View Full Version : Are women that like Transvestites/cd's a little bit gay?

May 10, 2010, 6:48 PM
Weird question - If a woman has sex with a transvestite, or a she-male so to say, does that make them a little bit lesbian. I ask this, cause I have a lady freind who has told me shes never been with a woman, but loves it with a transvestite or transexual, and admits to being intimate with them. I've been dancing with her sometimes and shes been intimate with me on the dancefloor. Its like, we get close and she runs her hands up my dress and she clutches my bum. When we've sat down she cant stop playing my dress aswell. Its like, there must be something feminine that makes them act like this.

May 10, 2010, 7:01 PM
Good question, and I think the answer is yes. I do have only one personal example, although I have read others' posts about their own wives taking the role of male lover in bed, and quite often enjoying the experience almost as much as we do. My wife loves to make love to me when I am fully dressed up as a chick, and takes great pleasure in being the man in charge. Ask her about having any lesbian/bisexual feelings herself, and she will deny having any such feelings.

Hmmm...we wonders....

May 10, 2010, 7:08 PM
Of course!
So go for GUSTO!:flag3:

May 10, 2010, 11:55 PM
I don't know if it's that simple. Often I've wondered if my love for cross-dressing is at all related to my bisexuality. Truthfully, I still haven't figured out the answer to that question since I prefer androgynous women as well (and even a feminine women wearing more masculine attire becomes infinitely hotter to me than if she were wearing a dress). So I don't know...maybe enjoying transvestitism is just as much a radical sexual identity as the act itself. Outside the boundaries of straight/gay/bi, that is.

May 11, 2010, 1:47 PM
*grins* Thanks for that.

Seriously though, I think the line of musing doesn't so much go with what goes on in the bedroom as the initial attraction. Of which, I still don't have an answer. It's a mystery to me, personally, the why. I know that I just like it and it turns me on.

May 11, 2010, 5:16 PM
I believe that all people have one time or another thought about what it would be like to be with a person of the same sex. I also believe that all people fit somewhere on the scale of sexuality. No one is 100% this or that. Even people who identify as homosexual will be attracted to people of the opposite sex. It may not be a sexual attraction but an attraction never less. Some people are willing to experiment and others not. It all has to do with ones own comfort zone. This just might be a woman's way of experimenting with attraction without leaving her comfort zone. In the end bi, homo, hetero, gay, queer and what not are just labels that mean nothing. Only she can tell you what she is. We are all just sexual creatures that are attracted to one another and most of the time we don't know why.