View Full Version : favourite word or phrase

May 12, 2010, 4:23 PM
Language is brilliant..can be used to make you happy,sad or incite differing meanings.

what is your favourite word/phrase...meanings would be helpful!

My first fave word would have to be strumpet- a prostitute or harlot

phrase... "freeze the balls of a brass monkey"..... a brass monkey is a stack of cannon balls, when its cold they topple over due to contraction of metal, hence freeze the balls off a brass monkey.

May 12, 2010, 6:03 PM
lol Mine is "Idjet" a word derived from the word "Idiot" but said in a Southern pronounciation. And believe me, I know lots of Idjets. :rolleyes: Bet each one of you have encountered one of more in your life times too! lol:cool:

May 12, 2010, 6:10 PM
the irish phrase for idjet is fecker lol

May 12, 2010, 7:23 PM
I use kismet a lot.. probably a little too much.. but I do believe in it..

I use bollox far too much, and swear too much and my beloved thinks it's all very common and unladylike. It is of course, but then I am very uncommonly common and since when are tarts ladylike? Aaaannd I'm not ashamed of any of it...:)

.. but for all that I do not and have never in my life allowed the C word to pass my lips.. and shall never.. even although some luffly peeps on the site and elsewhere have in the past enjoyed my discomfiture at its use by others.. I'm not THAT common..;)

May 12, 2010, 7:45 PM
"Put your big girl panties on"

May 12, 2010, 8:08 PM
"It is what it is"

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

A situation cant be changed by wishing it to be different.

Deal with the facts as presented.

May 12, 2010, 8:15 PM
''Heh Ho'' Yes, I do actually say this!

''Golly gosh'' This too!

''Do you catch my drift'' I cultivated this one, as a teenager.

''ockered'' Northern English term for ''awkward''

''crate-egg'' Another northern term. What you say to someone, when they have done something daft.

''wast tha born int barn'' When someone hasn't closed the door

''put wood int hole'' Close the door

I can also swear.....''Bugger it''......''Fuckem all, bar one and bollocks to him''.....the f word.....used expressively and when driven to the point of absolute and utter despair, I can sort of find words that shock me and not ones I am proud of. It appears, that I do seem to have a way with words......

And when England is playing Australia in an Ashes Test Match (that's Cricket, of course), I have been heard to yell at the television screen ''Bowl the Aussie bastard out''.........Cricket can get quite exciting.

Oh, I suppose there must be a lot more. Ho Hum! (oops, I say that, too)

May 12, 2010, 9:11 PM
''Heh Ho'' Yes, I do actually say this!

''Golly gosh'' This too!

''Do you catch my drift'' I cultivated this one, as a teenager.

''ockered'' Northern English term for ''awkward''

''crate-egg'' Another northern term. What you say to someone, when they have done something daft.

''wast tha born int barn'' When someone hasn't closed the door

''put wood int hole'' Close the door

I can also swear.....''Bugger it''......''Fuckem all, bar one and bollocks to him''.....the f word.....used expressively and when driven to the point of absolute and utter despair, I can sort of find words that shock me and not ones I am proud of. It appears, that I do seem to have a way with words......

And when England is playing Australia in an Ashes Test Match (that's Cricket, of course), I have been heard to yell at the television screen ''Bowl the Aussie bastard out''.........Cricket can get quite exciting.

Oh, I suppose there must be a lot more. Ho Hum! (oops, I say that, too)

We usually say "were you born in a barn?"

where I'm from we had one that used to drive the ex nuts, "see what I'm saying?" Which means the same as "catch my drift."

May 12, 2010, 10:42 PM
A few of my favorites that I actually use on a (semi) regular basis:

"Copious quantities of cold cash"

"Cool Beans!" (for really neat stuff)

"Poor planning on your part does not create an emergency on my part." (I use this at work often)

"Approach the world with a sense of childlike wonder"

"Awww....Bat shit!" (used for frustration)

May 12, 2010, 10:55 PM
My favourie word is, "friend".

It stands for so many wonderful people in my life, past and present, alive and gone, good times and bad, and the memories.

It really hit home a few years ago when my daughter was having her 5th birthday party. All the family was present, grand parents, aunts and uncles, ect. But when her friends pulled up, she went nuts, was so excited. Kept running around screaming, "my friends are here! my friends are here!!

I was so happy that she had friends to get excited over. And I wish her all the good friends she can handle in life.

Everyone cherish your friends.

