View Full Version : Stripe Spelling Bee & Other adult games

May 15, 2010, 1:02 PM
I was just scanning the Globe and Mail and came across this interesting "adult" game.

Peter, a trim young soldier complete with dog tags, is onstage at Toronto's Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, pondering the correct spelling of the word “caduceus.” Sombre quiz-show music plays over the speakers as Peter is informed that a caduceus, which traces back to Greek mythology, is a staff with a double helix of entwined snakes.

“C-A-D-U,” he begins. And then, with an impish grin, “ampersand, tilde, question mark.”

“You spell exquisitely,” says Sherwin Tjia, founder and host of the Honeysuckle Strip Spelling Bee, as the crowd of 80 roars in rowdy approval. A visibly tipsy Tjia manages to tap at his laptop and switch to a soundtrack of raunchy R&B, since the penalty for misspelling a word at this particular spelling bee is removing a third of one's clothing. After three rounds, two winners are declared – best speller and best striptease – which should make Peter's competitive interests fairly obvious.


What are your thoughts on this "adult" game? Are you aware of it going on in your area? Have you heard of any similar types of adult interpretations of childhood games?:bigrin:

note: Peter seems to be a gay/bi soldier who is out and public. The world has not ended for us with out gay/bi soldiers here...lol Also...I don't know but it looks like you need to colour co ordinate your underwear according to these two....(kid'n)

Damn I spelt "strip" wrong..lol