View Full Version : Ode to Darkness

May 13, 2010, 9:29 AM
Hello to everyone :) I just wanted to post a poem that I wrote the other day in my class of Antropology. I don´t know it I have written it well, because English is only my second language. When I read it aloud it sounded very cool, but I hope you guys can tell me if you like it or not :) Have a great day

Ode To Darkness

Running away
Never stopping
Not even to catch some breath
There are promises you cannot break
Where there is a will,there is a way
as a good old Englishman used to say
but when there is no one to see the ligt
there is no much energy to put up a fight.
As Darkness lingers around you, going pitch black
You begin to pray to some unknown God,
just until stars go out,a vivid memory of yesterday
instead of a mirage to torment you and make you afraid
When it devours you it just might seem easy to escape
But there is no way to defeat Darkness,as it is everywhere.

May 13, 2010, 10:36 AM
I tend to ignore spelling errors when I read something and just go off the energy behind the words. I liked it. Thanks for posting.

May 13, 2010, 5:48 PM
Very nice Honey. Keep up the good work. :}
(Not grading anyone today...lol);)

May 13, 2010, 6:21 PM
It's very good, Nadir. Keep putting down your thoughts and feelings. It doesn't matter how good or bad the poem is, it is what it expresses. I have a friend, at church, who writes poetry. It's the kind of poetry, which needs to be read out loud. Then, the true meaning of her words can be experienced.
You did very well, indeed and remember, you can always come back to a poem and if there is something which needs to be added, or altered, you can do so. The poem can be an on going piece, or complete, as when first finished.

May 14, 2010, 3:31 PM
Wow,that´s a very beautiful thing you have just said, Canticle, I really liked it. I started writing poetry when I was 13,but I stopped due to several problems in my environment and lack of inspiration...and well, I started again a few months ago and so,far,I don´t think I am doing it bad (at least it sounds better than the stuff that I used to write at 13). :D Thank you for having read . And thanks for complimenting me,Cat, you lovely lady ;)

May 14, 2010, 5:35 PM
I used to write poetry, when I was a teenager and it was far from good....except for one, which I know was quite good. I am no poet, but occasionally, something will come into my head, to express an emotion, or whatever.

Four years ago, I found the inspiration, a person, which caused me to begin writing prose. I could not stop and if I could not get the words on to paper, it was physically painful (so always carry a notepad and pen with you). I no longer have that inspiration and do not find the words, I so long to put down. Losing a muse, is a most soul destroying experience.

However, as there are things, that I know, I wish to write about, I am determined to some day soon, return to my prose writing. The same goes for other artistic things I was doing. It's just that it will never be the same again.

Never allow yourself to be put off. If only one person, likes what you have written, then it will have been worthwhile.

May 14, 2010, 5:59 PM
sorry got confused...thought was about the group darkness...oops!