May 12, 2010, 11:53 PM
A very good word to like, mikey. A friend is a treasure and when you lose one, it's like throwing all the gold in the world overboard in mid-Atlantic. The dross we have to tolerate and sometimes give in to. A true friend loves us, come what may.....even distance and separation.

May 13, 2010, 2:08 AM
"Damn, I might have shit in my nest....." when I do something that might not be in my best interest.

Fortunately, I haven't had to use this in a while, but I used to date a girl that thought it was the funniest, and most appropriate thing she'd ever heard for that sort of screw up.

May 13, 2010, 12:13 PM
I always say "How are you, my friend"...

May 14, 2010, 8:31 AM
I love the acronym "fubar"

and the words plethora and fount

I was an English major in college, I love the sound of words and word play

May 14, 2010, 9:57 AM
A favoured phrase espesh when some dick has annoyed me is "fuckin erse!".. "erse" being eastern Scots for the word arse.... at work it i often imperceptibly used when some young dick does some thing really stupid or gets things wrong or simply acts like a fuckin erse!!! It is said in my mind even more often!!! I am a lady after all...:tong:

May 14, 2010, 12:51 PM
I still, on occasion, use the word "lift" for elevators.

"I love it when a plan comes together on an odd numbered day" (or even numbered, if it happens to be an even numbered day)

"Knitting was invented by men......it's called chainmaille"

"A friend with mead is a friend indeed!"

"A hundred miles down.....time for 2 more gallons of gas" I ride a motorcycle and love to say this one when next to the guy filling up his Hummer with 100 dollars worth of gas. (Hummers get a maximum of 12 miles per US gallon)

"Stop is not a suggestion.....it's the law" Used when I see people run stop signs in my neighborhood.

May 14, 2010, 2:00 PM
Julbug, I like it too, it quickly sums up a lot of situations, I have used FUBAR a few times in my military and now civilian service, it is normally followed by SNAFU….

May 14, 2010, 2:18 PM
Julbug, I like it too, it quickly sums up a lot of situations, I have used FUBAR a few times in my military and now civilian service, it is normally followed by SNAFU….

I like HOTAS too :) And of course its always important to know the ROE :bigrin:

May 14, 2010, 3:06 PM
Some remembered gems from my children.

My eldest always had a quaint way of putting things. He decided that if something was ''upside down,'' the opposite of that was obviously, ''upside right.'' Totally understandable, if you think about it.

And avacado was pronounced ''avva-kadoo''

When shopping in the supermarket, his younger (by one year), brother, spotted some cuts of meat and never having come across them before, decided and he was about 6, that the spelling was incorrect. ''Mummy, what are Lion steaks?'' Of course, it actually said, loin steaks. I'm not sure if he was relieved to find out that the supermarket, did not sell lion steaks, or not.

Another lovely word my eldest son used was ''natterator,'' for ''narrator,'' when writing a play, aged about 7.

May 14, 2010, 3:17 PM
I used to say "I'm more confused than a blind lesbian in the fish market" but was told it wasnt very proper, by a lesbian friend..lol
And I love SNAFU (Some Nasty Ass Fucked UP} And FUBAR (Fucked up beyond all reason (or repair) Years ago my oldest son used to exclaim "FORD" all the time. (Fucked over royal, Dude) lol.
I used to call my Supervisor at the VA "Putz" all the time and that was my fave saying. :}

May 14, 2010, 5:56 PM
odd english ones...

"if your father was a glass blower i could see right through you" for people who stand in front of tv!

gurt......from west country, especially brisol(bristol) meaning large

gurt Lush....really great again west country

grockle/groccle....tourist from outsude of cornwall

oggie...a pastie

"dont get i pregnant, i gotta go work in morning" plymouth girls reputedly say this to sailors.

NFG/NFP... Normal for Gosport/normal for plymouth....again sailor speak...as local residents go, they arnt thick...they are normal for these parts

May 14, 2010, 6:00 PM
I think lately...my favorite word has been cunt. It's very versatile...people don't give it enough credit.:2cents:

May 14, 2010, 6:04 PM
I think lately...my favorite word has been cunt. It's very versatile...people don't give it enough credit.:2cents:


May 14, 2010, 6:17 PM
I think lately...my favorite word has been cunt. It's very versatile...people don't give it enough credit.:2cents:

I think that "fuck" is actually the most versatile.

