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View Full Version : Positive reinforcement

May 6, 2010, 6:55 AM
I just love stuff like this... enjoy :)


May 6, 2010, 10:56 AM
So many truths in that post, Peg, especially this one:

9. If all my wishes came true right now, life would be perfect

Many years ago I used to look at other families and wonder what it would take to be like them. They seemed to have it all, beautiful kids, a lovely home, vacations to dream of, and all the trappings of a material world. I soon learned that "having it all" wasn't so good...I learned that the people who I thought lived charmed lives very often had a closet full of skeletons that would make life unbearable. I learned very quickly to appreciate what life dealt to me and to make the best of what I had and more than anything, I learned to appreciate what I had and to be grateful for it. Wishing for more isn't always in one's best interest.

May 6, 2010, 11:16 AM
for sure kate... wish I'd known a couple of those earlier in life (#10); mercifully one is never too old and it's never too late to re-learn.

>>u<< good to see you around the hallways again :)


May 6, 2010, 1:56 PM
All wise word ladies.

You have to sometimes give in to grief, allow it to have it's own way. The grieving may take days, weeks, months, years or forever, but it has to happen. A person may never, ever, feel quite as whole, as they once did, but life still goes on, around that grief. It has to, otherwise we stagnate, polluting our soul.

So allow the tears to flow as you type the words, or think, or laugh. Tears flow, inward and outward, silently, or with body shaking sobbing, but life continues and there are other hurdles to clear. The grief, may prepare one, for bad times ahead, or the appreciation of joyous events.

There is a certain beauty in sadness. For the bigger picture can be seen. Happiness removes her cloak of invisibility and shows you, just what could be. What could have been, has never happened and so, the truth of reality. hits home.

May 6, 2010, 2:26 PM
lol Now you know why Southern women look at someone the merely tolerate(Or dislike immensely), put on their best, sweetest smile and say, "Well bless yer lil heart"
Because this is how we were Taught to do, rather then tell them to take an Airborne Fornication. (Personally, I'd rather choose that route, but hey, thats just me) *Snicker*
Silly Cat

May 6, 2010, 4:31 PM
All very good with great meanings.I for one am a very firm believer in with positive thinking comes positive things!

May 6, 2010, 5:00 PM
Thanks for the link Peg. Interesting to consider.

May 6, 2010, 10:21 PM
Very good post Peg---I agree with most of what was said in the material.
