, Twilight is a vampire movie but not a "vampire movie." There is no gore...barely any fighting...it is more of an intellectual approach then a fight em and bite em approach.

May 16, 2010, 10:47 AM
Canticle, Twilight is a vampire movie but not a "vampire movie." There is no gore...barely any fighting...it is more of an intellectual approach then a fight em and bite em approach.

What, Rissa....none at all? Shucks.......Actually, I sort of guessed that........but other thoughts came into my head. I like vampires.....more interesting than wolfie sorts. I had two guinea pigs named after vampires.....Angel and Spike....a pair of softies...brothers who had fisticuffs over the food bowl. (had a Buffy and a Willow, too).