It is used in so many ways, but the most eloquent use of "fuck" was by one of our drill sergeants in basic, who had to unjam a bore brush from the barrel of a rifle.
After unsuccessfully banging the rod against a nearby tree for 5 minutes to force the brush out, he proclaimed, in total frustration, "FUCK. This fuckin fucker is fucked up".

May 14, 2010, 6:19 PM
I think lately...my favorite word has been cunt. It's very versatile...people don't give it enough credit.:2cents:

+the worst ever word to call a female.......very.very bad in English+

May 14, 2010, 6:36 PM
Originally Posted by Nedsome
Julbug, I like it too, it quickly sums up a lot of situations, I have used FUBAR a few times in my military and now civilian service, it is normally followed by SNAFU….
I like HOTAS too And of course its always important to know the ROE
julbug Re: favourite word or phrase


HOTAS: Hands On Throttle And Stick, ROE: Return On Equity for anyone besides me that didn’t get it, I had to google ROE. I like a good verbal exchange of wits, but I seemed to be outgunned, I surrender girl. Until next time....

May 15, 2010, 11:44 AM

My favorite word site is http://phrontistery.info/. WAY cool if you like words :.)

May 15, 2010, 1:14 PM
Spread puppyness wherever you go.

Oil of Olay is evil......they want to reduce puppyness. All of their recent commercials say so, the evil bastards.

May 15, 2010, 3:08 PM
Originally Posted by Nedsome
Julbug, I like it too, it quickly sums up a lot of situations, I have used FUBAR a few times in my military and now civilian service, it is normally followed by SNAFU….
I like HOTAS too And of course its always important to know the ROE
julbug Re: favourite word or phrase


HOTAS: Hands On Throttle And Stick, ROE: Return On Equity for anyone besides me that didn’t get it, I had to google ROE. I like a good verbal exchange of wits, but I seemed to be outgunned, I surrender girl. Until next time....

Close ROE = rules of engagement does that count as 2 pts for me?

May 15, 2010, 3:42 PM
"Quien bien te quiere te hara llorar"

"Chacho", "Aguacero", "Guagua", "Guachinche", "Tolete", "Cherne"... that´s in Spanish.

Then "preposterous" or "magnanimous" in English.

May 15, 2010, 4:17 PM
[QUOTE=Nadir;168815]"Quien bien te quiere te hara llorar"

"Chacho", "Aguacero", "Guagua", "Guachinche", "Tolete", "Cherne"... that´s in Spanish.

My spanish is very rusty....well non existent!

my word of today is

personification...as in he is the personification of beauty

May 16, 2010, 9:43 AM
phrase to use today if possible is...

cunning linguist...or variations therof!

May 16, 2010, 9:43 AM
Close ROE = rules of engagement does that count as 2 pts for me?

Jubug, Negative, 1 pt only, not the #1 acronym on the list, an additional 3 pts depends on your view of Right-of-entry….

May 16, 2010, 10:37 AM
Last nite we were at a club havin lil fun as we do mos sat nites.. saw me sista at the bar in animated lil tiff wiv 'er bf... Fran concerned for 'er big sis wos about 2 find out wot wos goin on wen Hellen pushes 'im away an me hears the expression.. "useless sniffledoofer".. now knowin big sis as me dus.. wen she uses that xpression it genrally means she is bout 2 move on... an so it proved.. spotted 'er at Taxi rank snoggin an maulin wot seemed 2 me 2 b a guy 10 years younga than she is who wos mos def not the offendin bf... tart!!!

May 16, 2010, 2:34 PM
never heard of this phrase, and unsure of meaning..pray tell and inform my curious mind


May 16, 2010, 4:10 PM

"I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you"


May 16, 2010, 5:44 PM
"It is what it is"

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

A situation cant be changed by wishing it to be different.

Deal with the facts as presented.

YES!!! I find myself saying that one about like three times a day! It IS what it is! Tough to think of a favorite one though, two i'm using right now though are 'You've gotta risk it to get the biscuit!' and 'Is the juice worth the squeeze?' those two are awesome.

May 16, 2010, 6:55 PM
never heard of this phrase, and unsure of meaning..pray tell and inform my curious mind


U referrin 2 me sista Max? The story goes that she used 2 hav a lil bunny wen she wos wee.. the boy next door ran ova it wiv 'is bike.. the bunny's name wos Sniffle.. she wos horrified an almos killed the lil sod screamin Sniffledoofer at 'im.. she wos only 4 at time.. but thats the story me gets from me mum an dad.. an as far as me knos thats the origin a the expression.. wetha it means "sniffledo for" or wot no 1 knos... certainly not 'er.. but if she uses it an callsya it..it means yas history..

