View Full Version : Anniversary of VE Day

May 6, 2010, 7:02 PM
Saturday, 8th May, will be the 65th Anniversary of VE Day,(Victory in Europe Day). A day when the long hard slog by the Allies could witness some rejoicing and the hope that the War might soon be over, once the Japanese too were beaten.

For those remaining Vets it will be a time of mixed feelings, with memories of the friends and comrades they have lost, and the horrors many of them witnessed.

In all humility, might I ask all of you, to remember them in your prayers and thoughts on this day.

If you can, please spare a few moments of your day to seek them out and offer them your thanks for their efforts and the sacrifices they have made.

If you can afford to do so, please offer to buy them a drink and wish them well, but even a few moments of your time will help them realise they are all appreciated.

I thank all of you that took the time to read this thread.

Lest We Forget.

May 6, 2010, 8:23 PM
Canadians and the Dutch are eternally linked and remembered on VE Day. The Dutch have held a special place of honour in their hearts for the Canadian soldiers who liberated them from the Nazis. The Dutch were starved and treated poorly during that era. This love has often been extended to Canadian travellers who have travelled in the Netherlands. Some of the remaining Canadian vets travelled to the Netherlands for the ceremonies along with the Canadian PM. Other Canadian vets attended ceremonies across Canada.

May 6, 2010, 9:31 PM
Will be thinking of them with the utmost respect and never forgetting that some gave all.

Lest we forget