View Full Version : Same Sex Marriage In Texas

May 5, 2010, 6:59 PM
This cracks me up -


EL PASO -- Can a person born a man but who is now a woman marry another woman?

Sabrina J. Hill and her longtime girlfriend, Therese "Tee" Bur, were legally married Monday in San Antonio after being unable to get a marriage license in El Paso.

"It's a weight lifted," Hill said Tuesday in a telephone interview. "Now the federal government and state government recognize our love."

The marriage of two women from rural Hudspeth County has put a spotlight on Texas laws and has El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal asking the state attorney general for clarification.

The Texas Constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman.

According to documents, Hill was born Virgil Eugene Hill Jr. in New York state.

After a medical procedure as a infant, Hill grew up as boy and as a man served in the U.S. Army. She said she always felt something was different. "I knew what I looked like and what I was, was not the same," Hill said.

Around the age of 28, a medical exam found that Hill had ovaries. She eventually had a sex-change surgery, and she legally became Sabrina Jeanne Hill in 1991.

About 17 years ago, Hill and Bur met and have since considered themselves to be married, even if it not legally.

May 5, 2010, 8:15 PM
This is the first F2M2F I've ever heard of! LOL Texas, quick, help us, we need more letters.

Thanks for posting this Marie!


May 5, 2010, 8:27 PM
Wow that's fantastic news. That kind of sets a precedent for change (even if it is a loophole) in Texas of all places. This is a fantastic transgendered loophole that if it applies to their "Constitution" between one man and a woman. A sex-changed man can marry a woman. That's a big deal for any same sex marriage in the home of Americas "Conservative values".

May 5, 2010, 8:37 PM
the funny/ sad part of this is that a few years ago a transwoman who had been married to a man lost the inheritance that was due her as his wife. Because it doesnt matter in Texas what your gender is currently , only what it says on your birth certificate..

This isnt the first F/MtF Marriage I have heard of, I know of a few more. It does, however illustrate the idiocy of defining marriage as "one man , one woman."

Because there is no legal definition for "man" and "woman"

Especially when it comes to intersexxed or transgender folks.

May 6, 2010, 1:55 AM
The law is an ass. - - Charles Dickens was more right than we know, especially since the original quote was about the laws ignorance about the realities of marriage.


May 6, 2010, 7:21 AM
Um, this has nothing to do with transexuality, transgender, trans-am's or anything like that.

This is a person with XX chromosomal features who have female psuedohermophroditism. (I know its a mouth full). She is a genetic female and at birth was misdiagnosed because of the failure of the ovaries to descend in the absence of the androgen pathway support and perhaps some enzyme deficiencies with the mullerian duct development...its hard to say from one article or commentary. Its also possible that Reifenstein syndrome is at work in her, or androgen insensitivity syndrome is at play. Feel free to look them up and educate yourselves.

Transgender is a broad scoped catch-all for PHENOTYPIC MALES who are also GENOTYPICALLY MALE (yes there are females in this category as well, but its merely a discussion point). They may "feel" they are not who they should be, but the chromosomes and phenotype are in order. The problem with this designation is that transsexual, cross-dressing, transvestite, consciously androgynous people, people who are genderqueer, people who live cross-gender, drag kings and drag queens, among many others, are all lumped in together not to mention the above chromosomal anomalies which a person was raised as a sex they clearly are not. The overuse of transgender is more related to gender identity disorder than anything else.

May 6, 2010, 8:51 AM
Um, this has nothing to do with transexuality, transgender, trans-am's or anything like that.

This is a person with XX chromosomal features who have female psuedohermophroditism. (I know its a mouth full). She is a genetic female and at birth was misdiagnosed because of the failure of the ovaries to descend in the absence of the androgen pathway support and perhaps some enzyme deficiencies with the mullerian duct development...its hard to say from one article or commentary. Its also possible that Reifenstein syndrome is at work in her, or androgen insensitivity syndrome is at play. Feel free to look them up and educate yourselves.

Transgender is a broad scoped catch-all for PHENOTYPIC MALES who are also GENOTYPICALLY MALE (yes there are females in this category as well, but its merely a discussion point). They may "feel" they are not who they should be, but the chromosomes and phenotype are in order. The problem with this designation is that transsexual, cross-dressing, transvestite, consciously androgynous people, people who are genderqueer, people who live cross-gender, drag kings and drag queens, among many others, are all lumped in together not to mention the above chromosomal anomalies which a person was raised as a sex they clearly are not. The overuse of transgender is more related to gender identity disorder than anything else.

Numbers between FtM's and MtF's are actually about equal. The term transgender applies equally to both.

I dont get your point here?

No one here has said she was transgender. However the original case(the Littleton Case) was a marriage of a transwoman and a male. That is the marriage that was invalidated under Texas law.

The term psuedohermaphrodism isnt in common use, mostly the term is intersexed. Psuedohermaphrodism is a more technical term.