May 16, 2010, 7:12 PM
+the worst ever word to call a female.......very.very bad in English+


Annika L
May 16, 2010, 8:58 PM

Yes, this is one of mine, too. I am also a fan of "unctuous".

And Mikey, personally, I'm much more of a fan of cosines than of cosigning. :tong:

May 16, 2010, 9:14 PM
Originally Posted by Nedsome
Julbug, I like it too, it quickly sums up a lot of situations, I have used FUBAR a few times in my military and now civilian service, it is normally followed by SNAFU….
I like HOTAS too And of course its always important to know the ROE
julbug Re: favourite word or phrase


HOTAS: Hands On Throttle And Stick, ROE: Return On Equity for anyone besides me that didn’t get it, I had to google ROE. I like a good verbal exchange of wits, but I seemed to be outgunned, I surrender girl. Until next time....

ROE can also be rules of engagement, or can I kill him or just bitch slap the shit out of him

May 16, 2010, 9:57 PM
anyone with millitary background will definately state its


All millitary personell when carrying firearms have to carry a card with the rules of engagement on it,

howver american forces in germany and britain also carry a card saying not to

bet with british as you will loose
drink with british because you will loose
fight with british because you will loose


May 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
I like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, as it remains quite easily something to say when you've nothing to say. :) Also tend to use 'the other day' a great deal, and it gets confusing because I might mean last month/week/yesterday. Even weirder was when I was using U.K. time and mashing days together, I had Suonday, Muesday and so on. I used to that because it was difficult meeting up with U.K. mates online what with time differences. Now we can use Internet Beats or UTC, or unfortunately, not talk at all. Think my mixing up weeks, days caused the unavoidable bit of madness which sent mates for the hills. Oh well, it happens. *sigh*

Being from the South, I never really understood Southern talk. It's ... s ... l ... o ... w. Folks in the South put great emphasis on talking, talking before they think. We also like being slow in order to let what we say really sink in, because usually we hate repeating ourselves and our words are important. I use 'well shiiit' a good bit too, and of course the Appalachian Southern, afixin. "I'm afixin to get that there John boat an go to fishin' down the dam. Ya'll c'mon." Translation: I'm getting prepared to go fishing in the John boat at the dam.

May 17, 2010, 3:11 AM
"I reckon"

That's the one other people are always nailing me for :.)

May 17, 2010, 3:42 AM
lol I have been using a phrase Duckie used to use all the time when talking... "No Worries" as kind of a you're welcome on a game I play when people mail me thank you for a bust out of house arrest.

another phrase I use quite often with Duck (and you can bet he wishes he'd never told me) is Cachau Dy that's Fuck you in Welsh

May 17, 2010, 3:12 PM
My Fave word is Spiffy. Dunno why. Just always thought it was fun to say. It's just a spiffy word.

May 18, 2010, 6:12 PM
words for today are


meaning very large

petrol/gas prices

the ever increasing stealth tax

May 18, 2010, 8:44 PM
"It's turtles all the way down!"

May 18, 2010, 8:58 PM
I share a passion for the word WICKED with a cool guy from New Hampshire.

Hubby's latest word of the hour is the pronunciation of Retard as in the movie Hangover...a Rah tad


May 18, 2010, 9:01 PM
i like it when he calls chap...fat jesus

May 18, 2010, 9:19 PM
mad as a hatter

comes from when hats were lined with lead, which caused insanity/strange manifestations...hence mad as a hatter

May 18, 2010, 9:24 PM
Me was told earlier tonight (well late las nite) that the most commonly used phrasewich rolls outa me gob.. "Kiss me arse!!!" .. used espesh wen peeps get on me tits or wen me m8s an me r jus actin daft...

..anya kno wot?? they cud b rite... thinkin bout it me knos me dus use it lots an lots an lots..:tong:

May 19, 2010, 3:35 PM
vasectomy is......never having to say.......sorry

May 19, 2010, 4:26 PM
Swallow. ( That explains it all! ) LOL

May 19, 2010, 4:42 PM
Swallow. ( That explains it all! ) LOL

i didnt know you were a twitcher(birdwatcher) lol

May 21, 2010, 4:02 PM
vasectomy is......never having to say.......sorry

LOL...I like that one...very funny.

