View Full Version : I know I'm computer dim, but do I really need prototecting this much?

May 13, 2010, 6:07 PM
On Monday night, my Toshiba lap top died. Now, there are some folks, in certain parts of the world, that at one time, would have raced to my aid, even if nothing could be done and nothing could. Luckily, my son knows what he's doing and he deduced that, ''It's dead mother.....maybe I can get it to a state, where it can be used for typing stuff on, but that's it.''

So mother needs a new computer. So off to the store, we went....good old Argos! £399.99 the new one cost and of course...it's Windows 7. not XP, which I was just getting the hang of......tabs etc. It's fast......it's weird....but I'm sure I will get used to it....but.....

I can't access the chat room here. Internet Explorer won't allow me to download the thing, who's name I have now forgotten....begins with an A and has an X at the end. I've forgotten, cos I'm in a tizz. I downloaded Google chrome, which sent the whole computer potty and I had things freezing. I think my problems may have begun.......I tend to delete things...important things.

Anyway...I told Internet Explorer ''Thank you very much, I've heeded your warnings, but I'm a big girl now, so please download what I tell you.''

''Oooohhh, Noooo,'' says Internet Explorer, ''We can't do that, it's not allowed.''

So not being a brain box...when it comes to what my mother, would have called ''mechanical things''.....I now have to wait and see what the son says...the next time he makes an appearance.

Heck.....I sure am not going to ask ''he who snores,'' and I can't ask another person, not like I used to.

I'd just like to wring Internet Explorer's neck....and scream in it's face....''I do not need protecting''

There.....I can't rant in the chat room...so I'll rant here....and then sit in a heap and cry.......aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

May 13, 2010, 6:09 PM
I remembered the name of the download......ActiveX

May 13, 2010, 6:15 PM
Ummm Canticle does a nice little yellow bar come up at the top of your screen saying it would like run an activex control? If that's the case say yes.

Otherwise go into your Tools> Internet Options> Security> Trusted Sites, add the site to Trusted Sites.

For more info if it won't blow your mind..click this

May 13, 2010, 6:18 PM
Go to Control Panel, Internet Options, and Change Security Settings

May 13, 2010, 6:25 PM
For what its worth, I'm determined to buy Mac on my next replacement computer

May 13, 2010, 6:30 PM
You poor thing.....don't do that, honestly they are more trouble than they are worth. Go Ubuntu :)

May 13, 2010, 7:26 PM
Thank you for your help. I added the site to my trusted sites.......tried chat again......clicked on the yellow bar...which turned blue....and was still told...No way Jose.

I'm wondering now, if it might have anything to do with my AVG protection....which seems to love banning everything.

Thanks twyla...I read the tech page.....couldn't understand what they were on about.....sighs.

I shall not be defeated!

I need chocolate!

May 13, 2010, 7:29 PM
Canticle, tell it YES when it says it wants to install an activex control. In Win7 they should automatically be enabled for you. Try resetting your internet settings to default and see if that helps and disable any popup blockers.

May 13, 2010, 7:32 PM
instead of google chrome or ie, try mozilla firefox. It shouldn't mess with your computer at all and allow access to the chat.

Long Duck Dong
May 13, 2010, 8:11 PM
you may need java runtime environment and java add ons

java downloads (http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp)

click on the link, and look for the windows section and the link starting with windows 7.... that will make sure that you have the latest working java for your system and computer

May 13, 2010, 8:43 PM
I'll try thst LDD..........disabling pop up blockers didn't work

May 13, 2010, 9:02 PM

Heh Heh.......I went to Java LDD and I downloaded a 32 bit and a 64 bit something......well heck...it worked......I just got into chat....it was worth getting called Cunticle by Aut...LOL

May 13, 2010, 9:03 PM
Oooooohhhh I almost forgot....ta eva so......to LDD and everyone else.

May 13, 2010, 9:51 PM
Another thought, right click on AVG and disable it before updating Active X, Java and any other updates. When you're done, reboot and AVG will restart automatically. Oftentimes, AVG and other anti-virus software perceives certain updates to be trojans or malware when they are not. If you ever get a message saying so, google the exact error message before taking action as prompted.

I have the latest Macbook PRO and love it, though Ubuntu is a better OS hands down. Husband multi-boots with XP, Windows 7 and Ubuntu. He also prefers Ubuntu. Anyway....

You can rightclick on "My Computer" and see if your box is 32 or 64 bit. I'm guessing yours is 32 bit, because it's mostly gamers or high end graphic designers and musicians or other heavy number crunchers that need 64 bit. And 64 bit can be a pain in the ass since not all applications are compatible with it.

A word to the wise: DON'T install Google Chrome yet. WAAAAY too buggy.

May 13, 2010, 11:47 PM
instead of google chrome or ie, try mozilla firefox. It shouldn't mess with your computer at all and allow access to the chat.

you may need java runtime environment and java add ons

java downloads (http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp)

click on the link, and look for the windows section and the link starting with windows 7.... that will make sure that you have the latest working java for your system and computer

Absolutely - Firefox with java updates is the way to go.

Doggie :doggie:

May 14, 2010, 12:07 AM
A word to the wise: DON'T install Google Chrome yet. WAAAAY too buggy.

I agree. Unfortunately I tried this and it really slowed down my 'puter. I love my Firefox tho ;)

May 14, 2010, 12:35 AM
Well, I did install Chrome and uninstalled it within 15 minutes. I had Firefox on my other lap top, but didn't use it. I want to take Windows 7 slowly, because it is so different.

Installing java...and it said to download 32 and 64, has allowed me access to the chat room.....that was immediate.....so maybe i don't need ActiveX.

I'll bear in mind what has been said about disabling AVG. I just wish I was more computer literate. Fortunately, my son is, to degree level.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions.