View Full Version : Family Guy has insulted just about everyone. Transgender was last night

May 10, 2010, 3:24 PM
So used the bashing on everything else, I must admit I never expected them devoting a whole episode to transgender folks.

May 10, 2010, 3:34 PM
To be fair, I don't really get offended - you have to take things lightly, especially if you watch Family Guy. I'm in a wheelchair, and the Joe Swanson character seems a rare positive image of a disabled person. People do tend to raise an eyebrow or two when I say I love Family Guy despite all it's cheap shots at 'gross cripples'...


May 10, 2010, 4:47 PM
To be fair, I don't really get offended - you have to take things lightly, especially if you watch Family Guy. I'm in a wheelchair, and the Joe Swanson character seems a rare positive image of a disabled person. People do tend to raise an eyebrow or two when I say I love Family Guy despite all it's cheap shots at 'gross cripples'...


I too love the Family Guy and do not get offended by it. They make fun of everybody and everything and that is what I think I like about it. Sometimes the best medicine is laughing at the things we take so seriously. Plus Quagmire comes to terms with it at the end of the episode when his father explains how unhappy his life has been and he just wants to be happy.

May 10, 2010, 7:53 PM
What happened to Jeannie_TG?
I tried to find her last known thread.
I know she'd been going by another "Jeannie"... but ... I can't find her and I am concerned.

May 10, 2010, 9:07 PM
Episode: http://www.hulu.com/watch/144903/family-guy-quagmires-dad

I did not appreciate the way they characterized the relationship at the end of the episode and I'm actually a big fan of the series.

I loved the first seasons of the program, before they got picked up again by FOX - I loved the way they lampooned all of those pop culture references (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWogTTQJRmE&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaBy9GTTRw0) but now it seems as if they are just reaching for straws.

..sort of the same way that SNL and MAD TV are no longer seem to be all that funny either ..

May 10, 2010, 9:15 PM
What happened to Jeannie_TG?
I tried to find her last known thread.
I know she'd been going by another "Jeannie"... but ... I can't find her and I am concerned.

She was going by *jeanie* however at the moment it appears her account has been deactivated.

Not without cause I might add.

As far as this particular show goes - its the same as it was on "The Cleavland Show" a few months ago. Same stupid jokes and same stupid ideas.

Just a bit too close to home for me to enjoy.

May 10, 2010, 9:40 PM
To be fair, I don't really get offended - you have to take things lightly, especially if you watch Family Guy. I'm in a wheelchair, and the Joe Swanson character seems a rare positive image of a disabled person. People do tend to raise an eyebrow or two when I say I love Family Guy despite all it's cheap shots at 'gross cripples'...


I agree there.

Family Guy takes shots at everyone, so why shouldn't TG folks be included? But more importantly, who is left for them to take pot shots at? Sadly, I missed that episode.

The Simpsons and South Park both do the same thing to varying degrees. I wish that we could, as a society get over being oversensitive about everything.

But then, I have always disliked political correctness, which is the real reason that we have gotten this way, as a society, in the first place.

Realistically speaking, the only one who can offend any of us is ourselves. We choose to be offended, rather than just look at it as just another statement of opinion.

Really. How many of us guys get offended when they show guys as "pigs", pussyhounds/cockhounds (sexuality considered) or dumb on TV?

How many women get offended by the same thing when women are the ones used for a laugh?

Like I said, we choose to be offended, but the vast majority of people, as subjects of the "joke" just take it as nothing of import.

There was a comedian once, who said "If you can't laugh at yourself, then make fun of other people".

Think about that statement and roll it around in your heads for a bit. See if it doesn't hit human nature right on the bull's eye.

People get too sensitive over things that are fleeting in our lives.
And while there is plenty of things to "take up arms" against in this world, there is far too much that gets blown out of control by people with an overzealous internal need to be offended at every little whip-stitch of offense; real or perceived.

I love The Simpsons and Family Guy (South Park is a bit too gross for my tastes, but not horrible). They make fun of so much and only once have they edited their show for PC purposes (humorless Muslims), but that was the network's decision.

May 10, 2010, 11:37 PM
I'm not insulted, its just not very original and/ or funny, IMO

Same tired jokes that are always used...

May 11, 2010, 12:24 AM
I'm not insulted, its just not very original and/ or funny, IMO

Same tired jokes that are always used...

Well, that is the down side to it, there is only so much that can be used before it gets out of hand. After a while it becomes "same joke, different difference".

Sometimes it's funny; sometimes it isn't. But then it's the same with all of those shows, really. Isn't it?

May 11, 2010, 1:17 AM
I love family guy.
I'm not nor ever will be politically correct, therefore support Family Guy.
If you don't like it, change the channel.

May 11, 2010, 1:20 AM
Well, that is the down side to it, there is only so much that can be used before it gets out of hand. After a while it becomes "same joke, different difference".

Sometimes it's funny; sometimes it isn't. But then it's the same with all of those shows, really. Isn't it?

Of course.

May 11, 2010, 3:17 AM
I'm not nor ever will be politically correct,........

You just made my Yule card list. :bigrin:

May 11, 2010, 9:44 AM
Well Marie, glad you feel that way. You're one of two people I thought of that I think watches Family Guy.

I'm also in a rutt with the show, I think this is their worst season yet. That's what happens when you decide to make 3 shows I suppose.

May 12, 2010, 12:28 AM
As others have said if you don't like it switch the channel, Family Guy is one of the best shows....they go places others won't, but at the same time keep you thinking and laughing. We're all too hung up today and humor breaks boundaries otherwise untouchable. I myself crossdress and find no offense in the episode, it's what reality is and what people must face due to ignorance.