May 21, 2010, 4:03 PM
My late mother.....''if i had my time over again''

May 21, 2010, 9:01 PM
My late mother.....''if i had my time over again''

hahahahaha..God ur mum an mine wud b gr8 m8s Canticle...

Mum's fave phrase wen wen she is riled by family rebellion and/or dispute.. "If I had my time over again, I would be short 1 so called man.. and 3 nauseating brats.... if I had my time again... Albert Finney wouldn't have been allowed to become the sad, fat old fart he has become." 2 wich me dad always says.. "If I had my time again I would change nothing except bloody Albert Finney.. you hav Albert bloody Finney..God save me from Albert bloody Finney..."

.. and every time wivout fail.. they smile start laffin an then hav a bloody gr8 snog.. 2 wich in unison.. we all sit ther an go "Yuuuughhhhhhhhh!"

May 22, 2010, 11:32 AM
hahahahaha..God ur mum an mine wud b gr8 m8s Canticle...

Mum's fave phrase wen wen she is riled by family rebellion and/or dispute.. "If I had my time over again, I would be short 1 so called man.. and 3 nauseating brats.... if I had my time again... Albert Finney wouldn't have been allowed to become the sad, fat old fart he has become." 2 wich me dad always says.. "If I had my time again I would change nothing except bloody Albert Finney.. you hav Albert bloody Finney..God save me from Albert bloody Finney..."

.. and every time wivout fail.. they smile start laffin an then hav a bloody gr8 snog.. 2 wich in unison.. we all sit ther an go "Yuuuughhhhhhhhh!"

Oh, I'm with your Dad on the Albert Finney thing....pain in the neck....over acts.....in fact, he isn't that good an actor. I went to see a play in the West End, not for him, but for Denholm Elliott (He of the fame...never act with animals, children and Denholm Elliott, because he'll act you off the screen or stage.....same can be said of Gene Hackman).

Denholm Elliott was sublime......Finney.......aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!

I hope your Mum and my Mum wouldn't be too much alike.......mine's dead.....she'd be 93 now. Awkward to the last of course.

One thing she used to say and I don't know where she got it from.....

''Man shall go so far and no further''

Yeah, I know....profound isn't it? LOL! She was a highly intelligent woman...so she was probably repeating what she had heard as a child.

May 23, 2010, 10:26 AM
I went to see a play in the West End, not for him, but for Denholm Elliott (He of the fame...never act with animals, children and Denholm Elliott

Denholm Elliott was sublime......Finney.......aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!

I hope your Mum and my Mum wouldn't be too much alike.......mine's dead.....she'd be 93 now. Awkward to the last of course.

One thing she used to say and I don't know where she got it from.....

''Man shall go so far and no further''

Yeah, I know....profound isn't it? LOL! She was a highly intelligent woman...so she was probably repeating what she had heard as a child.

Me mum is no fool.. not many get better of 'er.. an me dad very rarely.. she an me fire off 1 anotha.. always been the same..... an neitha admits defeat.. hav nev heard me mum say the man thing.. but she dusn need 2... men hav always been intimidated by 'er..

.. but Denholm Elliott? How canya act wenya spell Elliot wiv 2 t's.. me aksya... jus like the bams who spell it wiv 1 l... talentless charlatans..:tong:;)

May 23, 2010, 8:25 PM
Free at last, free at last
I thank God I'm free at last
Free at last, free at last
I thank God I'm free at last

Way down yonder in the graveyard walk
I thank God I'm free at last
Me and my Jesus going to meet and talk
I thank God I'm free at last

On my knees when the light pass'd by
I thank God I'm free at last
Tho't my soul would rise and fly
I thank God I'm free at last

Some of these mornings, bright and fair
I thank God I'm free at last
Goin' meet King Jesus in the air
I thank God I'm free at last

But the part I like....Free at last, free at last, I thank God I'm free at last......not because of Martin Luther King and what it is really about....but just something more personal to me. The King part, goes without saying.

May 23, 2010, 8:28 PM
Ahem.....Denholm was one of the most satisfying actors to watch. Sublime.

He was also bisexual.

May 25, 2010, 7:30 AM
Ahem.....Denholm was one of the most satisfying actors to watch. Sublime.

He was also bisexual.

