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May 13, 2010, 10:54 AM
I hear your voice
it echoes
around this empty room.

We talk about
About you and I, and them,
the other people.
The ones who
hurt and the ones
who heal us.

Our voices fill
this empty room
dark with promise.

May 13, 2010, 10:57 AM
very nice, Marie.

one of my recent faves..

Dance Upon The Wind.
by Intimate Knight

I wasn't looking for it, but some how it came, and found me.
Before I had a chance to react, it wrapped it's warmth around me.
Like a thief in the night, it has come and gone.
I have nothing, but that vision to reflect upon.

Until chance comes again, I'll let my thoughts dance upon the wind.
All day long, in my mind, I walk love's lonely street.
Like a tired man that longs to sit, but just can't find a seat.
Then, there it was again, up ahead, to light my way.

Only to vanish once more, just like all my yesterdays.
Until chance comes again, I'll let my thoughts dance upon the wind.
I don't know where I'm going, and where I've been isn't much to speak of.
I just know my heart is always showing, leading me to some far off love.

Just when I give up the fight.
Here it comes to make the bad things good, and the wrong things right.
Only to leave me lost and lonely again.
Drifting away as my thoughts dance upon the wind.

It has a name, I think they call it friend.

May 16, 2010, 3:04 PM
I hear your voice
it echoes
around this empty room.

We talk about
About you and I, and them,
the other people.
The ones who
hurt and the ones
who heal us.

Our voices fill
this empty room
dark with promise.

This made me cry

May 21, 2010, 5:05 PM
Don't know why I chose this....except for it maybe describing how difficult, the spiritual path can be. The wise teacher may make the way seem far more easy than it actually is.

The Great Way is not difficult
for those who have no preferences.
When love and hate are both absent
everything becomes clear and undisguised.
Make the smallest distinction, however
and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart.
If you wish to see the truth
then hold no opinions for or against anything.
To set up what you like against what you dislike
is the disease of the mind.
When the deep meaning of things is not understood
the minds essential peace is disturbed to no avail.

The Way is perfect like vast space
where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess.
Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject
that we do not see the true nature of things.
Live neither in the entanglements of outer things,
nor in inner feelings of emptiness.
Be serene in the oneness of things
and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves.
When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity
your very effort fills you with activity.
As long as you remain in one extreme or the other
you will never know Oneness.

- Sengstan

translated from the Chinese

May 21, 2010, 6:38 PM
This is one of mine. An old one, but still good..lol (hey, at least it wasnt one of the naughty ones!) lol

Kindred's Can

In the cool of the night between midnight and star-set, I slip the
bonds of time and space, and my body becomes a wisp of light. Then
and only then am I free; free to fly tonight in search of one my own
kind. The one who searches as I do. We meet in dreams, and touch as
only kindred's can. We know each other's mind touch, and we dance a
dance of spirits in an eternal sky all through out the night. The
heavens are our playground, as is the earth below. Shimmering,
changing at will from mist to flame, cloud to wind, from creatures of
the earthly night, to beings only dreamed of.

All during the darkness we are together, melding forms, blending in
bliss like quicksilver, our union unmatched by no other beings in
this universe. Passion's swirl is ours on this wonderful night.
Flitting among the planets, playing hide and seek in a comet's tail,
sliding and surfing on waves of sound, making wild love on
moonbeam's. Man and woman on a star-stream, in the middle of a
fevered dream. With the last blinking of the stars, we know it is
time to depart, and sadness is ours. One last kiss of souls, and it
is time to go. Sorrow holds my mind, and back to my dominion I must
go' Long veils of white cloud my memory with the rising of the Sun,
and I am alone in the daytime world.

The wondrous realm of the night before only a fleeting thought, like
a warm summer breeze, or a half remembered dream. Some part of my
mind tells me to be sad not, for with the coming of twilight the
restlessness will come again, and with the setting of the sun and the
rising of the moon, peace and rapture will be mine, somewhere between
dark and dawn when kindred can be as one.
TLK 2003.

May 21, 2010, 10:34 PM
Very nice! :bigrin: @ Canticle, Cat & Twyla -You Rock!

May 23, 2010, 1:24 AM
This and Moonlight Visitor were the first things I had ever gotten
published. Enjoy :}

I am Demon...

I am as smoke on the water, seen yet untouched.
I am Mist, tasted on the tip of the tongue, cool and quenching.
I am an Earth bound wind, a Zephyr in your heart.
I am Lust and Sensuality Unbound and Unleashed, I come in the night
in visions of things only dreamt of, but never revealed.
I am as creatures of night brought to light, for I am the Demon in
your soul. I come from a place deep inside the very core of you, and
am well hidden during the day-light hours. I am heat, passion, lust,
desire and ecstasy, and I am here for you.

I come in dreams to you, for this is the only way you can see me. I
come to bring dreams of things erotic, not to install fear, but to
entice and please.
You see my emerald eyes glitter and gleam in the darkness, and you
feel my hot breath upon skin naked and sweet. I am here to please, I
am here to bring you dreams of intense pleasure, for I am Demon,
Demonmoi, I am the Demon that dwells deep within us all.
I am Demon, and I am Yours.......
TLK 1985
************************************************** ********

May 23, 2010, 10:05 AM
I sit quietly thinking
My mind in a swirl
I hear your voice
See the movement of your lips
The love on your face
....and the frustration

I open my mouth to speak
... and nothing comes

I wrote the above several years ago in the midst of a deep depression.. I'm afraid speaking is never my forte at such times and I know causes concern and frustration among those closest to me.. but at such times seem simply incapable of communicating...

May 23, 2010, 2:06 PM
All good words ladies. For lines of poetry and prose, are drawn, as if from some deep well......at other times like the carefully inserted needle, into a vein, to relieve one of some blood.....or like the pulling of teeth, when word and line, come bursting out of the conscious, or unconscious thought.

I found this one...on one of those many poetry sites. it seems incomplete and is not perfect, but that is it's beauty. It describes something of what I have been put through and in most recent years and not asked for, or deserved.

''Lies Of Clueless Deceit

by Melpomene

Within such words of beauty lays caution of true fault,
A lonely seed planted upon the silent soul of sweet remorse,
"To trust is to be trusted, While to lie is to be fooled"
Such quote of mine speaks to my heart with painful force,
While the future becomes nothing but a glimpse of burning past,
And lies upon deception cause heartbreak beyond ones relief.

Another face of simple nothingness sketched into depths mind,
A tornado of vicious confusion raps around a frozen heart,
As our relationship became nothing but lies of clueless deceit,
While tidal waves crashed over hurt body drowning my soul,
And tears of ones bright future evaporate into thin air,
Torturing my mind of insanity, beyond being ever whole.

Hollow throughout bones as my visions of your become dust,
The life you've come to choose is not love but perfect lust,
Decision become careless as your life will turn to mist,
The lies you began to tell will now haunt you in your dreams,
One thing to remember in life is its nothing as it seems,
Karma planted beautiful, upon the lips of a blue eyed devil.

Ok guys, I had writers block yet again! no idea whats going on but this is my result.''

I hope the poet's writers block soon disappeared.