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May 7, 2010, 7:02 PM
I'm a 21 year old bisexual college student. I accepted my sexuality about 3 months ago.

I'd be lying if I said this was the easiest thing for me to do. I'm happy however that I found this forum.. Bisexuals are hard to find around here.. or well, they're hard to find when you're not all the way out. Only two of my friends know, both flaming homosexuals. Which doesn't really help me much because we're different. Usually our conversations are similar to this:

"Hey, so, wait, you think those two guys kissing is attractive?"
"Well, sure. Yeah."
"but.. you also find two women kissing to be attractive."
"of course."
"Oh, Bi guys. I wish I understood."
"Yeah, me too."

It's been a confusing road. Some of my friends that I really want to tell I can't, because they have voiced opinions of bisexuals. "selfish." "Why can't they just decide?" etc. Which, I don't blame them. If you think about it, we are pretty weird people.

I felt inclined to write a bit about me to make some new friends. But I have some things I want to ask you guys.

How did you become comfortable?
Any horror stories?
Guys, is it difficult finding women as an out bisexual?
Actually, I read a thread about what is the best thing about being bisexual. I'd say my answer is getting to learn so much more than a straight or gay person will every know. So tell me anything about you.

May 7, 2010, 8:09 PM
Welcome Trey!

How did you become comfortable?
It took me until my 30's. Mostly because I was dealing with my gender isues prior to that.

Any horror stories?

Not really, I am pretty careful meeting folks. I advise you to be the same.

May 7, 2010, 8:16 PM
You've found the right place, Trey!

There's some great folks here.............and a few nuts, too. Take what you need and ignore the rest.


May 7, 2010, 8:50 PM
I'm also wondering if I become open about this whether it will freak out most women and make me wholly undesirable. Life's a beach eh? :)

May 7, 2010, 11:44 PM
On the contrary Hon. Some women find Bi men to be Very sensual and exciting. Not All, mind you, but some of us do. ;) When you find a lady that thinks 2 men (or more) together is hot, then you'll have a fantastic time. :bigrin:
Good luck to ya.

May 7, 2010, 11:48 PM
Thanks Cat. That may be one person's opinion, but I'm hoping it holds true for many more. :)

How should it come up though? And when? First date seems kinda soon, 5 years later seems kinda late.

May 8, 2010, 9:00 AM
The best thing about being bi is being able to love someone for more than what is between the legs.

The worst thing? maybe not having concrete answers. Growing up I kept trying to prove to myself that I was either straight or gay so I could "decide" if I was going to get married, etc. before I finally just gave up and realized that my sexuality is only one part of who I am as a whole person.

Experiencing that struggle for me made the whole "double your chances on a date" argument seem superficial - it can be a struggle to shift your perspective if you have been taught to only like one thing OR the other.

Finding this site opened my eyes to the fact that not everything is black and white..just like everything else in life there is a wide spectrum of sexual and romantic feelings that people may experience. There certainly are spouses who are accepting of bi people.

May 8, 2010, 3:33 PM
Thanks guys.
I suppose like with everything it just takes time.

May 8, 2010, 3:59 PM
First off welcome to the right place for anything you need to know or some of what you may not have wanted to know but now do. I first told my wife before we ever started dating. She took me as a friend even calling me a "male shopping partner that would at least be honest." After a while of knowing her we got engaged and a year or so later married. Have been now for five years. Just with in the past year she has opened up to me she is actually bi-courious but doesn't know if she would ever try.
Horror story. I've told my family when I first came out since they always preached understanding and tolerance of others. They said that they use to have friends that were homosexual. But as soon as I said I am bi they all looked at me like I was a child molseter and watched me closely around my neices and nephews. Since I have been married they now think "I am straight and out of that phase."
The best part about being bi for me is being able to reach my hands down anyone's pants and being happy with what I find. But as someone said in an early post, its not all about sex. Bi-sexuals can make great company because most can see all points of view and sides of topics.
As I've told others feel free to contact and ask more if you wish.

May 8, 2010, 4:18 PM
" Bi-sexuals can make great company because most can see all points of view and sides of topics."

hmm Really???