Will say me did hav soft spot for ole Denholm.. part from spellin' is name rong, 'e always wos ver smooth.. but 'e did hav this tendency 2 do wot lotsa actors do.. lose 'imsel in the part playin.. well.. playin' 'imsel...;)

Dunno wot 'is ancestry is.. but do kno the village of Denholm near Hawick in the borders, is rite in middle a Elliot (1 t please note:bigrin:) country... jus a lil point a info forya Canticle babes...:)

May 25, 2010, 2:02 PM
lol One phrase I had to get away from when I started working for the Govt was "Yeah right, and my ass is a wind instrument and a fart's a whole note"
A term expressed when something told to you was bullshit. lol
Red Faced Cat

Sarah and Tom
May 25, 2010, 7:52 PM
I use "know what I mean?" a lot... and
"there ya go." or "well there ya go"
"goddamn sonofabitch fukkit all ta hell!"
"Hey" for "hi"
"say you can or say you can't and you're right"
"this might sound weird...." that one starts a LOT of my conversations LOL
My mom used to say "slicker than snot on a doorknob" when someone had gotten away with something in a very clever way.
"Dry as a popcorn fart" was when you were very very thirsty...
and my sister's famous quote: "I don't give a flying fuck to the moon"
My husband's grand mother used to say "she didn't say kiss my ass or kiss my foot" when someone snubbed her.


Sarah and Tom
May 25, 2010, 7:54 PM
"Yeah right, and my ass is a wind instrument and a fart's a whole note"

I LOVE that one!!!

May 25, 2010, 8:10 PM
In place of telling people I just don't give a S**t, I turn to them and sweetly say........ That's nice

May 25, 2010, 9:04 PM
Another thing my mother used to say......

''be merciful, if you're bountiful''

probably another thing handed down over the generations

May 25, 2010, 11:27 PM
lol Sarah and Tom, that one used to get me in trouble alot..lol And my Boss wasnt happy with me telling VA Claims Substanciators to take an "Airbourne Fornication" now and then either.....Snicker:bigrin:
Bad Cat

May 26, 2010, 3:36 AM

The increasingly popular and irrational "init?" which is a contraction of "isn't it" (not "isn't that so?") used as in

"She'll be going home early to day, init?"

liked and often used.

"Pigs in Space" denoting incredulity

May 26, 2010, 3:41 AM
Perhaps someone could check on this one cos V.Meldrew is beating to burst out of my chest.

"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

--Mariah Carey

May 26, 2010, 4:11 AM
Heard yesterday on the school playgroud as a particularly obnxious 14 year old boy was taunting two older girls with sexually explicit remarks..

Boy.. "Go an ile (oil) yer fanny (pussy) wi' loadsi vinegar ye wrinkled auld prune".

Girl (tough as nails) after grabbing aforesaid cheeky sod.. " Ye see this hand? One mair f***in' comment oot o' your foul trap an' ye'll find it rammed up yer arse, wrapped roond yer innards an ye'll be pulled inside oot.. then I'll hing (hang) ye off the rugby posts doon the playin fields ti fuckin' dry.."

Boy.. "Miss.. MISS.. HELP ME...."

..and so Miss became mediator, life saver and disciplinarian....

Ahhh twas 'ere thus....:bigrin:

May 26, 2010, 10:40 AM
no count sum bitch kentucky 1972 still use phrase good one.

May 26, 2010, 11:16 AM
Jetzt geht es um die Wurst...

May 26, 2010, 12:20 PM
"That's a horse of a different color." Old American phrase referring to something unexpected or for opinion-changing information. Was still commonly used in the Midwest til the late 50's - early 60's.

"if I had a nickle for every time........." (I heard that, saw that, that happened, etc.)

May 27, 2010, 11:44 AM
''Never let the bastards grind you down''

Favourite thing to say by the first man I ever loved.........who also used to say the following.....at appropriate times, during conversations, with others....

''Look, it's gruesome. Look again, it's grew some more''

Swore like mad too!!

May 27, 2010, 11:48 AM
"That's a horse of a different color." Old American phrase referring to something unexpected or for opinion-changing information. Was still commonly used in the Midwest til the late 50's - early 60's.

"if I had a nickle for every time........." (I heard that, saw that, that happened, etc.)

Those are phrases, that will find British people using, too. Were and still are used.

May 27, 2010, 11:57 AM
Heard yesterday on the school playgroud as a particularly obnxious 14 year old boy was taunting two older girls with sexually explicit remarks..

Boy.. "Go an ile (oil) yer fanny (pussy) wi' loadsi vinegar ye wrinkled auld prune".

Girl (tough as nails) after grabbing aforesaid cheeky sod.. " Ye see this hand? One mair f***in' comment oot o' your foul trap an' ye'll find it rammed up yer arse, wrapped roond yer innards an ye'll be pulled inside oot.. then I'll hing (hang) ye off the rugby posts doon the playin fields ti fuckin' dry.."

Boy.. "Miss.. MISS.. HELP ME...."

..and so Miss became mediator, life saver and disciplinarian....

Ahhh twas 'ere thus....:bigrin:

Like that Fran...very funny. Well done, that girl.

.....and.....ahem....Denholm was exactly how an actor should be.....perfection and never played himself (leave that to people like Olivier and Caine and Finney and O'Toole and couple of Welsh guys)......No, No.......he was like the difference between Venice and Florence....one being beautiful, but brash, the other being classy and sublime.....enchanting and as my older son said to me, when visiting Florence, with his fiancee's family.....''It's all that you said, it would be and more''.......that's what Denholm's acting was like....a total joy to behold.

May 27, 2010, 1:08 PM
Heard yesterday on the school playgroud as a particularly obnxious 14 year old boy was taunting two older girls with sexually explicit remarks..

Boy.. "Go an ile (oil) yer fanny (pussy) wi' loadsi vinegar ye wrinkled auld prune".

Girl (tough as nails) after grabbing aforesaid cheeky sod.. " Ye see this hand? One mair f***in' comment oot o' your foul trap an' ye'll find it rammed up yer arse, wrapped roond yer innards an ye'll be pulled inside oot.. then I'll hing (hang) ye off the rugby posts doon the playin fields ti fuckin' dry.."

Boy.. "Miss.. MISS.. HELP ME...."

..and so Miss became mediator, life saver and disciplinarian....

Ahhh twas 'ere thus....:bigrin:

I played hockey against your lot and was lucky to get out alive. When they selected me for a second match the following year I "caught" flu.

May 27, 2010, 7:21 PM
I played hockey against your lot and was lucky to get out alive. When they selected me for a second match the following year I "caught" flu.

Aaah.. diplomatic flu.. or in ur case.. a bad dose of the trots... tee hee:tong:

May 27, 2010, 7:30 PM
n the words of my son, which I catch myself using more than I want to...derf! Which I guess is the new duh.

My Mom says I use sorry way too much. I apologize for everything apparently, even if it wasn't something I could control.
Hun, I call everyone that. My favorite thing used to be to call people sweet pea.
I hate when I go to think of something I say alot and then can't think of any thing!! I will post more later if I think of them.

May 27, 2010, 11:26 PM
My favourite: "You know what I mean."

May 30, 2010, 1:55 PM
Favorite word(s): Summer, Ocean, Beach, Vacation

Favorite phrase(s): "...if you're tired of the same ol' story...turn some pages..." from REO Speedwagon's "Roll with the Changes". For some reason that lyric really hit home with me when I first heard it back in the 70's. I took it to mean that if there was something in your life you didn't like then do something about, i.e. "turn some pages". It's actually gotten me through some tough times. Funny how a song can have such an impact.

And here's two phrases from Lee Haney, 8-time Mr. Olympia professional bodybuilding champion that I liked, and still think about while working out: "Last set, best set" and "Stimulate, don't annihilate"

May 30, 2010, 2:17 PM
Mt favorite phraes is "Lifes a bitch then you marry one"

May 31, 2010, 2:26 PM
As ive had a really good week away in france, the word of the day is.....

FRENCH- as in French kissing...to kiss using one's tongue

French Polishing- to give head to a bloke

May 31, 2010, 7:08 PM
Mt favorite phraes is "Lifes a bitch then you marry one"

LOL...I like that. I used to think that ''Life's a bitch and then you die'' was actually ''Life's a beach and then you dive.'' Probably, not a lot of difference.

Jun 1, 2010, 8:45 AM
LOL...I like that. I used to think that ''Life's a bitch and then you die'' was actually ''Life's a beach and then you dive.'' Probably, not a lot of difference.

My mum says something similar Canticle.. she says "Life is hard and then you die". When she loses her temper she alters it to "f***in' Shite and then u die.. ". Foul mouthed old bat...:bigrin: Usually she screams that at you from about 4" from your face.. and people say I'm crabbit bitch!!!!!:tong:

Jun 1, 2010, 7:00 PM
keep playing with that and youll turn to stone...

mmmmmmmm best phrase ever lol

Jun 1, 2010, 7:45 PM
keep playing with that and youll turn to stone...

mmmmmmmm best phrase ever lol

When I was 12 we were staying with my mum's parents in Salford for a family wedding. After the wedding Mum and Dad took a few days to themselves and my grandparents looked after us. My Grandma, an old Mancunian harridan with no sense of humour and an evil temper, who none of us liked caught my brother playing with himself. She said to him that if he carried on doing that disgusting thing he would go blind. Big bruv said for her not to be stupid (ever the cheeky bugger) that was an old wives tale.. she snapped back at him.. "Its no old wives tale u cheeky little bugger. See these two fingers? Do it again and I'll poke your bloody eyes out.. ".

Jun 1, 2010, 7:51 PM
When I was 12 we were staying with my mum's parents in Salford for a family wedding. After the wedding Mum and Dad took a few days to themselves and my grandparents looked after us. My Grandma, an old Mancunian harridan with no sense of humour and an evil temper, who none of us liked caught my brother playing with himself. She said to him that if he carried on doing that disgusting thing he would go blind. Big bruv said for her not to be stupid (ever the cheeky bugger) that was an old wives tale.. she snapped back at him.. "Its no old wives tale u cheeky little bugger. See these two fingers? Do it again and I'll poke your bloody eyes out.. ".

lmao...n'er a truer word said in the heat of battle lol

Jun 1, 2010, 9:08 PM
"shits and giggles, shenanigans, and jackhole."

Jun 2, 2010, 3:43 AM
When I was 12 we were staying with my mum's parents in Salford for a family wedding. After the wedding Mum and Dad took a few days to themselves and my grandparents looked after us. My Grandma, an old Mancunian harridan with no sense of humour and an evil temper, who none of us liked caught my brother playing with himself. She said to him that if he carried on doing that disgusting thing he would go blind. Big bruv said for her not to be stupid (ever the cheeky bugger) that was an old wives tale.. she snapped back at him.. "Its no old wives tale u cheeky little bugger. See these two fingers? Do it again and I'll poke your bloody eyes out.. ".

Twas 'er that wos the 1st person 2 call me "tart"... wos 14 an me sista an me wer in Manchester wiv a cuppla lads in the Arndale Centre.. ole Fanny Face spotted us in a cafe an the lad wos strokin insida me thigh (down near me knee.. not up me skirt).. next thing me knew wos me wos yanked outa the seat by the hair, the lad cracked across the chops an 'er shoutin' in me face "Yer no more than the devil's tart". An she skited me across the head a few times wich wos bloody sore me can tellya.. me sista jumped up 2 defend me an she copped 1 'cross the face an all, an got told she was nowt moren a brassy slut (she told me lata that 'er lads hand wos up inside the back of 'er jumpa).. an so wos born Fran tart...:)

Jun 2, 2010, 3:57 PM
worst phrases are

taxman,penalty,go to court...do not pass go and pay a fine.....

ooooops! if you are a surgeon

Jun 5, 2010, 4:31 PM
Words of the day today...

topless builder

yummy or what!

Jun 5, 2010, 5:31 PM
Words of the day today...

topless builder

yummy or what!

Yummie is fine..me uses it a lot.. spesh wen ther sum 1 yummie 'bout or summat yummie happened or sum yummie shoes or sum yummie clothes.. but "or what"? God.. numba a peeps that say "or what".. they shud wash ther mouths out wiv soap..:tong:

Jun 5, 2010, 6:41 PM
The thought just struck me that Fran's speech is like that of the gardner, in "Lady Chatterly's Lover"!

Jun 5, 2010, 6:59 PM
The thought just struck me that Fran's speech is like that of the gardner, in "Lady Chatterly's Lover"!

hahahahaha...Lady C wud hav a luffly time wiv me an all teachin 'er the joys a Oral a la Fran:tong:

Jun 5, 2010, 10:23 PM
in honour of visit to wales on fri.....

"whats occurring"

in honour of my trip to london today....

"blimey guvnor,slip us a monkey and ill let the strife show her thruppeny bits"

enjoy deciphering the second one lol

Jun 6, 2010, 4:41 AM
1) "Fuck my bum big boy and see if you can get it to shoot out of my nostrils"

2) "I've said too much again haven't I?"

Jun 8, 2010, 1:18 PM
if it floats yer boat...use it I say haeph!

although i wud never go into soho and say "can I push your stool in mate?"